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聖嚴法師的淨土念佛法門=Research on the Pure Land Method of Buddha Recitation as Expounded by Venerable Sheng Yen |
著者 |
黃國清 (著)=Huang, Kuo-ching (au.)
掲載誌 |
聖嚴研究:第八輯=Studies of Master Sheng Yen Vol.8
出版年月日 | 2016.06 |
ページ | 91 - 132 |
出版者 | 法鼓文化 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 臺北, 臺灣 [Taipei, Taiwan] |
シリーズ | 聖嚴思想論叢 |
シリーズナンバー | 8 |
資料の種類 | 專題研究論文=Research Paper |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者單位:南華大學宗教學研究所副教授=Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Religious Studies, Nanhua University |
キーワード | 聖嚴法師=Ven. Sheng Yen; 彌陀淨土=Amitāyus Pure Land; 人間淨土=Pure Land on Earth; 念佛法門=methods of Buddha recitation; 心淨土淨=purification of environment through the purification of mind |
抄録 | 聖嚴法師為當代臺灣佛教界重要的思想家與實踐家,是著名的法鼓山教團的創辦人。他廣讀佛教經論,並負笈日本取得佛學博士學位,著述弘富,涉及佛學各個領域。除了傑出的佛教學術表現,聖嚴法師更解行並重,精通中國禪法,兼及佛教各類行門,往來世界各地講授佛法及帶領精進禪修,揚名於國際社會。淨土與禪宗是中國佛教最盛行的二種實修進路,而念佛法門頗便於日常生活的運用,既可接引初機行者,也能為久修者帶來深層宗教體驗。淨土法門經常遭致誤解,以為只具方便性格,缺乏精深的義理基礎,從而遮蔽其真實修學意涵。聖嚴法師從佛法宏觀視域對淨土佛教所做的詳實論述,揭示其行法特色,擴充其修學廣度,並導向人間淨土的實踐,甚有功於淨土教法的當代弘傳。他所演釋的淨土念佛法門具有幾項重要意義: 一、拓展淨土教學的深廣義理:聖嚴法師自整體佛法的寬弘視角闡述淨土念佛的教學體系,使淨土法門在保有自身教義特色的同時,更將其教理與實踐植基於完整的佛教義理脈絡之上,由佛法領解而促進念佛的修行效驗。此外,辨明淨土法門中所包含的方便義與真實義。 二、解明淨土行門的開放融通:淨土法門有淺有深,一心不亂的深層念佛體驗通向定慧體悟,念佛三昧能夠開顯般若智慧與佛果功德。淨土行法與其他佛教派別的方法和目標並非異輒。聖嚴法師特重中華禪法的傳弘,但通過他對淨土念佛深義的解析,揭顯禪宗與淨土在實踐方法上的融通基礎。 三、開闡淨土教法的原本經說:有鑑於傳統淨宗末流將法門窄化為個人念佛求往生的偏至方向,聖嚴法師回歸淨土經典原本文義的系統解釋,復原淨土佛教做為大乘行門的意義,為淨土菩薩行的寬廣架構提供經典依據,開示修學淨土的正確態度。 四、詳論淨土念佛的多元方法:念佛法門多種多樣,各有具體步驟與注意要點,絕非「易行」能加以概括。聖嚴法師憑藉自身的宏博學養與豐富經驗,詳細指導各類念佛法門的修學進路,具備條理與系統,說理內容明晰淺易,為實際運用釋疑解惑,給予現代行者莫大助益。此外,也將念佛法門導入生活實踐,在日常生活中累積修學功德。 五、連結西方淨土與人間淨土:建設人間淨土是法鼓山教團的重要目標,淨土佛教的要義之一則是發願往生西方淨土進修佛法,聖嚴法師調和這兩種不同取向,既闡述彌陀淨土的修學條件優勢,也論說往生法門與人間淨土菩薩行實可密切銜接。聖嚴法師指出與佛同願是往生要件,勸獎行者效法諸佛大願淨化此土,信心不足者則可選擇往生他方淨土。
Venerable Sheng Yen, the founder of the famous Dharma Drum Buddhist community, was one of the most important Buddhist thinkers and practicians in the contemporary Taiwanese Buddhist world. He extensively studied Buddhist texts, received a doctoral degree in Japan, and wrote a vast collection of works on Buddhism. Besides the valuable contribution he made to the Buddhist academic circle, the Venerable emphasized understanding and practicing equally, and was versed in Chan meditation and other practice methods of Buddhism. As a famous spiritual master, he traveled around the world to teach the Dharma and guide meditation retreats. Chan and Pure Land traditions have normally prevailed throughout the history of Chinese Buddhism, and the Pure Land method is especially applicable to spiritual practice in daily life, could be adopted either by the beginner or the experienced practitioner. The Pure Land method has often been misunderstood as a convenient means without profound theories, thus shadowing its true meaning of practice. Venerable Sheng Yen had expounded comprehensively Pure Land Buddhism from a broad viewpoint to disclose the characteristics of its methods, broaden the scope of its cultivation, and lead the way to the practice of the pure land on Earth. He had made a great contribution to the propagation and development of Pure Land Buddhism. The Pure Land method of Buddha recitation as expounded by him could be concluded as follows: 1. To enhance the profundity and broadness of the theories of Pure Land Buddhism: The Venerable elucidated the Pure Land teachings from the aspect of the whole Dharma. Through this way, not only did he preserve the features of Pure Land Buddhism, he also founded its theories and practices on the context of the Buddha’s entire teachings. The understanding of the Dharma could enhance the religious experience of Buddha recitation. Besides, he made clear the convenient meaning and true meaning contained in Pure Land Buddhism. 2. To clarify the openness and compatibility of the methods of Pure Land Buddhism: In Pure Land Buddhism, there are methods ranging from easy to difficult, and the deep experience of Buddha recitation with concentrated mind leads to the realization of concentration and wisdom. The samādhi of Buddha recitation paves the way for the manifestation of prajñā and Buddha’s establishment. The Pure Land Buddhism should not be seen as totally different from other Buddhist sects in methods and goals. Venerable Sheng Yen dedicated himself to the promotion of Chinese Chan tradition, however, through his elucidation on the deep meaning of Buddha recitation in Pure Land Buddhism, he disclosed the communication of Chan and Pure Land in the ways of spiritual development. 3. To interpret the original teachings on practice in key Pure Land texts: Due to the narrow traditional explanation of Pure Land teachings focused on the self-oriented purpose of being reborn in the Western World of Ultima |
目次 | 一、前言 94 二、拓展淨土教學的深廣義理 95 三、解明淨土行門的開放融通 101 四、開闡淨土教法的原本經說 108 五、教導淨土念佛的多元方法 114 六、連結西方淨土與人間淨土 120 七、結論 125 參考文獻 128 英文摘要 130 |
ヒット数 | 489 |
作成日 | 2016.08.25 |
更新日期 | 2021.08.05 |
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