權變與善巧方便 — 佛教漢譯的文化攝受與抉擇=Expedient Means and Upāyakauśalya: Cultural Acceptance and Preference of Buddhist Chinese Translation |
著者 |
樊沁永 (著)=Fan, Qinyong (au.)
掲載誌 |
出版年月日 | 2018.05.01 |
ページ | 368 - 391 |
出版者 | 佛光文化事業有限公司 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 高雄市, 臺灣 [Kaohsiung shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 會議論文=Proceeding Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 1. 樊沁永,揚州大學社會發展學院講師。
キーワード | 權變=expedient means; 善權方便=upāyakauśalya (skillful and expedient means); 善巧方便=upāyakauśalya (skill in means); 大乘佛教=Mahāyāna Buddhism; 人間佛教=Humanistic Buddhism |
抄録 | 權變和善巧方便是兩個分別隸屬儒家和佛教的概念,因為在實踐智慧層面的相似關係以及在傳播翻譯中的攝受關係,非常值得深入進行比較研究。本文首先從文字源流角度梳理這兩個概念的漢語基本意涵。其次,從儒家思想內部梳理權變概念在孔孟使用中的論域及表達的主要思想。再次,通過佛教思想翻譯過程中抉擇、創用善權方便、善巧方便等漢語言概念表達佛教思想的考察,深入闡述佛經翻譯過程中觸及的中華文化攝受印度佛教問題。最後概述權變和善巧方便概念的儒佛異同,闡明佛教善巧方便在翻譯過程中對儒家文化的攝受,以及善巧方便作爲大乘佛教重要的實踐智慧對人間佛教運動的重要意義。
Expedient Means and Upāyakauśalya are two concepts that belong to Confucianism and Buddhism respectively. Due to the similarities in the practice of wisdom and the way translations are being disseminated and accepted, it is worthwhile doing further comparative research. Firstly, this paper introduces the basic Chinese meanings of the two concepts from the aspect of source text. Secondly, from the perspectives of Confucianism, to clarify the concept of Expedient Means in the use of Confucius and Mencius’s ideas of expression. Thirdly, through the translation process of Buddhist thoughts, using words such as upāya-kauśalya (skill in means), upāyakauśalya (skillful and expedient means) and so on to express the Buddhist concepts. Moreover, the translation process has influenced the Chinese culture in terms of acceptance of Indian Buddhism. Finally, this paper aims to outline the similarities and differences between the concepts of Expedient Means and Upāyakauśalya. It clarifies that Upāyakauśalya, in the process of translation, has been accepted in Confucian culture, and is an important practice of wisdom in Mahāyāna Buddhism which is significant in the development of Humanistic Buddhism. |
目次 | 中文摘要 368 一、引言 370 二、權變、善巧方便的漢語基本意涵 370 (一)權變的基本意涵 370 (二)善巧方便的基本意涵 374 三、儒家權變思想範疇及運用 378 (一)權變在儒家哲學中的位置 378 ( 二 ) 權變在《大學》條目中的展開 380 四、佛教善巧方便的漢譯抉擇 383 五、人間佛教運動的儒佛兼攝 386 六、結論 388 參考書目 390 |
ISBN | 978957457458582 |
ヒット数 | 1310 |
作成日 | 2018.07.23 |

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