棒喝宗風中的經教趨向 ── 清初仁山寂震《金剛三昧經通宗記》初探=A Scripture-based Orientation Consonant with Beating and Shouting of Linji Sect: Preliminary Analysis of Master Jizheng’s Jingang Sanmei Jing Tongzong Ji |
著者 |
張雅雯 (著)=Chang, Ya-wen (au.)
掲載誌 |
中華佛學研究=Chung-Hwa Buddhist Studies
巻号 | n.19 |
出版年月日 | 2018.12 |
ページ | 107 - 148 |
出版者 | 中華佛學研究所=Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者為法鼓文理學院佛教學系博士生。 |
キーワード | 仁山𧧌震(寂震)=Master Jizheng; 《金剛三昧經通宗記》=Jingang Sanmei Jing Tongzong Ji; 禪教一致=Text-based teaching in consonance with beating-and-shouting; 臨濟宗=Linji Sect; 三峰派=Sanfeng Sect |
抄録 | 本文以清初臨濟宗三峰派仁山寂震述作之《金剛三昧經通宗記》(以下稱《通宗記》)為研究對象,以文獻考察、義理分析為研究方法,透過《通宗記》的思想元素與架構,進一步分析仁山寂震於《通宗記》表述的思想脈絡以及闡揚禪教一致的論述方法。本研究的主要論點有三:第一,透過《通宗記》引用文獻與架構的分析,釐清《通宗記》包含三大主要思想――性相融會思想、般若思想與華嚴思想;行文立足性相融會論,以般若思想為核心、華嚴思想為骨幹,次第開展八品,且品品互攝地闡述佛陀一乘圓頓教法。第二,仁山寂震於《通宗記》以「∴」表述「宗、宗通、說通」之體用不二以明禪教一致;自究竟法論乃「非並、非縱、無二無別」之甚深般若,自方便法論則「義有先後」,兼顧華嚴的直顯與法華的開權顯實。第三,《通宗記》的禪教一致論述:藉《楞伽經》「說通」、「宗通」、「自覺聖智」(「宗」)而採「教—禪—宗」論述法,先融會「教」中「說通」,後和會「説通」與「宗通」,再令學人通「宗」;於明末的性相融會思潮中,以禪宗直指一心的立場解讀《楞伽經》,依《大乘起信論》由一心開性、相二門,導引學人修行。仁山寂震述作《通宗記》調和禪、教的抉擇,乃扎根臨濟宗三峰派,以師祖漢月法藏之祖師 禪、禪教並重為典範,傳承其師剖石弘璧以經教為輔的禪風,於棒喝宗風中不離文字方便;透過《通宗記》闡明禪教一致,對偏廢禪(重「説通」者)與偏廢教(重「宗通」者)的兩類人予以雙照雙拂,協助其真正通「宗」,乃《金剛經》無住生心的真正實踐者。
This article targets on Master Jizheng’s Jingang Sanmei Jing Tongzong Ji 金剛三昧經通宗記 (hereinafter Tongzong Ji) in Qing dynasty. Through textual and theoretical investigation this paper analyzes the context of Linji Sect from late Ming to early Qing, and identifies Master Jizheng’s thought in Tongzong Ji and his teaching style of meditation. This paper lays focus on three arguments. First of all, it clarifies the main elements of thought in Tongzong Ji, by analyzing its textual structure and referential documents, include characters of dharma in consonance with principles of dharma (Chi. 性相融會), Huayan 華嚴 and emptiness (Skt. Prajñā; Chi. 般 若 ). Secondly, it analyzes Master Jizheng’s teaching of meditation that puts equal emphasis on both scripture-based and beating-and shouting approaches, which derives from the essential core of “sudden teaching” in Chan School, i.e. the teaching of “emptiness’’ and paves a gradual way to enlightenment with respect to Huayan system. Third, it would explain methods applied in Tongzong Ji for emphasizing on both scripturebased and beating-and-shouting approaches in reference to Lanka Sutra 楞伽經 and Dasheng Qixin Lun 大乘起信論 . From practical and training perspective, Master Jizheng signified a bi-approach and three-step mechanism for meditators in accordance with the theory of “∴”, which starts with textbased approach and moves to beating-and-shouting approach and ends up to enlightenment. The paper recognizes Master Jizheng’s teaching of meditation within historical context of Linji Sect in late Ming and early Qing. Master Jizheng’s teaching style is methodologically distinct form stereotypical identification of “solely beating-and-shouting approach” in some Linji tradition. Its essence is the very concept of “emptiness in Zushi Chan 祖師禪 advocated by Hanyue Fazang, the founder of Sanfeng Sect and within systematical interpretations of Sanfeng Sect. His diverse training approach is practically for purpose to guide different students. It is neither a “method-free” approach, nor a rigid “following-through-scripture” instruction. The emptiness-based pluralism of Chan School and the Buddha’s teaching of “no-attachment” and “liberatinginsight” are realized by Master Jizheng through Tongzong Ji |
目次 | 一、前言 109 二、《通宗記》的思想元素與架構 114 (一)由《通宗記》引據文獻解讀思想元素 114 (二)《通宗記》的架構分析 120 三、仁山寂震於《通宗記》表述之思想脈絡 122 (一)性相融會思想 122 (二)般若思想 124 (三)華嚴思想 125 (四)三大思想脈絡之定位與關聯 127 四、《通宗記》的禪教一致論述 131 (一)立足性相融會論的《楞伽經》模式 131 (二)「教—禪—宗」論述法 133 (三)晚明清初佛教脈絡下的禪教一致論述 136 五、結論 139 |
ISSN | 1026969X (P) |
ヒット数 | 1143 |
作成日 | 2019.01.17 |

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