《慧光墓誌》所見北朝戒律學的展開=The Spread of Monastic Precepts in the North China during the 5-6th Century: Re-reading Huiguang’s Tomb Inscription |
著者 |
陳志遠 (著)=Chen, Zhi-yuan (au.)
掲載誌 |
華林國際佛學學刊=Hualin International Journal of Buddhist Studies
巻号 | v.3 n.1 《宗教石刻研究與玄奘研究》專刊 |
出版年月日 | 2020.04 |
ページ | 1 - 33 |
出版者 | World Scholastic Publishers |
出版サイト |
出版地 | Singapore [新加坡] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者為中國社會科學院古代史研究所助理研究員。 |
キーワード | 慧光=Huiguang; 《四分律》=Sifen lü; 義疏=commentarial tradition; 菩薩戒=bodhisattva precepts; 梁武帝=Liang Wudi |
抄録 | 《慧光墓誌》出土於2002 年,今藏河北墨香閣。墓誌提供了北朝戒律學興起的一些關鍵線索。誌文明確記載慧光卒於538年,由此推算其早年與佛陀禪師的會面的地點在平城而非洛陽。這也是北朝《四分律》興起的中心。慧光對《四分律》學的貢獻在於他參考諸部廣律,撰作律疏,不久以後《四分律》取代了從南朝傳來的《摩訶僧祇律》,成為北朝戒律學的主流。誌文還提到慧光為孝靜帝“戒師”,結合《續高僧傳》所載僧達為孝靜帝授菩薩戒之事,師徒二人兩度為菩薩戒師的現象,體現了北朝僧界對南朝文化的熱切模仿。
The ‘Huiguang muzhi’ 慧光墓誌 (Huiguang’s Tomb Inscription), excavated in 2002, yields some valuable clues to the investigation of the early spread of Buddhist precepts in the northern dynasties. The inscription clearly states that Huiguang died in the year of 538, which helps to clarify the fact that Huiguang first met the meditation monk ‘Fotuo’ 佛陀 in the city of Pingcheng 平城 rather than Luoyang. And Pingcheng, the old capital of the Northern Wei, was then the center for the study of Sifen lü of the Dharmagupta tradition. Huiguang composed the commentary on Sifen lü, which was characterized by the thorough comparison of vinaya texts of different schools. Soon after his death, Sifen lü started to prevail in the north and gradually triumphed over the Mahāsaṃghika Vinaya which was introduced from the south in the mid-fifth century. The inscription also reports that Emperor Xiaojing 孝靜帝 (r. 534–550) received the bodhisattva precepts under the guidance of Huiguang. Considering the records in the Xu Gaoseng zhuan 續高僧傳 [Extended Biographical Collection of Eminent Monks], we conclude that the emperor received the bodhisattva precepts twice: first from Huiguang, and then from Huiguang’s disciple Sengda 僧達 (475–556) after he returned from the south. Viewed within a broader context, this fact most likely demonstrates the zeal of the monastic community to emulate the cultural innovations of the emperor Liang Wudi 梁武帝 (r. 502–549). |
目次 | 一、《慧光墓誌》的發現及錄文 2 二、慧光事蹟考 4 (一) 卒年為東魏元象元年(538) 4 (二) 初遇佛陀禪師在平城 7 三、《四分律》學的興起 11 四、菩薩戒的北傳及推論 17 (一) 慧光為孝靜帝菩薩戒師 17 (二) 孝靜帝受菩薩戒與梁武帝 19 (三) “覘國者”:魏齊之際的南北交涉 24 五、結論 28 參考文獻 29
ISSN | 27050742 (P) |
DOI | 10.6939/HIJBS.202004_3(1).0001 |
ヒット数 | 682 |
作成日 | 2021.03.04 |
更新日期 | 2021.03.19 |

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