金鼓妙音能滅諸苦:試論智者大師《金光明懺》的深義=The Wonderful Sound of the Golden Drum Can Cease All Sufferings: A Discussion on the Profound Meaning of Taintai Golden Light Repentance |
著者 |
釋印隆=Shih, Yin-lung
掲載誌 |
中華佛學研究=Chung-Hwa Buddhist Studies
巻号 | n.16 |
出版年月日 | 2015.12 |
ページ | 151 - 208 |
出版者 | 中華佛學研究所=Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
キーワード | 金光明經=Golden Light Sutra; 金光明懺=Golden Light Repentance; 齋天=Making offerings to celestial beings; 功德天神=Goddess of fortune; 止觀=Zhiguan; 懺悔=Repentance |
抄録 | 《金光明經》具有深厚的懺悔思想,〈序品〉即以「經王」來彰顯本經宗旨,強調懺悔實踐具有無上之功德,並於〈懺悔品〉之「金鼓懺悔法」,說明「金光明懺悔」的功用,不僅以達到滅罪除障為目的,更重要的是去除煩惱根源,證得解脫涅槃,並能進一步立下廣修諸善、利益眾生的誓願。天台智者大師依《金光明經》的經文教義,並融合天台教觀編製成《金光明懺》,具有懺悔與禪定並重、事修與理觀相融,以及歷緣對境修持圓頓止觀等特色。本懺的懺悔精神源於〈懺悔品〉,修持懺悔的比重相當大,但後來逐漸演變成重視「齋天」,讓整部懺法偏重對於諸天的齋供,失去了智顗原本制懺的本懷。《金光明懺》具有完整的十科儀軌,事儀與理觀並重,「齋天」只是午前一座香的行法內容。智顗對《金光明經》懺悔思想做了深入探討,著有《金光明經玄義》及《金光明經文句》兩部著作。遵式提到修持《金光明懺》,應當要先研讀這兩部論典,因此可知《金光明懺》的修持,是彰顯《金光明經》的懺悔深義。智顗以「法性」為本經甚深無量義之旨,於《金光明經玄義》說明此經是以法性為體,以菩薩深妙功德為宗,以滅惡生善為用,以經王為教,以圓談法性來闡釋「金光明」深義。在《金光明經文句》中,智顗處處以「法性」來圓釋經文,金光明即法性之法,當體並是妙寶,具足光明。若能實踐觀心法門,諦觀一念心即空即假即中,覺了此心即是法性,則能罪從心起將心懺,真正的滅除罪業,究竟破除煩惱無明的罪緣,是名真懺悔。並於一切威儀寂然明了,在行、住、坐、臥等一切日常生活細行中,皆不離金光明之實踐。
The Golden Light Sutra contains widely a spiritual meaning of practice. In its first chapter Introduction (序品), the Golden Light Sutra (金光明經) is nicknamed the King of Glorious Sutras (經王) to feature the aim of the Sutra and emphasize the uncountable merit of repenting practice. In the third chapter Confession (懺悔品), it is stated that Golden Light Repentance (金光明懺) not only aims to extirpate sins and obstacles, but most importantly to uproot all kinds of afflictions to attain liberation and nirvāṇa, and furthermore, lead one to vow to cultivate all good deeds in order to benefit all sentient beings. Based on Golden Light Sutra, Tiantai Master Zhiyi incorporated the teaching and meditation of Tiantai and produced Golden Light Repentance, which is characterized by an emphasis on both repentance and meditation, a combination of cultivation of deeds and contemplation of principle, and the cultivation of perfect and sudden cessation and contemplation in the face of different circumstances and various perceptual objects. The repentance spirit of Golden Light Repentance originated from the Chapter on Confession, emphasizing the practicing of repentance. Yet the focus was gradually shifted narrowly to making offerings to celestial beings afterwards. Hence, making offerings to celestial beings and requesting for wealth replaced repentance practing, and Master Zhiyi’s original intention to creat the repentance ritual was lost. With a complete 10-section liturgy, Golden Light Repentance emphasizes on both practice and contemplation, while “making offerings to celestial beings” only contains certain methods of practice in the daily short period of time before noon. Master Zhiyi made an in-depth examination of the repentance thoughts in the Golden Light Sutra, and wrote The Profound Meaning of Golden Light Sutra (Jin guangming jing xuanyi 金光明經玄義) and The Commentary on the Golden Light Sutra (Jin guangming jing wenju 金光明經文句 ). Zunshi mentioned that before practicing Golden Light Repentance, one should first read the two works aforementioned. Therefore, we know that practicing Golden Light Repentance would lead to deeper understanding of the meanings of repentance mentioned in the Golden Light Sutra. Considering dharma nature the aim of the profound meanings of the Golden Light Sutra Zhiyi clarified in his Jin guangming jing xuanyi that dharma nature is the substance (體) of the Sutra, Boddhisattvas’ inconceivable merit the principle, eliminating evil and cultivating goodness the application, and the king of the glorious sutras the doctrine. Zhiyi interpreted the profound meanings of the Golden Light by perfectly discussing dharma nature. In Jin guangming jing wenju, Zhiyi used dharma nature to explain the text of the Sutra, saying that the golden light is the dharma of dharma nature, and that the body in question is a wonderful jewel and comes with light itself. If one can practice observing the mind, ascertain that a single thought is void, phenomenal, and medial, and understand that this mental attitude is the dharma nature, one can actually erase the karmic seeds of one’s crimes, and finally remove the causes of afflictions and ignorance, that is the real repentance. One then can silently manifest such an understanding in one’s all demeanours; that is, in his daily life─such as walking, standing, |
目次 | 一、前言 153 二、天台《金光明懺》的修證精神 155 (一)《金光明經》與《金光明懺》 156 (二)天台《金光明懺》之特色 157 1. 完備十科儀軌組織 2. 誦經以顯懺悔與禪定並重 (1)與《法華懺》有相安樂行之意相符 (2)專誦〈空品〉導成滅惡修善 3. 觀心為懺法實踐之正行 (三)供佛齋天之反思 176 1. 對於功德天神的錯誤「求財」觀念 2. 現代「齋天」的錯解或侷限 (1)嚴治淨室以灑淨壇場為主 (2)召請增加唱誦讚偈 (3)增加宣疏 (4)先誦經再上供 (5)刪除禮敬三寶、修行五悔與旋遶念佛 三、《金光明經》的懺悔深義 187 (一)懺悔名──圓說懺悔十義 189 (二)懺悔處──依法性為圓妙懺悔 191 (三)懺悔法──正觀法性名大懺悔 195 (四)懺悔位──懺悔能成就佛果智慧 198 四、結論 201 |
ISSN | 1026969X (P) |
ヒット数 | 1270 |
作成日 | 2016.02.19 |
更新日期 | 2017.07.28 |

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