從四悉檀析論星雲大師的思想 — 再論大乘佛教的善巧方便一系概念=Analysis of Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s Thoughts from the Four Siddhântas: Further Discussions on Skillful and Expedient Means Concepts in Mahayana Buddhism |
著者 |
釋妙願 (著)=Shih Miao Yuan (au.)
掲載誌 |
出版年月日 | 2020.05 |
ページ | 390 - 415 |
出版者 | 佛光山人間佛教研究院 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 高雄市, 臺灣 [Kaohsiung shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 會議論文=Proceeding Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者單位:財團法人佛光山人間佛教研究院研究員 |
キーワード | 四悉檀=Four Siddhântas; 善巧方便=skillful and expedient means; 契理契機=according to aptitudes and principles; 星雲大師=Venerable Master Hsing Yun |
抄録 | 本文撰寫動機乃深受程恭讓教授《佛典漢譯、理解與詮釋研究—以善巧方便一系概念思想為中心》之啟發,深感整個佛法的弘傳教化,無非是「善巧方便」與「應機說法」二大原則。程恭讓教授透過諸多早期經典的重新翻譯與詮釋,爬梳出「善巧方便」一系概念是更高於六度波羅蜜,乃諸佛教化眾生的最重要法門。由此點出發,讓我們不得不重新思考佛陀出世的一大因緣,所謂「開示悟入」的道理。再次印證只要能契理契機,無一不是法藥,所謂不思議解脫法門。本文不揣鄙陋地試圖再從龍樹菩薩的「四悉檀」出發,論證菩薩道的「善巧方便」,也為當代佛光山人間佛教尋找另一個可為解讀的說法。
Inspired by Professor Cheng Gongrang’s work, Research of the Translation, Comprehension, and Interpretation of Buddhist Scriptures: On the Concepts of Skillful and Expedient Means (《佛典漢譯、理解與詮釋研究—以善巧方便一系概念思想為中心》), the author perceives that the propagation of Buddhism, as a whole, solely follows two major principles: “skillful and expedient means” and “teaching the Dharma per the learner’s aptitude.” Through re-translations and re-interpretations of various early Buddhist sutras, Professor Cheng reveals that concepts related to “skillful and expedient means” are more important than the Six Paramitas. It is the foremost method the buddhas applied to teach and liberate sentient beings. From this perspective, we have to reconsider the sole great purpose for the Buddha’s appearance in this world, which is “teaching, advising, awakening [sentient beings] and leading them to enter ( 開示悟入).” This perspective has proven once again that all teachings are akin to medical treatments so long as they follow principles and fit the aptitudes of sentient beings. This concept is known as “the teaching of inconceivable liberation” ( 不思議解脫法門). From the context of Nagarjuna’s Four Siddhântas, this paper discusses and validates the “skillful and expedient means” of the bodhisattva path. Furthermore, it offers another possible interpretation of Fo Guang Shan’s Humanistic Buddhism in modern times. |
目次 | 一、總攝一切佛法的四悉檀 392 二、世界悉檀—人要的、清淨的、善美的生活 394 (一)人間生活的正見 395 (二)恆順眾生的喜樂 396 三、對治悉檀—從戒律清規到三好四給 399 (一)以「止持門」為基礎—從五戒十善到佛光清規以達自淨其意 400 (二)以「作持門」為加行—從菩薩戒到三好四給落實眾善奉行 401 四、各各為人悉檀—勸發菩提心、肯定自性佛 403 (一)立基於眾生皆有佛性—如來藏思想 404 (二)初發心便成等正覺—「我是佛」的實相 406 五、第一義悉檀—以出世的精神做入世的事業 409 (一)緣起性空,無我無我所—是我的,也都不是我的 410 (二)空有一如,生死即涅槃—在輪迴中解脫,十法界流轉 412 六、結論 414 |
ヒット数 | 1032 |
作成日 | 2020.07.03 |
更新日期 | 2020.07.30 |

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