敦煌文獻中目連變文之孝道研究=Exploration of Filial Piety Case Study in Mulian Rescues His Mother by the Bianwen based on Manuscripts Discovered at Dunhuang |
著者 |
廖珮如 (著)=Liao, Pei-ju (au.)
出版年月日 | 2016 |
ページ | 107 |
出版者 | 華梵大學 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
学位 | 修士 |
学校 | 華梵大學 |
学部・学科名 | 東方人文思想研究所 |
指導教官 | 陳娟珠 |
卒業年 | 104 |
キーワード | 目連變文=Mulian Bianwen (tale of “Mulian Rescues His Mother”) |
抄録 | 佛教做為一外來宗教,為了能順利在中土發展與推廣,傳教者做了許多努力,在不違反佛教教義的前提下,與中土文化融和,好讓當時的中土社會能夠接納佛教,唐代盛行的俗講就最好的例子。 俗講是佛教針對世俗民眾所發展出的講經方式,在唐五代時期頗為盛行,主要是用來幫助世俗民眾理解接受晦澀的經文。而變文則是俗講的底本,是佛教為了方便傳教所發展出來的文學形式,擷取了佛經的部份內容,經過講唱者的創意加以衍化增修,發展成世俗容易理解的故事,從中達到宣揚佛教教義和弘傳教法的目的。 唐五代時期社會的主流思想為儒家,而儒家最重視的就是孝道,因此目連變文以孝順父母、報父母恩為故事的核心,默默地融入佛家特有的行孝方式,例如:出家修行、舉辦盂蘭盆會等,為儒家孝道做了更高層次的補充,成功地將佛教孝道思想普及於民間為世俗所接受。 本文比較儒佛二家的差異後發現,目連變文先融合儒家思想,再應用生動的情節宣揚佛教特有的孝道觀,使得目連救母成為唐五代時期最受歡迎的佛家故事,即使後來在宋真宗時期變文被禁止講唱,目連救母的故事也沒有就此消失,而後更以寶卷及戲劇的形式繼續流傳下來,成為目連以佛門孝子形象流傳於世人心中的關鍵。
As an imported religion, the missionaries had made a great efforts on integrating Buddhism with Chinese inherent culture when they were devoted to propagate it into China at the very beginning. Without violating Buddhist teachings, all endeavors were to enable Buddhism to have a smooth development and widespread over the country. Su-jiang (i.e. secular preaching) was one of the methods, adopted and prevailed in the Tang dynasty, for immersing this originally foreign religion itself in the local culture.
Su-jiang, dating back to the Six Dynasties, is a way aimed at expounding Buddhist sutras for secular people; in so doing, it helps them to comprehend the abstruse texts of Buddhism and ultimately comes to make well known about Buddhist doctrine (dharma) and preach widely the teachings. This propagating way was actually in vogue during the eras from the Tang to Five Dynasties. Moreover, the so-called Bianwen can be seen as texts of Su-jiang, in which it is a literary form invented for the convenience of doing missionary work. Bianwen is believed to be derived from the partial content of sutras (Buddhist scriptures); after derivation, adding and editing by the creative styles of narrators and chanters, it has transformed into stories that the public can easily understand.
At the ancient time, Confucianism (a.k.a. Ruism, originated from the Spring and Autumn Period) was not only a system of ethical-sociopolitical teachings, but also the mainstream thought; in addition, filial piety has always been one of the most important virtue in Confucian philosophy. Therefore, Mulian Bianwen is a narrative which takes "respect for parents" and "repay the grace and loving-kindness of parents" as the core of storyline, which nicely blends into the distinctive way of carrying out piety in Buddhism. The actions and events, such as being a monk (or nun) to practice Buddhist rules and holding Yulanpen Hui (i.e. Ghost Festival), have made a greater promotion for Confucian piety. Undeniably, that's had brought Buddhist filial thought being successfully popularized and accepted by the folks for a long time.
After comparing the differences in thoughts between Confucianism and Buddhism, we could find that Mulian Bianwen first syncretized Confucian philosophy, and then used dramatic story plots to preach the viewpoints of the Buddhist filial thought to the crowds. This development made “Mulian Rescues His Mother” the most popular Buddhism tale during the Tang and the Five Dynasties. Afterward, though Bianwen had been banned at the time of Emperor Zhenzong of Song, the tale of “Mulian Rescues His Mother” never died out and spread down by the forms of Baojuan (texts written in an alternation of prose and verse) and dramas. Eventually, Mulian has been becoming the most representative figure of the Buddhist filial thought. |
目次 | 摘 要 I 表 目 錄 V 第一章 緒 論 1 第一節、 研究動機與目的 1 第二節、 研究範圍與方法 3 第三節、 相關研究評述 7 第四節、 全文架構 10 第二章 儒佛孝道觀 11 第一節、 儒家的孝道觀 11 一、 對孝的認知 11 二、 行孝的方式 13 第二節、 佛教的孝道觀 19 一、 對孝的認知 19 二、 行孝的方式 20 第三章 敦煌文獻中的目連變文 25 第一節、 變文 25 一、 緣起 25 二、 涵義及類別 28 第二節、 目連變文 33 一、 源流 33 二、 內容 41 三、 與《佛說盂蘭盆經》的情節比較 62 第四章 從目連變文看儒佛孝行 67 第一節、 出家前-行儒家的孝道 69 一、 父母在,不遠遊,遊必有方 69 二、 守喪三年 71 三、 出家報恩 73 第二節、 出家後-以佛教孝道為主 76 一、 孝心的表現 76 二、 孝行的展現 77 第三節、 目連變文中儒佛孝行的衝突 84 一、 回應儒家在孝道上對佛教的批評 84 二、 提出佛教不認同儒家孝行之處及其獨特之處 89 第五章 結論與建議 99 第一節、 結論 99 第二節、 未來研究建議 101 一、 地獄觀的發展原因與背景 101 二、 地藏王信仰如何與目連合流 101 參考文獻 102 |
ヒット数 | 378 |
作成日 | 2020.02.05 |
更新日期 | 2023.01.18 |

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