

藥師佛本願的精神與契世應機 -- 以「生佛平等」願與「轉女成男」願為論=Spirits and Predestination to Corresponding to the World of the Primal Vow of Bhaisajyaguru (Medicine Master/ Medicine Buddha): A View on the Vows of "Equality of Beings and Buddhas" and "Transferring from Female to Male Figures"
著者 蘇美文 (著)=Su, Mei-wen (au.)
掲載誌 新世紀宗教研究=New Century Religious Studies
巻号v.14 n.3
ページ101 - 140
出版サイト https://www.mwr.org.tw/
出版地臺北縣, 臺灣 [Taipei hsien, Taiwan]
資料の種類期刊論文=Journal Article
キーワード藥師佛=Medicine Buddha; 生佛平等=Sattva and Buddha Equality; 全佛=Perception of Buddha in All Beings; 轉女成男=the transformation of a woman into a man; 女身成佛=the attainment of Buddhahood by women
抄録近代太虛提倡人間佛教,因此提倡重視現世利生的藥師法門,但也同時讓我們注意到以往藥師法門被偏取於「消災延壽」而忘失契入菩提、安住佛道核心精神的問題。乃至藥師法門在實踐現世救度時,如何不只專注於自身消災延壽,而且還能實踐世間淨土?甚至還要思考是否能不落框架,契歸核心精神,因應當世不同價值變化而變化?要回應這個問題,需要對藥師佛法門有全面深刻的理解。因此,筆者選擇藥師佛所發的十二大願中的兩個大願做有意義的切入:1. 由第一大願「生佛平等」願來探索現世利生與核心精神的融合;2. 由第八大願「轉女成男」願來切入現世利生之深度,思考如何契世應機適合現代。

As Humanistic Buddhism has been promoted since Master Taixu, practices of Medicine Buddha that emphasize on benefiting all living beings in the human world are propelled. Nonetheless, it is worthwhile of noticing that said practices of Medicine Buddha are taken partially as "eliminating misfortune and extending life" whilst deserting Bodhi is becoming an issue, which is a reflection on the problems of maintaining the core value, the Dharma of Buddha. In that case, how can we carry out redeeming missions for the world, while not only focusing on eliminating misfortune and extending life for the self, but also making the world a pure land, besides considering returning to the core value, instead of restricting oneself inside the box, and being flexible upon corresponding to different values of the world? To answer this question, it requires complete and deep understanding of the practices of Medicine Buddha. Therefore, two of the twelve great vows from Medicine Buddha are to be interpreted herein: The First Vow of "Equality of Beings and Buddhas" is to explore the integration of benefiting all living beings in the human world and the core value; on the other hand, the Eighth Vow of "Transferring from Female to Male Figures" is to further analyze the benefiting all living beings in the human world, as well as offering thoughts on adjusting the self to face all variations in modern worlds.
The very First Vow of Medicine Buddha that suggests "Equality of Beings and Buddhas" contains broad visions which consisted of both the complete, supreme Bodhi and the redemption of current world. As is known, practices of Medicine Buddha correspond to the concept of development of the pure land in the human world; since Master Taixu, Master Hong Yi and Master Yin Shun in the early 1900s, the bias of "eliminating misfortune and extending life" has been eliminated, allowing the practices of Medicine Buddha to travel on the righteous path. Additionally, there was also Master Hong Qisong, who carried out the idea of the First Vow profoundly via "Perception of Buddha in All Beings" and "Perception of Trikaya"; his theories have surpassed other ideas from the past in the genre.
As for the Eighth Vow suggesting "Transferring from Female to Male Figures," it was actually developed to satisfy women's needs, and to provide them solutions for their suffering, since males were superior to females in earlier times. However, since time has changed, the short-term task of the vow could be considered accomplished; still, potential aspects contained in this vow are still needed, so that the "temporary" spirits of redemption in the Primal Vow of Medicine Buddha inside this Eighth Vow may be presented. As the requirements from modern women differ from those in earlier times, gender equality between both sexes is the first to be practiced comprehensively in the current world; meanwhile, when it comes to practices of Dharma, it is necessary to eliminate the worshipping of masculinity; "Transferring from Female to Male Figures" is thus no longer needed. In other words, women could as well become Buddhas in their body; presenting the Eighth Vow through displaying gender equality directly in the modern world would thus be relatively appropriate.
目次壹、前言:核心精神與現世救度 104
貳、藥師琉璃光佛,消災延壽藥師佛 105
一、彌陀淨土與藥師淨土 105
二、藥師法門之流行 106
三、近代藥師法門之新弘揚 109
參、第一大願的核心精神與實踐 113
一、兼具圓滿無上菩提與現世救度特質 113
二、以「全佛觀」、「佛身觀」來實踐 116
肆、第八大願「轉女成男」的契世應機 122
一、救度女性之苦迫,滿足離女身之需求 122
二、轉女成男、無男無女 125
三、離女身之意涵與變性 130
四、讓「轉女成男」願完成階段性任務 132
五、開啟「性別平等」、「女身成佛」的面向 135
伍、結論 136
ISSN16843738 (P)

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