

聖嚴法師創建法鼓山之時代意義 ── 以「四個環保」思想為對象之研究=The Contemporary Significance of Ven. Master Shengyen’s Contribution to the Establishing Dharma Drum Mountain: The Studies on Four Kinds of Environmentalism Thought
著者 胡健財 (著)=Woo, kin-choi (au.)
掲載誌 聖嚴研究:第五輯=Studies of Master Sheng Yen Vol.5
ページ269 - 320
出版サイト http://www.ddc.com.tw/
出版地臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan]
資料の種類專題研究論文=Research Paper
ノート作者單位:華梵大學東方人文思想研究所副教授=Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Asian Humanities, Huafan University
キーワード聖嚴法師=Ven. Master Shengyen; 法鼓山=Dharma Drum Mountain; 四個環保=Four Kinds of Environmentalism; 心靈環保=Spiritual Environmentalism; 中華禪法鼓宗=Dharma Drum Lineage of Chan Buddhism; buddhist cultural enterprise

This study, titled as “The Contemporary Significance of Ven. Master Shengyen’s Contribution to the Establishing Dharma Drum Mountain—The Studies on Four Kinds of Environmentalism Thought,” aims at revealing the importance of Ven. Master Shengyen’s establishment of Dharma Drum Mountain in modern Buddhist history. It also points out using the Four Kinds of Environmentalism thought, as the theme that the engagement of Buddhism in the construction of modern society is demonstrated in the following movements, started by Ven. Master Shengyen: One Great Mission, Three Types of Education, Four Kinds of Environmentalism, The Fivefold Spiritual Renaissance Campaign, and The Six Ethics of the Mind Campaign, etc. Furthermore, the building of Dharma Drum Mountain World Center for Buddhist Education dawns the beginning of a new age, which spreads the Buddha Dharma while reviving Buddhism to the modern world. Besides, the establishment of Dharma Drum University carries with it the mission of education through academics and public outreach, not just a common university in our society. In this sense, it should be considered as the first Buddhist University in Taiwan. As for the founding of the Dharma Drum Lineage of Chan Buddhism, it not only honors the past but also creates the future, for it is based on the foundation of Chinese Chan Buddhism while communicating with different sects of Buddhism of the world, accepting and learning from their strength. In other words, the establishment and development of Dharma Drum Mountain can be an index for the future development of Chinese Buddhism. Therefore, this study can serve, on the one hand, as a reference for Dharma Drum Mountain’s interior affairs; on the other, our message is: The social engagement of Buddhism cannot afford to ignore the importance of “Chan Practice.” The practice has permeated every kind of activity held by Dharma Drum Mountain, which enlightens the spirit, yet freeing itself from the bondage of rituals and ceremonies. Thus, it has become an essential spiritual force in bringing peace to the mind. This quality has differentiated itself from other Buddhist centers, and therefore is worthy of our attention.
目次一、緒論 271
二、法鼓山的一大使命與三大教育 274
(一)法鼓山的自我定位 274
(二)法鼓山的三大教育 284
三、四個環保思想的提出與法鼓山「人間淨土」之推動 290
(一)「心靈環保」提出的背景及其意義 291
(二)「四個環保」與「心五四」之社會淨化運動 295
四、四個環保思想之時代意義與漢傳佛教之未來願景 303
(一)指出新時代正確的方向 303
(二)從「教育」入手,帶動社會風氣 304
(三)為世界和平發揮佛教的影響力 306
(四)漢傳佛教未來發展的重要指標 309
五、結論 315
英文摘要 319

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