性別倫理嬗變中的佛教女性觀探討=The probe of the Buddhist’s perception towards female in the evolution of gender ethics |
著者 |
金易明 =Jin, Yi-ming
掲載誌 |
法印學報=Journal of Dharma Seals
巻号 | n.10 |
出版年月日 | 2019.12 |
ページ | 49 - 74 |
出版者 | 財團法人弘誓文教基金會 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 桃園縣, 臺灣 [Taoyuean hsien, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者:上海佛學院佛學導師暨上海華東師範大學客座教授 Author: Advisor at Shanghai College of Buddhism and Visiting Professor at East China Normal University |
キーワード | 佛教=Buddhism; 性別倫理=Gender ethics; 八敬法=Eight respects; 五礙=Five obstacles; 八十四態=Eighty-four Statuses |
抄録 | 佛教典籍中諸多於性別倫理角度頗有歧視女性的表述,兩千多年來,確實導致包括印度本土、及佛教各傳播地區教界中,滋生出諸多影響女性信徒成道的障道因緣。兩千多年來,限於某些佛典中涉嫌歧視女性修道者的規範,被冠以「聖言量」的「佛說」,而未曾、也未敢予以懷疑,更無勇氣和膽略予以廢止。因而,導致女性佛教信徒在人格上被歧視、甚至於被侮辱的情形,未能得以徹底消除。由此,有必要重溫佛教典籍中以「八敬法」、「五礙」、「八十四態」為文獻依據的女性觀,進行必要而謹慎且嚴肅的甄別,其是否佛陀意趣之體現?抑或以男性、尤其是教界上座長老為主導的僧團,於真切體認佛陀深邃聖言量基礎上,對佛陀於嚴格「種姓」制與嚴重性別歧視倫理環境中,隨緣善巧保護女性修學者之慈悲本懷的某種深切體會結果?抑或這種規範本身,即為男性僧團對佛陀「聖言量」的一種篡改,以迎合自身性別倫理價值觀上根深蒂固的歧視女性陋習?對這些質疑的澄清並直面回答,對此關涉性別倫理之關鍵問題的客觀分析、以及於佛典文本與佛教史發展脈絡結合基礎上的詮釋,是必要的。
In ancient Buddhism codes and records, there are , admittedly, many expressions of discrimination against women from gender ethics’ view of point, which for more than two thousands years, cause many obstacles for female Buddhists to fulfill a Buddhist’s life both in India territory and the other Buddhism influenced areas. For two thousand years, appearing in a few Buddhist sutras, some codes of practice alleged discrimination against female Buddhists, were branded with holly “Buddha’s saying” and thus, had never been suspected, not to speak of being abolished. Consequently, the circumstances of female Buddhists being discriminated and even insulted, have not been completed eliminated yet.Therefore it’s essential review the Eight Respects, Five Obstacles and Eighty-four Statuses concerning viewpoints towards female in Buddhist sutras. Through the necessary, careful and serious examination and distinguishing, we make a trial to find out which case is the actual state of affairs: -- Buddha’s perception; -- or it’s just the representation of profound mercy of sramana community dominated by male especially the elder sramana, based on deep understanding Buddha’s holy words, to delicately protect the female Buddhists in such serious gender discrimination ethics environments under strict caste system; -- or those codes of practice are male sramana’s bending of Buddha’s holy words to cater for the deep-rooted corrupt tradition of gender discriminate towards females. Facing these doubts and to give a clear answer, we think it’s essential to make some objective analyses of some key points of gender ethics and set forth the era veining of the combination between Buddhism sutras and Buddhism history. |
目次 | 一、前言 53 二、佛陀制定「八敬法」規約之意趣 54 (一)兩種「八敬法」的文獻依據及表述分析 54 (二)《大愛道比丘尼經》之「八敬法」所體現的佛陀之意趣 57 三、體現女性歧視的「五礙」、「八十四態」辨析 61 (一)對「五礙」說的梳理 61 (二)對於「八十四態」簡述 64 四、「廢除八敬法」呼籲的呼應 66 (一)昭慧法師與「廢除八敬法」 66 (二)〈佛教與女性〉及其對「佛說」的理解 68 |
ISSN | 22241299 (P) |
ヒット数 | 350 |
作成日 | 2020.06.12 |

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