譬喻與詮釋 : 從法華經的譬喻看牟宗三先生的天台詮釋=Metapher and Hermeneutics: Metapher of Lotus sutra and Mou Zongsan’s hermeneutics and T’ien-t’ai Buddhism |
著者 |
謝大寧 (著)=Hsieh, Tah-Ning (au.)
掲載誌 |
臺北大學中文學報=Journal of Chinese Language and Literature of National Taipei University
巻号 | n.1 |
出版年月日 | 2006.07 |
ページ | 97 - 120 |
出版者 | 國立台北大學中國語文學系 |
出版地 | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 筆者為中正大學中文系教授 |
キーワード | 心=mind; 主體性=subjectivity; 語言主體=speech-subject; 象徵; 譬喻=metaphor; 即 |
抄録 | 本文旨在討論佛教哲學 (或者廣義說的中國哲學) 中,「心」的哲學之現代詮釋問題。由於現代對「心」的哲學詮釋,多半將之理解為主體性,可是在佛教哲學中,「心」必須同時扮演經典之詮釋學側面與主體之內省側面間相連結的功能,而我們若將這一功能交給主體性,這是否合適?就本文的觀點而言,將心理解為任何意義的主體性,其實並不合適。本文以為我們應循現象學的進路,將心引導到某種「說話主體」的概念上,並在區別於語法層次的語義學層次,來談上述的連結功能。而若是如此的話,我們便必須要將構成意義世界之憑藉,從主體性及其法則,轉換到象徵語言上。 根據上述理解,本文以天台的詮釋為例,說明了天台依本於法華開宗,其主要義理憑藉即在「即」之一字上,而此一即字並不適合用主體性的進路來理解,而是必須將之放到「煩惱即菩提」的語脈上,將之當成一個象徵語言來處理。這也就是說,法華經中的種種「譬喻」,其實正是「即」這個象徵語言的表現方式,我們也只有恢復此一語言的象徵性,才能真正進入天台的教學中,重新把握法華經的意義世界。
The purpose of this text is to discuss the issue of the modern philosophical hermeneutics of ' the 'mind' in Buddhism philosophy (i.e. the China philosophy in generally). Today, most of people comprehend it as the subjectivity in regard to the hermeneutics of philosophy. In fact, 'Mind' must bridge the function between the link of Canon and the reflection of the Subjectivity in Buddhism philosophy. Is it really appropriate to let the Subjectivity bridge the function? In term of the text, it is not appropriate to interpret the 'mind' into any meaning of the Subjectivity. In our opinion, we believe it would be much better to follow the way of the phenomenology, to lead the 'mind' upon the conception of the 'speech-subject', and to link the differentiation between the semiotics and semantics. If those can be done, we will have to turn the rules and principles of the subjectivity to the language of metaphor. According to the above-mentioned comprehension, the text uses it as an example the interpretation of Tian-Tai school of Buddhism as it is based on the essence of Fa-Hua Scripture. The core meaning is upon 'Ji', however, it is not appropriate to comprehend the 'Ji' with the progressive way of Subjectivity. It shall be contextualized upon 'Fan Nao Ji Pu Ti' (the affliction itself is the enlightenment) and treated as the metaphor linguistics. That is to say, many metaphors in Fa Hua Scripture are the action of metaphor linguistics of 'Ji'. Therefore, only can we enter the world of teaching of Tian Tai and re-grasp the meaningful world of Fa Hua Scripture by restoring the metaphor of the language. |
ISSN | 19931638 (P) |
ヒット数 | 463 |
作成日 | 2015.11.06 |
更新日期 | 2019.08.07 |

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