当書目の情報提供者は 李玉珉老師 です
從敦煌文獻看歸義軍時代的吐谷渾人=The Tuyuhun Tribe in Guiyijun Regime Period as Described in Dunhuang Manuscripts |
著者 |
掲載誌 |
蘭州大學學報(社會科學版)=Journal of Lanzhou University(Social Sciences)
巻号 | n.1 |
出版年月日 | 2004 |
ページ | 22 - 30 |
出版者 | 蘭州大學 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 蘭州, 中國 [Lanzhou, China] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
キーワード | 歸義軍; 吐谷渾 |
抄録 | 唐初吐谷渾亡國后,不少吐谷渾人進入河隴與西域地區,生息繁衍。本文以敦煌文獻與石窟題記中所記載到的吐谷渾人資料,對唐后期五代宋初以瓜、沙二州為中心的河西及西城東境的吐谷渾人后裔進行考察,力圖揭明此一時期吐谷渾人的聚落分布、職業特征、漢化情況及其與歸義軍政權之間的關系。作者認為,吐谷渾王族慕容氏在瓜沙地區已成為上層統治階層,尤其是對瓜州政治產生了巨大的影響。
After being defeated by the Tubo (Tibetan) people in the early Tang dynasty, many members of the Tuyunhun tribe integrated themselves with the Han people living in Gansu and other western regions of ancient China. Through a study of the tribe as described in Dunhuang historical records and related inscriptions in Dunhuang Grottoes, the paper makes a survey of the tribe and its descendants living the Gua and Sha prefectures in late Tang period, so as to shed light upon their settlements, career characteristics, assimilation with the Han people and their relationship with the ruling ethnic army that showed allegiance to the Tang government at the time. The author holds that the Murong family of the Tuyuhun tribe had already become part of the upper ruling class and played an important role in the political life thereof. |
ISSN | 10002804 (P) |
研究種類 | 歷史; 文獻資料 |
研究年代 | 唐代 |
研究地域 | 甘肅(敦煌) |
ヒット数 | 341 |
作成日 | 2016.05.12 |
更新日期 | 2020.06.02 |

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