

当書目の情報提供者は 李玉珉老師 です
吳越國王錢弘俶造阿育王塔=The Donation of Ashoka Pagodas by King Qian Hongchu of the Wuyue
著者 王鍾承 (著)=Wang, Chung-cheng (au.)
掲載誌 故宮學術季刊=The National Palace Museum Research Quarterly
巻号v.29 n.4 夏季號
ページ109 - 178
出版サイト https://www.npm.gov.tw/
出版地臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan]
資料の種類期刊論文=Journal Article
キーワード五代=Five Dynasties; 吳越=Kingdom of Wuyue; 錢弘俶=Qian Hongchu; 鄮縣=Maoxian; 阿育王塔=Ashoka pagoda; 劉薩訶=Liu Sahe; 金塗塔=Gilt pagoda; 寶篋印塔=Treasure chest seal pagoda
抄録 阿育王塔的傳說與信仰引發五代吳越國王錢弘俶分別於乙卯(955)和乙丑年 (965)鑄造為數甚多的〈八万四千寳塔〉,因為在佛教的國度裏,自印度傳來的八萬四千塔帶有濃厚神異傳說的色彩,造就了各地阿育王塔信仰的流傳,鄮縣阿育王塔即為流傳在中土的十九座之一,錢弘俶造塔不僅僅只是遙效印度孔雀王朝的阿育王布散舍利塔於各地,更是近仿轄區內信仰鼎盛的鄮縣阿育王塔。它感應的靈驗事跡與傳說使其受到無比的重視和崇敬,其重要性自七世紀中葉以來的文獻中已然清楚呈現;僧俗頂禮崇拜,連王室也不例外,其熱衷的程度於史皆可得證。本文試圖呈現阿育王塔信仰在十世紀的一個片斷,說明錢弘俶造塔的舉動使得原本就具有許多信眾的信仰再度散發出熱力,不但延燒至吳越各地和日本,甚至還延續至今。首先以現存的錢弘俶所造之塔為基礎資料,尋覓其可能的來源,以便理解該塔其實具有深厚的歷史文化底蘊。不論是從塔的形制,或者是塔身上的圖像來看,雖然似乎都遙指其源頭為西域,但是在中土亦不乏其前例。其次則是探索其造塔的動機,或許地緣之便、家族崇佛傳統和孝親之表達都是令他發願造塔之因。此外,將印製的經典藏於塔中更提升塔的宗教意義。

The legend and belief behind the donation of pagodas by the Mauryan king Ashoka in India inspired King Qian Hongchu of the Wuyue in China to order two projects for the casting of “84,000 pagodas,” one in 955 and the other in 965. In the Buddhist kingdom of Wuyue, the legend of 84,000 stupas from India had strong mythical overtones, leading to the spread of a cult surrounding the Ashokan pagoda in China. The Ashoka Pagoda at Maoxian was one of nineteen Ashokan pagodas that appeared in China. Qian Hongchu’s donation of pagodas not only followed the Indian king Ashoka of the Mauryan dynasty in spreading relics of the Buddha throughout the land, it even led to the imitation of the Ashoka Pagoda at Maoxian. The spirituality and legend associated with the pagoda make it peerless in terms of importance and reverence, its significance already clearly manifested in documentary evidence starting from the middle of the seventh century. Both Buddhist clergy and laymen made prostrations there, and even royal families were no exception, the degree of their fervent devotion readily seen in historical sources. This study is an attempt to explain a segment of tenthcentury China to express the belief surrounding Ashoka pagodas, which not only had spread throughout Wuyue but also to Japan and even continues down to the present day. First in the study is an investigation into surviving pagodas donated by Qian Hongchu to serve as a foundation, including a search for possible origins so as to understand how they actually have solid and substantial historical and cultural underpinnings. Although the prototype of the pagodas might trace back to lands west of China, both typologically and iconographically, many forerunners also appeared in China as well. What follows in the study is an exploration of the motivational factors behind the pagodas, including such elements as local convenience, clan traditions in Buddhist beliefs, and expressions of filial piety, all of which perhaps served as causes for the king’s vow and order to donate pagodas. In addition, the printing of sutras to be stored inside also increases the religious significance of these pagodas.
目次前言 110
一、錢弘俶塔之遺例 113
(一) 形制 114
(二) 圖像 117
(三) 圖像的意義 120
二、錢弘俶造塔之因緣 122
(一) 鄮縣阿育王塔信仰之形成與發展 123
(二) 錢弘俶造塔的可能近因 126
(三) 錢弘俶塔與寶篋印陀羅尼經 131
結論 133
ISSN10119094 (P)
研究種類佛教圖像; 雕塑造像

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