無量義經與證嚴上人 ── 試論慈濟宗門之開展與修行=The Innumerable Meanings Sutra and Dharma Master Cheng Yen |
著者 |
何日生 =Her, Rey-sheng
掲載誌 |
法印學報=Journal of Dharma Seals
巻号 | n.2 |
出版年月日 | 2012.10 |
ページ | 87 - 128 |
出版者 | 財團法人弘誓文教基金會 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 桃園縣, 臺灣 [Taoyuean hsien, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者:慈濟基金會發言人、慈濟大學傳播系助理教授 Author: Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Studies, Tzu Chi University |
キーワード | 無私=selfless; 大愛=great love; 性相空寂=Intrinsic Mind of Omni-emptiness; 清淨=pure |
抄録 | 《無量義經》的核心理念是「性相空寂」與「濟渡群生」;以人間佛教倡議者印順導師的話語就是「淨心第一,利他為上」;以慈濟宗門的創立者證嚴上人的話語就是「無私、大愛」。「無私」,是邁入「性相空寂」的必要狀態。「大愛」,是「濟渡眾生」的心靈源頭。以無私的心廣澤大愛於人間,是證嚴上人實踐《無量義經》的入世法門。 慈濟宗門以佛教為本,它的實踐卻是超越佛教邊界的。許多基督徒、天主教徒、回教徒、猶太教徒,乃至無神論者,都成為慈濟志工,都皈依證嚴上人成為靜思弟子。因為有《無量義經》使得慈濟宗裡的佛教徒找到入世修行的法門。因為有《無量義經》使得慈濟宗門裡的非佛教徒,找到個別信仰裡共通的元素──無私大愛。 《無量義經》的教義「所發慈悲明諦不虛,於眾生所,真能拔苦;苦既拔已,復為說法,令諸眾生受於快樂。」這種大慈悲的胸懷是各宗教、各家思想體系的共同基石。而慈濟的慈善理念與實踐就建立在這樣的基石上。 慈濟宗門最終的理想就是引領眾生認識生命的本質是清淨的,不執著有,不執著無,在不斷地利益他人中,體現自性不生不滅的真實大義。「船師、大船師,運載群生渡生死河,至涅槃岸。」濟渡眾生,一如大船師一般,其最終目的是引渡眾生體悟「性相空寂」的本性。因此「至涅槃岸」,是生命終極覺醒的境界。 雖以終極覺悟為理想,但《無量義經》的教法也給予世間的凡夫、眾生無限量的機會次第修行與造福。「猶如船夫身有病,船身堅固能度人」,人人都可以度人,只要依靠《無量義經》這堅固的船身。「未能自度,已能度彼」,這項義理更寬廣地接納一切眾生。眾生雖然心性不一,習性相異,信念有別,但都能入此法門,只要他們倚靠《無量義經》的精神,都能幫助他人,教化他人。這種信念使得慈濟宗門在依循《無量義經》的本懷,亦復有證嚴上人創造性的智慧與人格德香的感召,引領無數千差萬別的眾生,投身慈濟,在濟助他人的同時,亦提昇自我的人格。而漸次地邁向「性相空寂,本不生滅」的終極覺醒。 The core teaching of Innumerable Meanings Sutra, to my understanding has ascribed to two concepts: “Intrinsic Mind of Omni-emptiness” and “Compassion Relief to all Beings.” Venerable Yin-Shun of the Humanistic Buddhist Movement had said: “purifying our mind is the first priority; altruistic practice is the ultimate goal”. Dharma Master Cheng Yen, the founder of Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation, has transformed the meanings to her own words: Selfless Great Love, in which “Selfless” is the pivotal step to reach “the Intrinsic Mind of Omni-emptiness” and “Great Love” is the prerequisite spirit to provide “Compassion Relief to all Beings.” Thus, devoting this selfless great love to all living creatures is how Dharma Master Cheng Yen establishes the secular practice and belief of modern Buddhism. The School of Tzu Chi follows the teaching of traditional Buddhism and yet its practice transcends religious boundary. Many Protestants, Catholics, Muslims, Jewish and Atheist have joined Tzu Chi as volunteers, and devoted themselves to be disciples of Dharma Master Cheng Yen. The teaching of Innumerable Meanings Sutra ensures not only Buddhists to cultivate their faith through altruistic practice, but also non-Buddhists to reach their awakening through the common conviction — The Selfless Great Love. Innumerable Meanings Sutra teaches that “enlighten compassion conveys sincere, concrete wisdom that in all circumstances can eradicate suffering of all beings, comfort their pains, moreover ignite their wisdom, and eventually bring them to the state of ultimate happiness.” This Omni-compassion shall be the common foundation of all religions and schools of philosophy, and it is also the foundation on which the philosophy and practices of Tzu Chi’s charity have been built. The ultimate ideal of Tzu Chi School of Buddhism aims to bring all beings to realize that the intrinsic minds are pure, non-tenacious on neither existence nor nothingness, and through continuous helping others to actualize the eternal existence of one’s true self. “Sailing Masters and Great Sailing Masters carry all beings across the river of live and death to reach the eternal awakening (the Innumerable Meanings Sutra).” Hence, to enlighten all beings to learn the Intrinsic Mind of Omni-emptiness is like the Sailing Masters carry their passengers. Accordingly, to reach the state of Nirvana is to accomplish the awakening of eternal wisdom. While eternal awakening is the ultimate goal, Innumerable Meanings Sutra also gives all beings chances to cultivation. “Even if a sailing master has illness, the unyielding boat may still carry the passengers across the river.” Therefore, everyone has the ability to enlighten others, as long as he or she relies on the teaching of Innumerable Meanings Sutra─the unyielding boat. People may carry different temperaments, convey different shortcomings, and hold diverse beliefs, but as long as they rely on the teaching of the Sutra, “one may inspire others even before one enlightens oneself.” The Tzu Chi School of Buddhism following the philosophy of the Sutra and guided by the wisdom and compassion of the founder, Dharma Master C |
目次 | 前言 91 清淨心與菩薩行 93 靜思勤行道 勤行乃清淨 95 慈濟宗門 利他度己 96 性相空寂 出世入世不二 97 涅槃於當下 靜定於動中 98 不斷煩惱而入涅槃 99 性空在緣起處把握 100 無相不相的布施觀 101 平等愛之一:教富濟貧 無分別地愛一切人 102 平等愛之二:濟貧教富 一切人皆能付出愛人 102 平等愛之三:用愛超越對立衝突 104 雖未自度已能度彼 106 船夫身有病 船身堅固能度人 108 水性是一 無差別的愛 109 一粒沙中有大千 一身能應眾生形 111 環保道場與生命最終覺悟 112 慈濟慈善理念 是諸眾生大良福田 113 是諸眾生不請之師 114 慈濟醫療:曉了藥性 令眾樂服 116 慈濟教育 是諸眾生真善知識 118 以行動為本的教育 119 從行善到善行 120 慈濟人文 報真導正 121 以善行解不生 以身行悟不滅 124 當西方轉向東方 邁出人類新文明 125 |
ISSN | 22241299 (P) |
ヒット数 | 541 |
作成日 | 2020.06.12 |

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