「空」、「氣」之爭及其背後的道德實踐問題 -- 熊十力思想中的儒佛之辯新探=The Confliction between “Emptiness” and “Qi”, along with the Problem of Moral Practice: A New Research on the Debate between Confucianism and Buddhism in Xiong Shili’s Thought |
著者 |
掲載誌 |
國立臺灣大學哲學論評=National Taiwan University Philosophical Review
巻号 | n.52 |
出版年月日 | 2016.10 |
ページ | 123 - 154 |
出版者 | 國立臺灣大學哲學系=NTU Philosophy Department |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者為國立政治大學中文系博士生 |
キーワード | 熊十力=Xiong Shil; 空=emptiness; 氣=qi; 仁= ren; 慈悲= karunā |
抄録 | 熊十力是現代新儒家中極具影響力,也極富爭議性的人物,本文則嘗試透過圍繞在其身上的爭議性話題,進一步探入其背後所關涉到儒佛之爭及道德實踐問題。本文首先對照分析熊氏《新唯識論》(語體文本)中「心-境」結構和宇宙論架構之間的深層關係,進而揭示出其背後所隱含的「空」與「氣」之爭,前者乃是熊氏有取於大乘佛學(尤其是空宗)之處,後者則是熊氏獨尊的儒家(易學)思想系統所牽動的隱藏性線索;本文試圖表明,熊氏對佛家「空」的觀念的吸納,實際上引發了儒學系統中「氣」之坐標的移動與重置,而「氣」及其背後支撐起的實存性體驗又影響了熊氏思想中「空」的形態。藉由「空」與「氣」之間共生而衝突的張力,我們一方面將得以一窺形塑熊氏思想形態的獨特因素,另一方面則可以進一步追問其背後所反映出的,熊氏在儒家「仁心」與佛家「悲心」之間的倫理抉擇,並重新思考此二家在道德實踐問題上各自的利弊得失,由此我們方能真切體會到熊氏由佛轉儒背後的道德關懷與深刻用心,而其中所呈現出的問題結構至今仍值得深思。
Xiong Shili is one of the most influential and controversial philosophers in the modern neo-Confucianism. The paper, starting from the controversial topics haunted Xiong, tries to explore the practical base of morality behind them. Firstly, we compare the “mind-condition” structure and the cosmological structure and by this comparison a conflict hidden behind them is thus revealed as between “emptiness” and “qi”. The former is what Xiong borrows from Mahayana Buddhism, and the latter is derived from the Confucianism tradition that Xiong especially appreciates. As a matter of fact, Xiong’s absorption of the concept of “emptiness” leads to the resetting of the position of “qi” in Confucianism, and the substantial experience supported by “qi” in turn has influences on the formation of “emptiness” in Xiong’s thought. By holding the tension between “emptiness” and “qi”, we can further reveal Xiong’s ethical choice between the “ren” of Confucianism and the “karunā” of Buddhism, by which we are finally able to make tangible the profound moral concerns behind Xiong’s turning from Buddhism to Confucianism.
目次 | 壹、前言 126 貳、從《新唯識論》中的本體宇宙論說起 128 一、了別未及之「境」何在? 129 二、「翕」、「闢」宇宙論之基礎何求? 132 叁、「空」、「氣」之間的張力 135 一、共生:「空」的「氣」? 135 二、衝突:創生實體與「氣質之性」問題 140 肆、「仁心」與「悲心」之間的道德實踐原則 145 一、由佛轉儒背後的道德承擔 145 二、「無我」與「利他」之間 148 伍、結論 151 參考文獻 152
ISSN | 10158995 (P) |
ヒット数 | 692 |
作成日 | 2018.06.11 |
更新日期 | 2018.06.13 |

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