

佛教「念死」之修持:以《菩提道次第廣論》與《印光法師文鈔》為主之比較研究=Comparative Study Between Tsong-ka-pa's Lam Rim Chen Mo and Literatures of Master Yin-Guang on the Practice of Buddhist Teaching of death
著者 吳艷秋 (著)=釋岑融 (au.)
出版サイト https://www.hfu.edu.tw/
出版地新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
資料の種類博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
キーワード宗喀巴=Tsong –kha- pa; 印光=Yin-guang; 《菩提道次第廣論》=Lam Rim Chen Mo; 《印光法師文鈔》=Literatures of Ven.Yin-Guang; 念死修持; 道次第=sequential Path of Bodhi; 念佛=read the Buddha's name; 漢藏佛學比較研究=A Comparative Study of Chinese and Tibetan Buddhism

Purpose of this paper is intended to Tsong-kha-pa's Lam Rim Chen Mo and imprinted Ven.Yin-guang's Literatures of Ven.Yin-guang, a comparative study of the idea of death related to practice the theories and methods of sequential Path of Bodhi. Two masters of the era distance of about half a century, belong to the important thinking of the Tibetan and Chinese Buddhism. They pay attention to "the subject of death", and to develop further studies to guide its associated professor, in addition to the actual practices of caring outside the same topic. This theroy focuses on some parts of particular, first of all, how to operate the "read dead" practices during which "What is the common objective characteristics and different ideas." Sescondly, by the theory of Buddhism and traditional classics as obviouss, what are the "dead idea" ideas, concepts, methods, object background concepts, consistency and inherited association. Thirdly, even by the correspondence of different space-time background, how the the development of a difference, ideological characteristics is appeard. Therefore, this theory will follow three aspects: First, the traceability of the Buddhist thought of "practice of the idea of dead"; the second is related to ideological position in the above two works; and the final is the theory of self-cultivation practices and sequential construction of the comparison.
The Lam Rim Chen Mo combined the sequential Path of Bodhi and the motivation of "reading the impermanence of dead", as the entrance of Mahāyāna Bodhi Path. It is an operation of practice to think of dead. The Literatures of Ven.Yin-guang is a combination of reading the Buddha's name, with emphasis on "dead idea" as the basic position taken heart Buddha, emphasizing the context in order to enhance the belief and vows. This contribution also emphasize the uaual pratice, sick and dying pratice for entering into Pure Land. Both systems carry out the practice of actual practices for different boot methods: one emphasized the pratice in the corrupt world to become a Buddha, the other is to be reborn in the Pure Land. However, equally the self-cultivation is in order to "read the death" as a common starting point. This is a common basis, namely that fastening both of these two works to the department of "liberating rebirth" as the goal. The idea that the monk can expect to face, thinking of the end of life and the self-cultivation as a starting point for Buddhist practice, is a common point of view of two masters.
As for the dissimilarity between the two works, there is no conflict or contradiction mutual rejection. On the contrary, for practitioners who are eager to be
reborn in Pure Land should understand the Lamrim's sequentinal Path of Bodhi, and to the practitioners of operating the sequential Path of Bodhi who, need to combine the mind practice of tri-purusa-paths and the aspiration of being reborn in Pure Land. If it is so, they may be easily interated to each other. According to the contents of Lam Rim Chen Mo and Literatures of Ven.Yin-guang,different master has different associated sent
目次第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 文獻回顧 2
一、《廣論》原典、譯注、研究 3
二、《印光文鈔》原典、研究 11
第三節 研究範圍、方法進路、章節大要 17
一、研究範圍 17
二、研究方法進路、章節大要 18
第二章 「念死」法門之意涵與發展 21
第一節 「念死」之意涵 21
一、「死」之釋義 21
二、念死之釋義 23
三、念死的目的與方法 25
第二節 念死法門的源流與發展 32
一、「念死」法門的源流背景 33
二、「念死」法門之發展 53
第三章 《廣論》與《印光文鈔》「念死」思想 60
第一節 《廣論》的「念死」思想 60
一、道次第思想與「念死」思想 60
二、「念死」在道次第中的定位 65
第二節 《印光文鈔》的「念死」思想 66
一、持名念佛與「念死」思想 66
二、「念死」在持名念佛中的定位 73
第四章 《廣論》與《印光文鈔》「念死修持」理論之建立 75
第一節 「念死修持」的理論基礎 75
一、《廣論》結合道次第思想 75
二、《印光文鈔》結合持名念佛思想 78
第二節 「念死修持」的實踐意涵之詮解 81
一、《廣論》的詮解 81
二、《印光文鈔》的詮解 82
第三節 「念死修持」的目的與方法 83
一、《廣論》:調整修行動機、菩提道之入道基礎、思惟修 83
二、《印光文鈔》:求生淨土、歷境而修、行法 85
第四節 「念死修持」的理論之比較 88
一、念死修持的思想基礎 88
二、念死修持的實踐意涵之詮解 88
三、念死修持的目的與方法 89
第五章 《廣論》與《印光文鈔》修持念死的實踐方法次第 91
第一節 《廣論》 91
一、上座正行 92
二、上座結行 98
三、座間修習 98
第二節 《印光文鈔》 99
一、平時修 99
二、對境修—死字當頭 103
三、病時修 104
四、臨終修 106
第三節 修持念死的實踐方法次第之比較 107
一、觀念同異之處 108
二、修習方法相異之處 113
第六章 《廣論》與《印光文鈔》「修持念死」實踐理論之融通 119
第一節 融通的原則 119
一、念死為修行道基 119
二、以解脫生死輪迴為目的之修持體系 120
三、具備明晰的理論內涵與實修方法次第 122
四、強調死時以法為怙 124
第二節 念死之修學法要的互補 126
一、思惟修和念佛行法的結合 126
二、前行法與對境修的結合 127
三、臨終念死修持與三士道修學意樂結合 128
第七章 結論 130
第一節 本文研究成果 130
第二節 檢討與建議 132
一、不足之處的補正 132
二、本研究的發展前瞻性 133
參考書目 135


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