

唐代「佛傳文學」研究=A Study on the "Buddha’s Biographies Literature" in Tang Dynasty
著者 張家豪 (撰)=Chang, Chia-hao (compose)
出版サイト https://www.ccu.edu.tw/
出版地嘉義縣, 臺灣 [Chia-i hsien, Taiwan]
資料の種類博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
キーワード佛傳=Buddha’s Biographies; 唐代文學=Tang Dynasty Literature; 道宣=Dao Xuan; 王勃=Wang Bo; 敦煌文學=Dun-huang Literatures

This thesis explores that the “Biography of Buddha” experienced the translation in Han dynasty and after being used in poetry and literature by a few eminent monks and literati before Tang dynasty; and then, till the Tang dynasty, how did it become more widely prevalent and as a result turned into an important literature subject. In this article, it respectively discussed the literature works of the biographies of Buddha made by three different social hierarchies, i.e. eminent monks, literati and common people, in Tang dynasty from their respective perspectives. Further, it fostered the biographies of Buddha to open up multiple facets, features and values in the literature in Tang dynasty.
In chapter one “Introduction”, it expounded the study background, motive, scope and method. Chapter two outlined the situation of translating into Chinese and spreading of biographies of Buddha before Tang dynasty. The creations using biographies of Buddha as their subject made by Zhi Dun in his early period could be seen. We also could see that Seng You’s Chronicle of Shakyamuni compiled Buddha biographies related scriptures, affected the Dao Xuan’s Chronicle of Shakyamuni Clan in Tang Dynasty. Besides, the stories of Buddha biographies also combined with the religious rituals, such as “Buddha’s birthday” , becoming the themes of literatis’ lyrical poetry works to express their feelings.
The content from chapter three to chapter six then focused on Tang dynasty. Discussion centers were respectively shed light on eminent monk Dao Xuan’s Chronicle of Shakyamuni Clan, literatus Wang Bo’s The Essay of Tathagata Shakyamuni’s Enlightenment and The Odes of Shakyamuni Buddha as well as the literature of Dun-huang’s Buddha biographies which were popular among the public. Among these chapters, it specified the spirit of “buddhism” and “missionary” in the works of Dao Xuan; investigated and discerned the possibility of “Whether Wang Bo was the author of the The Odes of Shakyamuni Buddha .”; as well as organized abundant Dun-huang’s Buddha biography literatures and meanwhile expounded its space, time and method as it was actually exhibited. In the conclusion, this study adopted a more broad perspective to deliberate the literature of Buddha biographies in Tang dynasty.
To sum up, about the biographies of Buddha in Tang dynasty, its quantity and form were obviously more than those of dynasties before Tang, therefore forming a peak of creation in Chinese history. Among the literati, Wang Bo, biographized for Buddha in two different types of literature genre, was indeed never seen before the Tang dynasty. With respect to the Dun-huang Buddha biography literatures prevailed in secular society in Tang dynasty, among Bian-Wen, lyric praises and practical writings there existed works using Buddha biographs as themes; and accordingly evolving multiple literature genres. Therefore, it is enough to ob
目次第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與目的 1
一、研究背景 1
二、研究目的 6
第二節 義界與範疇 9
一、「佛傳文學」之界義 9
二、「唐代佛傳文學」之範疇 11
第三節 研究成果述評 13
一、宏觀論述 13
二、個別論述 15
第四節 研究方法與步驟 19
一、研究方法 19
二、研究步驟 21

第二章 佛傳漢譯與唐前之傳播 24
第一節 漢譯佛典中的佛傳 24
一、東漢之初譯佛傳:《修行本起經》、《中本起經》 25
二、三國之完整佛傳:《太子瑞應本起經》 26
三、西晉之別生佛傳:《異出菩薩本起經》 28
四、西晉之大乘佛傳:《普曜經》 29
五、苻秦之集經佛傳:《僧伽羅剎所集經》 30
六、東晉之微型佛傳:《佛說十二遊經》 31
七、南北朝詩讚佛傳:《佛所行讚》、《佛本行經》 31
八、劉宋譯初譯佛傳:《過去現在因果經》 33
九、隋代集大成佛傳:《佛本行集經》 35
十、唐譯之有部佛傳:《方廣大莊嚴經》、《根本說一切有部毘奈耶破僧事》 36

第二節 唐前佛傳之編寫與傳播 40
一、彙編之作 40
(一)《釋迦譜》之佛傳內容 40
(二)僧祐及其護法之作 43
(三)彙編風氣下的佛傳 46
二、詩歌運用 50
(一)支遁讚佛詩之化用 51
(二)王融〈法樂辭十二章〉 52
〈八關齋夜賦四城門更作四首〉 54
三、序讚碑記 56
(一)支遁〈釋迦文佛像讚并序〉 56
(二)沈約〈釋迦文佛像銘〉 60

第三章 高僧之佛傳創作 69
第一節 道宣《釋迦氏譜》之承衍 69
一、僧祐轉世 70
二、版本選擇 73
三、譜系架構 80
四、改寫特色 86
(一)精裁對話,敘事扼要 86
(二)潤飾文句,排偶表述 88
(三)增補地理,凸顯處中 90
(四)彰明八相,標目清晰 93
(五)援引漢籍,貼近中土 96
第二節 《廣弘明集》保存之唐代佛傳文學── 釋玄則〈禪林妙記前集序〉 98
一、《廣弘明集》選收之佛傳文學 98
二、玄則與《禪林妙記》證義 101
三、〈禪林妙記前集序〉之內容分析 103
四、〈禪林妙記前集序〉之佛傳特色 107

第四章 文士之佛傳創作 111
第一節 文士與佛傳之關係 111
第二節 王勃與佛教之關係 117
第三節 〈釋迦如來成道記〉之文學表現 122
一、創作年代 122
二、〈釋迦如來成道記〉之內容分析 123
三、〈釋迦如來成道記〉之佛傳特色 127
(一)八相俱足,重視傳法 127
(二)四六貫之,誠為典贍 128
(三)或字連用,鋪張宏麗 131
四、傳播與流行 132
第四節 〈釋迦佛賦〉之文學表現 134
一、王勃佚作之可能性 135
二、〈釋迦佛賦〉之內容分析與特色 148
(一)八相為幹,重視涅槃 149
(二)四六貫之,駢偶排比 151
(三)用典繁複,展現才學 152
(四)雕琢詞藻,避用俗語 154

第五章 庶民之佛傳文學 157
第一節 敦煌佛傳文學內容 157
一、變文 158
二、歌讚 177
三、應用文 188
第二節 敦煌佛傳文學之展演與傳播 194
一、佛傳文學之展演空間 196
二、佛傳文學之展演時間 203
三、佛傳文學之傳播方式 210
(一)講唱展演 210
(二)文字傳抄 215
第三節 敦煌佛傳文學之特色析論 217
一、篇幅精簡,以利宣教 218
二、取材八相,少述涅槃 220
三、剪裁諸經,渲染世情 222
四、敘事通俗,簡化佛理 225

第六章 結論 229
參考書目 232

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