夢寒霜月冷師門:義公禪師之修悟教化與繼席伏獅=Cold Dreams and Moon in the Master’s School : Indoctrination of Yigong Zen Master and Her Succession to the Fu-Shih |
著者 |
蘇美文 (著)=Su, Mei-wen (au.)
掲載誌 |
臺北大學中文學報=Journal of Chinese Language and Literature of National Taipei University
巻号 | n.6 |
出版年月日 | 2009.03 |
ページ | 37 - 84 |
出版者 | 國立台北大學中國語文學系 |
出版地 | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
キーワード | 祇園=Qi-Yuan; 義公=Yigong; 一揆=Yiquai; 伏獅=Fu-Shih |
抄録 | 本文是有關女性禪師傳承的歷程,以及承繼者修悟教化的論述。在被記載的禪師傳承系譜中,女性禪師出現的數量少,而且多是孤起而絕,很少有再傳承下去的記載,即使有,也只傳了一代,數量也極少。數量少,資料更稀,所以祇園開啟伏獅女禪風潮,並以義公為伏獅禪院繼席者,二人都有語錄與行狀留存,見證了女性禪師傳承,便顯得珍貴而有意義。本文以「女性禪師的傳承」為切入點,先舖陳義公的傳記,進而討論義公與祇園的互動、傳承過程、傳承信物、源流頌古、祇園的安排、繼席後的困境、再囑託一揆等問題;亦因而探討女庵的修行環境、義公的禪風教化、私庵問題、繼席困境的各種可能。這段女禪傳承難得被光點亮,但隨著伏獅的人情皆變,義公繼席產生非常大的困頓,所謂「夢寒霜月冷師門」、「獨慚孤影擲乾坤」,而「師門冷落」與「知音不遇」,成了義公繼席的註腳。她性格脫灑自由,自悟自了,禪風卻氣象壯闊、說理明暢,但諸緣未具,伏獅女禪傳承有如曇花一現、瞬間煙火,雖然同門一揆仍有餘緒加以撐持,可是二代三人,有如慧星曳尾,隨即消失在歷史舞臺。
This study is about the process of succession of a female zen master and the successor’s thinking. In the recorded pedigree of zen masters succession, female zen masters are rare. Most of them were alone and had no successors. Even if they had successors, there was only one generation in very small amount with little information. Therefore, Qi-Yuan started the trend of Fu-Shih female zen and appointed Yigong as the successor of Fu-Shih Zen monastery. Both of them left words and behaviors in record, which is so precious and meaningful for witnessing the succession of female zen masters. The purposes of this research, as a result, are to explore the process of Yigong’s Indoctrination, features of education, her encounter with Qi-Yuan, process of succession, composition of Ode to Origin and Development, succession situation and difficulties and so on. At last, according to Yigong’s circumstances, some investigations are made on requirements of great monastery for nuns and women. The light of female zen succession was finally in ignited, but with the difficulties of Yigong succession and constant changes, so called “cold dreams and moon in the master’s school,” “staking the universe alone,” “unfrequented master’s school,” and “no encounter with someone who understands the doctrines” became the footnotes of Yigong succession. Although her zen style is free with clear reasons and magnificence, the succession was short-lived, like a flash in the pan. Even with support of Yiquai, it still disappeared in the history, just like the tail of the comet suddenly vanishing in the sky. |
目次 | 一、前言 二、修悟行傳 (一)八歲出家 1 歲 ~8 歲 明萬曆四十三年~天啟二年 (1615~1622) (二)一段缺漏 8 歲~32 歲 明天啟二年~清順治三年 (1622~1646) (三)敦請祇園主伏獅 32 歲~?歲 順治三年 (1646)~? (四)發奮叢林參學 33 歲~35 歲 順治四年~六年 (1647~1649) (五)豁然桶底脫落 36 歲 約順治七年 (1650) (六)回任伏獅監院,再閉關般若 36 歲~40 歲 順治七年~十一年 (1650~1654) (七)祇園付囑繼席 40 歲 順治十一年 (1654) (八)人情皆變,師門冷清 40 歲~46 歲 順治十一年~十七年 (1654~1660) (九)囑託一揆再繼伏獅 47 歲 順治十八年 (1661) (十)十七年後出版語錄 三、修悟、繼席過程的幾點討論 (一)女庵的修行環境 (二)與義川、般若庵、董家的關係 (三)與祇園的互動 (四)祇園對傳承的安排 (五)義公對傳承的安排 四、傳法信物:祖衣與源流頌 (一)祖衣與付囑 (二)諸祖源流頌古 五、禪風教化 六、繼席後的困境與其性格 (一)人情皆變,備極艱辛 (二)師門冷落,知音不遇 (三)亦有乘風猛虎、寶劍全提之氣概 (四)脫灑自由,一生作個自了漢 七、結語
參考文獻 |
ISSN | 19931638 (P) |
ヒット数 | 438 |
作成日 | 2015.11.05 |
更新日期 | 2022.05.27 |

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