

Saṃyutta Nikāya: An Anthology (Part I)
著者 Ireland, John D. (著)
BPS Online Edition
出版者Buddhist Publication Society
出版サイト http://www.bps.lk/
出版地Kandy, Sri Lanka [康堤, 斯里蘭卡]
シリーズWheel Publication
目次Table of Contents
Saṃyutta Nikāya An Anthology Part I 2
Introduction 4
Part One: The Verse Section (Sagāthā Vagga) 6
SN 1:10: Forest 6
SN 1:11: Nandana 7
SN 1:12: Delight [5] 8
SN 1:59: Good Companion 8
SN 1:63: Craving 9
SN 2:6: Kāmada 10
SN 3:4: Dear 11
SN 3:25: The Simile of the Mountain 13
SN 4:21: A Number 14
SN 5:8: Sīsupacālā 16
SN 5:10: Vajirā 16
SN 6:14: Aruṇavati 18
SN 7:12: Udaya 18
SN 11:11: Vows 19
SN 11:19: The Worship of the Teacher (or Sakka’s Worship) 20
Part Two: The Section on Causation (Nidāna Vagga) 22
SN 12:1: Dependent Arising 22
SN 12:2: Analysis of Dependant Arising 23
SN 12:20: Conditions 26
SN 12:23 Proximate Cause (extract) 28
SN 12:34: Cases of Knowledge 2 30
SN 12:61: Uninstructed 30
SN 12:65: The City (extract) 33
SN 13:1: The Fingernail 34
SN 14:1: Inferior Disposition 35
SN 14:16: With Verses 36
SN 15:9: The Stick 36
SN 15:14–19: Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, Son, Daughter 37
SN 16:11 The Robe (extract) 38
SN 17:1: Dreadful 38
SN 20:1: The Roof Peak 39
SN 20:3: Families 39
SN 20:7: The Drum Peg 40
SN 21:2: Upatissa 41
Part Three: The Section on the Aggregates (Khandha Vagga) 43
SN 22:5: Concentration 43
SN 22:15: What is Impermanent 43
SN 22:18: Impermanent with cause 44
SN 22:23: Full Understanding 45
SN 22:26: Gratification 46
SN 22:33: Not Yours 47
SN 22:58: The Fully Enlightened One 48
SN 22:71: Rādha 50
SN 22:76: Arahants 51
SN 22:79: Being Devoured 53
SN 22:94: Flowers 56
SN 22:95: A Lump of Froth 58
SN 22:100: The Leash 62
SN 22:101: The Adze-Handle 64
SN 22:102: Perception of Impermanence 65
SN 23:2: A Being 66
SN 27:10: Aggregates 67
Part Four: The Section on the Sixfold base (Saḷāyatana Vagga) 69
SN 35:23: The All 69
SN 35:53: Abandoning Ignorance 70
SN 35:60: The Full Understanding of All Grasping 71
SN 35:71: The Six Bases of Contact 72
SN 35:84: Subject to Disintegration 73
SN 35:88: Puṇṇa 74
SN 35:135: The Opportunity 77
SN 35:188: The Ocean 79
SN 35:197: The Simile of the Vipers 80
SN 35:200: The Simile of the Great Log 84
SN 35:205: The Simile of the Lute 87
SN 36:4: The Bottomless Abyss 88
SN 38:1: A Question on Nibbāna 89
Part Five: The Great Section (Mahā/ Vagga) 91
SN 45:2: Half the Holy Life 91
SN 45:4: The Brahmin 93
SN 45:8: Analysis 93
SN 46:3: Virtue 96
SN 47:18: Brahma 100
SN 47:35: Mindful 102
SN 47:37: Desire 103
SN 48:9: Analysis 103
SN 52:9: All, or Ambapāli’s Grove 105
SN 55:1: Wheel-Turning King 106
SN 55:16: Friends and Colleagues 108
SN 55:51: With Verses 109
SN 56:13: Aggregates 110
SN 56:35: A Hundred Spears 112
SN 56:38: The Sun 113
Notes 115
ISSN00497541 (P)

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