佛教「感恩觀」初探 ── 從印順法師觀點解讀起=An Investigation of the “Viewpoint of Gratitude” in Buddhism: Started from the Understanding of Ven. Yin-shun |
著者 |
林建德=Lin, Chien-te
掲載誌 |
法印學報=Journal of Dharma Seals
巻号 | n.8 |
出版年月日 | 2017.12 |
ページ | 141 - 168 |
出版者 | 財團法人弘誓文教基金會 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 桃園縣, 臺灣 [Taoyuean hsien, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者單位:佛教慈濟大學宗教與人文研究所教授 Professor, Institute of Religion and Humanity, Buddhist Tzu Chi University |
キーワード | 慈濟=Tzu Chi; 感恩=Gratitude; 印順=Yin-shun; 菩提心=Bodhicitta; 菩薩=Bodhisattva; 般若經教=Prajña |
抄録 | 「感恩」是近來台灣社會常聽到的字詞,各個社群中廣泛地使用著,也是不少宗教領袖所再三強調的,如證嚴法師即是一例;可以說,「感恩」一詞的普及,和證嚴法師暨慈濟社群的帶動有一定關係。本文即是試著就佛教的立場,來探討感恩的概念,而以印順法師觀點作為解讀的起點。除前言和結語外,首先探討「恩」在《阿含經》中的正反二義,其次依印順法師之見,指出感恩為修習菩提心之所依,而這樣的說法可說源自《菩提道次第廣論》,同時也契合於大乘佛典(如《大般若經》)對感恩的強調。最後探討感恩如何契合於佛教之修行,包括其如何相應於善法、助於對治五毒,以及顯發菩薩心行、實現美好生活暨離苦得樂等。
“Gratitude” is a word often heard in Taiwan society, and is widely used in various communities. It is also emphasized by different religious leaders, such as Ven. Zheng-yen. It can be said that the wide usage of the term “gratitude” is relative to the promotion of Ven. Zheng-yen and the Tzu Chi community. This article is to try to explore the idea of “gratitude” from the position of Buddhism, taking Ven. Yin-shun’s view as the starting point of interpretation. In addition to the introduction and conclusion of this essay, firstly I introduce the positive and negative meanings of the term “grace” in the agama sutra. Secondly, I adopt Ven. Yin-shun’s point of view to illustrate that “gratitude” is the basis for the practice of Bodhicitta. This standpoint is not only coherent with the teaching of Lam Rim Chen Mo but also fitting in with the teachings of Mahayana Buddhist scriptures (such as the Mahāprajñāpāramitā sūtra). And lastly I discuss how “gratitude” is in line with Buddhist practices, including how it corresponds to good deeds and good karma, helps to cure “five poisons,” reveals the mentality of Bodhisattva, as well as helps to achieve a better life and the cessation of suffering and so on. |
目次 | 一、前言 143 二、「恩」在《阿含經》中的正反二義 144 三、「恩」為修習菩提⼼之所依──知母.念恩.求報恩 147 (一)一切眾生都曾為我母 147 (二)念恩而求報恩 148 (三)印順法師觀點的經教依據 149 1、《菩提道次第廣論》七階段說 149 2、「恩」在大乘佛典的強調──以般若經教為例 151 四、感恩作為一種佛教修行法門 154 (一)感恩相應於善法的修行 155 (二)感恩有助於對治煩惱 157 (三)感恩是菩薩心行所必須 159 (四)感恩與離苦得樂(美好生活)的實現 162 五、結語 164 |
ISSN | 22241299 (P) |
ヒット数 | 372 |
作成日 | 2020.06.11 |
更新日期 | 2020.06.11 |

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