

中華當代茶道的本體美學及其實踐=The Aesthetics Essence and Practices of Contemporary Chinese Tea Ceremony
著者 賴賢宗 (著)=Lai, Hsien-tsung (au.)
掲載誌 夏荊山藝術論衡=Journal of Xia Jing Shan's Art
ページ31 - 54
出版サイト http://www.xjsacf.com/TW/Showroom02/ugC_ShowroomItem.asp
出版地臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan]
資料の種類期刊論文=Journal Article

キーワード茶道=Tea ceremony; 本體美學=ontological aesthetic; 李澤厚=Li Zehou; 茶禪一味=Taste Zen In Tea; 奉茶=tea offering
抄録 本文就中華當代茶道的本體美學及其實踐發展,加以討論。傳統的中華茶文化包含佛教的禪茶、道家的道茶、儒家的茶禮,以及在上個世紀的下半葉在台灣發展的茶藝。台灣二十世紀的茶藝,以文人茶的觀點融會了禪茶、道茶、茶禮,主要是以美感的平台來呈現。現在走入二十一世紀,當代中華茶道的新創造,需要更加深入涵化儒釋道三家文化,並且探索與表現審美的本體,不停留在美感的感受、外在的儀式或表演,而且要能夠以審美所感通的本體來立命,實踐當代茶道之中的生命美學。因此,禪茶、道茶、茶禮的本體詮釋涉及到的是本體美學。李澤厚(1930-)建構的華夏美學是一種本體美學,他所著的美學著作《美的歷程》(1981)、《美學四講》(1989)、《華夏美學》(1989)乃是最具有本體傾向的中華美學二十世紀八○年代的研究成果。成中英如此定義本體美學:「所謂的本體美學,就是回到美感直覺、美感體驗與美感判斷的內外在基礎上,去體驗、認識、發現與創造美的價值,並統一於具體的生命意識與生活實踐;認識到生命自體、心靈自體的根源動力和整體觀感的形成,是從本到體的一個創新過程。」本文首先闡明茶道的本體美學四境說:「情境:文人治茶」、「意境:茶禪一味」、「願境:生活茶道」、「道境:道法自然」,進行中華當代茶道的本體詮釋。其次,本文探討當代茶盪的發展策略。最後,筆者闡明奉茶的精神與目標,以奉茶會作為中華當代茶道的本體詮釋之實踐平台。

This essay examines the ontological aesthetics and practical developments observed in contemporary Chinese tea ceremony. Traditional Chinese tea culture encompasses Zen teaism in Buddhism, Tao teaism in Taoism, and tea rituals in Confucianism. Together with the development of the art of tea in Taiwan during the second half of the last century, the art of tea in 20^(th) century Taiwan was one that integrated literati tea concepts with Zen teaism, Tao teaism, and Confucian tea rituals, which was presented on aesthetic platforms. In the 21^(st) century, to innovate contemporary Chinese tea ceremony requires further in-depth internalization of the three cultures of Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism, with the ontology of appreciating beauty explored and presented. It needs to move beyond aesthetical experiences, external rituals or performances, with the ontology of aesthetic sensibility regarded as its goal for the realization of the aesthetics of life encompassed in contemporary tea ceremony. Therefore, the ontological hermeneutics in Zen teaism, Tao teaism, and tea rituals is related to ontological aesthetics. The Chinese aesthetic tradition formed by Li Zehou is a form of ontological aesthetic. Books on aesthetics written by Li are some of the most significant ontology-based studies on 20^(th) century 1980s Chinese aesthetics, including The Path of Beauty(1981), Four Essays on Aesthetics(1989), and The Chinese Aesthetic Tradition(1989). The following definition on ontological aesthetic is provided by Cheng Chung-ying, "The so-called ontological aesthetic is to experience, familiarize, discover, and create the values of beauty by returning to an internal and external foundation based on aesthetic intuition, aesthetic experience, and aesthetic judgment. Furthermore, they should be integrated into the awareness for life and also incorporated into everyday practices, leading to the realization that the formation of the fundamental energy and overall perception for life itself, spirit itself is essentially an innovative process." This essay begins with the following four states of ontological aesthetics: State of Emotion: Literati Tea-making; State of Mind: Taste Zen in Tea; State of Vision: Life with Tea; and State of Tao: Tao, the Truth, Imitates Nature, with ontological hermeneutics conducted on contemporary Chinese tea ceremony. Furthermore, this essay also examines development strategies for contemporary tea ceremony. Lastly, the ethos and the objectives behind tea offering are explained, proposing tea offering ceremony as a practical platform for the ontological hermeneutics of contemporary Chinese tea ceremony.
目次導論 34
一、本體美學 35
二、中華當代茶道的本體美學四境說:融會儒釋道之新願境 37
(一) 茶禪的本體 37
(二) 道茶的本體 40
(三) 茶道的本體美學四境說 45
三、中華當代茶道的本體詮釋之發展策略 47
(一) 生命關懷:茶道與茶藝之融通 47
(二) 以養生茶、生態茶為平臺融會茶道與茶藝 48
(三) 茶道領域的開拓:道茶的推廣 49
(四) 茶禪領域的新開拓 50
四、中華當代茶道的本體詮釋之實踐平台:奉茶會的方式與目標 51
結語 奉茶的精神 53
後記 54
ISSN24126233 (P)

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