

星雲大師對彌陀淨土法門的弘傳與行持=Master Hsing Yun’s Preachment and Untiring Practice of Pure Land Buddhism
著者 李聖俊 =Lee, Sheng-chun
掲載誌 人間佛教研究=International Journal for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism
ページ33 - 69
出版サイト https://www.chineseupress.com/
出版地香港, 中國 [Hong Kong, China]
資料の種類期刊論文=Journal Article
ノート李聖俊,國立成功大學中國文學系博士生,實踐大學高雄校區博雅學部講師。LEE, Sheng Chun is PhD candidate of the Department of Chinese Literature, National Cheng Kung University and lecturer at School of Liberal Education, Shih Chien University, Kaohsiung Campus
キーワード阿彌陀佛=Amitabha Buddha; 極樂淨土=Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss; 星雲大師=Master Hsing Yun; 人間佛教=Humanistic Buddhism; 念佛=Buddha Recitation

In recent years, Master Hsing Yun has spared no effort to propagate “a humanistic Buddhism,” and at the same time expresses his ultimate goal to construct “a piece of pure land on the earth,” vowing to set his feet on the Path of Mahayana Bodhisattva life after life, attempting to awaken the sentient beings of the human world to learn and follow Buddhist doctrines for the purpose of enlightenment. On the other hand, Master Hsing Yun has repeatedly praised Amitabha Buddha’s western pure land of ultimate bliss in his speeches delivered in many occasions across the world as well as his talks given in various 7-Day Amitabha Retreat Assemblies. Master Hsing Yun’s “humanistic pure land” is rather different from the “rebirth in the western pure land of ultimate bliss” perceived by many Pure Land Sect disciples. Nevertheless, Master Hsing Yun is not against the “rebirth in the western pure land,” and is not against the Dharma of Buddha-recitation, either. Actually, Master Hsing Yun admitted that he had benefited from his faithful practice of Buddha-recitation in the past years. Based on the discussions stated above, the author studied Master Hsing Yun’s preachment of Amitabha Buddha’s western pure land as well as his interpretation of Buddharecitation in the early days. Master Hsing Yun has vigorously propagated the merits and virtues associated with the Dharma of Buddha-recitation. He has interpreted the Pure Land Sect disciples’ belief using the traditional morals and virtues, and then described the extraordinariness and praiseworthiness of Buddha-recitation using plain language. To integrate Buddhism into daily lives, Master Hsing Yun has introduced the Dharma of Buddha-recitation to the busy people today, saying this Dharma is suitable for all walks of life, not subject to any restriction imposed by time and space. He encouraged the masses to purify the karmas created by their actions, speeches and thoughts, thus eliminating all sufferings and miseries in this life and in this world, and at the same time demonstrating the positive significance implied by the Dharma of Buddha-recitation. As to the mental state suitable for the Dharma of Buddha-recitation, Master Hsing Yun pointed out that he had learned “joyfulness,” “grievousness,” “emptiness,” and “realness” from his practice, encouraging the masses to focus on the Dharma of Buddha-recitation and to get rid of the “unwanted thoughts” using “mindfulness,” and at the same time rely on “Buddha-recitation” to attain “freedom without any distracting thought” and thereby obtain a response from Amitabha Buddha.
ISSN2223800X (P)

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