

当書目の情報提供者は 李玉珉老師 です
ベゼクリク第九号窟寺銘文による誓願画の考察=A Study of the Pranidhi Scene according to the Inscriptions of the Cave Temple No. 9, Bazaklik
著者 平野真完
掲載誌 美術研究=Bijutsu Kenkyu : the Journal of Art Studies=ビジュツ ケンキュウ
ページ27 - 44
出版者東京文化財研究所=National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Tokyo
出版サイト http://www.tobunken.go.jp/index_j.html
出版地東京, 日本 [Tokyo, Japan]
資料の種類期刊論文=Journal Article
抄録A. von Le Coq's Chotscho, Berlin, 1913, contains 13 wall paintings of the so-called Praṇidhi Scenes (Tafel 17-29) from the cave temple No. 9, Bäzäklik (numbered by A, Grünwedel), near Turfan. Praạidhi Scenes are almost peculiar to Bäzäklik (Temples Nos. 2, 4, 9, 20, 25) and Idikutschari (Ruins α,β ). On the Praṇidhi Scenes of the cave temple No. 9 are scribed Sanskrit verses written in the “slanting type of Gupta Script” which is peculiar to the northern route of the East Turkestan. These verses are a clue to the interpretation of the Praạidhi Scene. Le Coq deciphered them first. H. Lüders pointed the similar verses in the Mahāvastu and the series of past Buddhas are akin to those of the Divyāvadāna. He supposed that the theme of Praṇidhi Scene based on the tradition of the Sarvāstivādins (Sitz. d. K. Preuss. Ak. d. Wiss. 1913. S. 864-884). E. Huber pointed the Sanskrit verses are parallel to those of the Chinese and Tibetan translations of the Bhaiṣajyavastu of the Vinaya of the Mūlasarvāstivādins (BEFEO. XIV, 1914). In Japan the studies of the Praṇidhi Scenes by Dr. Eiichi Matsumoto (Ton-koga-no ken-kyu 1937) and Mr. Nobuo Kumagai (The Bijutsu, Kenkyu Nos. 122, 126, 138, 156, 170, 178) are available.
Refering to these achievements and the reports of Le Coq, A. Grünwedel and A. Stein, I want to fulfil in this paper
(1) to transliterate (romanize) and put into Ja- panese the Sanskrit verses with reference to Chinese and Tibetan parallel verses,
(2) to refer to the wall paintings and bas-reliefs of the same scenes,
(3) to seek texts which the Praṇidhi Scenes based on,
(4) to seek the sources of the Past Buddhas in the Praṇidhi Scene,
(5) to think the theme of the Praṇidhi Scene.
No. 4 (Le Coq: Chotscho, Tafel 20). The Buddha Kṣemaṃkara was honoured by a king (who was a Gotama Buddha in his former birth). Such stories are found in the Avadānaśataka 19 and its Chinese translation Siuan-tsipo-yuan-king (T 4, p. 214 b-c).
No. 7. The Buddha Dipaṃkara was honoured by a young brāhmaṇa who bent himself under the feet of the Buddha to cover the muddy road with his long hair. According to the Buddhist traditions the young brāhmaṇa (Gotama Buddha in his former birth) had vowed to become buddha, and Dipaṃkara foretold that he would attain buddhahood in future. This theme is very famous, often inscribed or painted in Gandhāra and Central Asia. This story is found in Sseu-fen-liu (T 22, pp. 782 f.), Sieou-hing-penk’i-king (T 3, pp. 461 b f.), Kauo-k’iu-hien-tsaiyin-kouo-king (T 3, pp. 620 c f.), T’ai-tseu-joueiying-fen-k’i-king (T3, pp.472cf.), Lieou-tou-tsi-king
(T 3, pp. 47 c f.), Fo-pen-hing-king (T 4, pp. 92 f.), Tseng-yi-a-han-king (Ekottarāgama) (T 2, pp. 579 b, 757 C, 768 c), Fo-pen-hing-tsi-king (T 3, pp. 665 b f.), Mahāvastu 1, pp. 1, 231-248, Divyāvdāna pp, 246-253, Buddhavamsa pp. 6-18, Jātaka (Nidānakathā) 1, pp. 2 ff., Ta-tsche-tou-louen (T 25, pp. 87 a, 180 b, 276 C, 316 b, 579 C, 631 a), Kao-seng-fa-hien-tch'ouam (T 51, p. 858 C), Ta-toang-siyu-ki (T. 51, p. 878c).
No. 10. According to the inscription the young brāhmana Uttara, obeying his friend Nandipāla, left his home to follow the Buddha Kāśyapa. This story is found in Majjhima Nikāya II, pp. 45 ff., Saṃyutta Nikāya 1, pp. 35-36, 60, Jātaka (Nidānakathā) 1, p. 43, Mahāvastu 1, pp. 319–338, Tchong-a-han-king (Madhyamāgama) (T 1, pp. 499 a f.), Tsa-a-han-king (Saṃyuktāgama) (T 2, p. 159 b-c), Pia-yi-tsa-a-han-king (T 2, p. 422b-c), Ken-pen-chouo-yi-ts’ie-yeou-pou-p’i-nai-yeyao-che (T 24, p. 96 b), N. Dutt : Gilgit Manuscripts, vol. III. pt. 1, p. 217, Hing-k’i-hing-king (T 4, pp. 172c f.), Fo-wou-po-ti-tseu-tseu-chouo-pen-k’iking (T 4, p. 202a), Ta-tsche-tou-louen (T 25, pp. 261c, 340 c), Ken-pen-chouo-yi-ts'ie-yeou-pou-pi-naiye-ich'ou-kia-che (T 23, pp. 1029c f.).
And Nos. 1,2,3,5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15 have parallel verses to the Chinese and Tibetan translations of the Bhaiṣajyavastu of the Vinaya of the Mūlasarvāstivādins (Ken-pen
ISSN00219088 (P)
研究種類文獻資料; 繪畫

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