王教視域下「三教論議」之類型分析:從「龍朔論議」談起=The type analys is of "Three Religions Debate" under politics visions: From discussing "Longshu Debate" |
著者 |
周玟觀 (著)=Chou, Wen-kuan (au.)
掲載誌 |
國文學誌=彰化師大國文學誌=Chinese Journal
巻号 | n.20 |
出版年月日 | 2010.06.01 |
ページ | 205 - 232 |
出版者 | 國立彰化師範大學國文系 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 彰化市, 臺灣 [Changhua shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
キーワード | 佛道論衡=the Debate of Buddha and Taoism; 沙門敬王論=the Debate of Monks' Need to Revere the King; 三教合一=three religions combine into one; 空間隱喻=Orientational Metaphors; 認知語言學 |
抄録 | 結束南北對峙與短暫的隋朝,唐代開展的是一個新的文明盛世。這個文明是國際的、世界的,繁花盛景般的多元文化。儒釋道三家的文化各自有所發展,此外,唐朝國家所提供的官方朝廷集會舞台,也曾展開三家互相的論議與爭辯,在這個舞台上的唇槍舌戰、量度上下先後,成為觀察三教關係互動、發展的重要場域之一。所謂的「三教論議」常泛指儒、釋、道三教共同的論辯、議論,然而,經過觀察與研究,因為不同的論題,參與者的身份也可能有所不同,象徵了不同的論議類型,即不是所有的論議,都是三教共同參與。本文的切入角度,是以唐代兩位重要的親身參與者釋道宣與釋彥悰,在唐高宗龍朔年間各自編纂兩部追源溯始的纂集性作品──《集古今佛道論衡》與《集沙門不應拜俗等事》作為主要分析材料。兩部看似性質都歸為佛教護教性論辯集結,然而細繹使用的語言空間隱喻為分析角度,探討其先後/上下判別標準所對應的概念域。由此發現龍朔年間論議,有兩種不同形態的論辯類型與思維模式,影響兩部作品追源溯始各有其收編文獻的界限、區隔性,也由此觀察、比較兩種類型的佛/道論衡與儒/佛論議的異同,並觀察其間歷史演變:屬於佛道優劣論的論議從爭取政教合一優先地位的模式,逐漸勢微,甚至成為王家慶典節目;而屬於王權與僧權上下的論議,則逐漸增溫,可見王權欲藉禮法管理佛教的企圖。三教關係在兩類的論議中有不同的競合關係,非後世三教合一、會通所可一概而論。
After the Southern and Northern Dynasties, and the short end of the Sui Dynasty, Tang Dynasty is carried out by a new civilization of peace and prosperity. This civilization is the international, multicultural world. Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism have developed a culture of their own, in addition, provided by the Tang Dynasty, the country's official set the stage, also launched three of each other and argue that, at this stage, measuring up and down, one after another, observe the three religions has become interactive relationship between the development of one of the important field. Personally, involved in the debate the two scholars, Taoism Xuan Yan joy and release their own compilation of two important works to protect Buddhism. In this paper two crossing-cutting work time is Tang Emperor Longshu 2 year(AD 662) as the center to discuss the discourse, from the language point of view for analysis of spatial metaphor to explore the thinking behind the culture, and found that years of Longshu discourse has two different forms of argument types and mode of thinking, the impact of two works have started to recover back the boundaries of its incorporation documents, segmentation, and also this observation, comparing two types of Buddha/Taoism and Confucianism discourse on the similarities and differences. This shows that Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism is not the relationship between the "Three Religions in one" could be roughly encompass the term. |
目次 | 一、前言 207 二、龍朔年間的兩組論議群及其緣起 209 (一)佛道論衡的論議 210 (二)沙門敬王親與否的論議 212 三、論議語言的空間隱喻分析 214 (一)佛道論衡─質優居先 215 (二)沙門敬王親論議─權優居上 217 四、兩組議論群的淵源與文化思維變化 221 (一)商榷由來,詮衡敘列──佛道論衡發展與變化 221 (二)方內方外,異軌同轍─沙門敬王親與否的發展與變化 224 五、結論 228 引用書目 230
ISSN | 19917856 (P) |
ヒット数 | 371 |
作成日 | 2016.11.23 |
更新日期 | 2024.07.01 |

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