A Buddhist Critique of Scientism=佛教的唯科學主義批判 |
著者 |
Hammerstrom, Erik J. (著)=韓光 (au.)
掲載誌 |
Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies=中華佛學學報
巻号 | v.27 |
出版年月日 | 2014.07 |
ページ | 35 - 57 |
出版者 | Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies=中華佛學研究所 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese; 英文=English |
キーワード | 科學=Science; 萬法唯識=the myriad dharmas are consciousness-only; 王小徐=Wang Xiaoxu; 唯物主義=materialism; 認識論=epistemology |
抄録 | 本文介紹並英譯<科學之根本問題>一文,此為身兼科學家與佛教徒的王小徐(1875-1948)於1926年所發表的一篇短文。「唯科學主義」是一種極端的邏輯實證主義,聲稱自然科學是回答有關事實和價值的唯一權威觀點。雖然王小徐沒有使用「唯科學主義」一詞,但其的確是他主要的批判對象。這種唯物論的立場在中國從1910年代晚期開始流行,他對包含佛學在內的多種本體論與認識論主張提出嚴重的挑戰。王小徐大體是上不反對科學,但是他相信唯科學主義的散播將會導致暴力日益嚴重的唯物社會。結果,他藉由強調科學方法的認識限制來批判它絕對觀點的權威性,同時拒絕笛卡爾的二元論而認同「萬法唯識」的大乘佛教立場。
This article introduces and translates “The Basic Problematic of Science” (Kexue zhi genben wenti 科學之根本問題), a short essay published in 1926 by the scientist and lay Buddhist Wang Xiaoxu 王小徐(1875-1948). Although he did not use the term, the target of Wang’s essay was scientism, an extreme form of logical positivism which claims that natural science is the sole authority for answering questions of both fact and value. This materialist position became popular in China from the late 1910s, and it posed a serious challenge to a wide variety of ontological and epistemological claims, including those made within Buddhist circles. While he did not oppose science in general, Wang believed the spread of scientism would lead to an increasingly violent and materialistic society. As a result, he critiqued the authority of its absolutist view by emphasizing the epistemic limits of the scientific method, and by rejecting its Cartesian dualism in favor of the MahƘ\Ƙna Buddhist position that “the myriad dharmas are consciousness-only” (wanfa weishi 萬法唯識). |
目次 | PART I: Introductory Comments 37 Context 38 Wang Xiaoxu and this Text 41 Wang’s Argument 43 PART II: Translation of the Text 46 PART III: Original Text51 |
ISSN | 23132000 (P); 23132019 (E) |
ヒット数 | 499 |
作成日 | 2016.07.06 |
更新日期 | 2018.09.04 |

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