唐代日本留學僧常曉的師承與參學道場 —— 兼論空海門人與西明寺=Japanese Monk Jōgyō 常曉(?–866)in Tang-China: His Lineage and Sites of Study: With a Derivative Discussion on Kūkai’s(774-835)Disciples and on the Ximing Monastery |
著者 |
湛如 (著)=Zhan, Ru (au.)
掲載誌 |
華林國際佛學學刊=Hualin International Journal of Buddhist Studies
巻号 | v.2 n.2 |
出版年月日 | 2019.10 |
ページ | 193 - 207 |
出版者 | World Scholastic Publishers |
出版サイト |
出版地 | Singapore [新加坡] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者為北京大學東方學研究院副院長。 |
キーワード | 空海=Kūkai; 常曉=Jōgyō; 宗叡=Shūei; 真如=Shinryo |
抄録 | 日僧歸國後,對曾經學習過的寺院或師長是否掛念在心?本文以此為切入點,選擇第十八次遣唐使中空海門人為對象,梳理日僧與西明寺及寺僧的關係。其中常曉雖非空海直傳弟子,但在中國又與空海同學之弟子學習。宗睿和真如更是追隨其師空海腳步,到西明寺參學。以上種種說明此次求法過程,雖然目的是天台與密宗的法門,但是空海學習和居住過的西明寺仍對日僧產生了或多或少的影響,中日兩國的佛教交往不僅是國家性質的,更是師徒之間法脈相承,後人不斷的接續前緣。
After Japanese monks returned from China to Japan, did they feel nostalgic towards the monasteries where they studied in China, and to their predecessors? Starting from this question, this article focuses on the disciples of Kūkai 空海 (774–835) who joined the 18th Japanese mission to Tang-China. Among those in the mission, Jōgyō 常曉 (?–866) has not technically studied with Kūkai, but his fellow disciples were Kūkai’s disciples. Shūei 宗叡 (808–884) and Shinryo 真如 (?–?), in particular, followed the example of their master and studied in the Ximing Monastery 西明寺. These and other facts all reveal that during this mission, even though the Japanese monks bore the ostensible goal of studying Tiantai Buddhism and esoteric teaching, they were also influenced, in one way or another, by the Ximing Monastery where their master Kūkai had once studied. From this perspective, we could see that the Sino-Japanese Buddhist exchange represents not only a relationship between two countries but also that between the master and disciples, as the disciples came to China following the example of the master. |
目次 | 一、引言 194 二、空海門人與西明寺 195 三、常曉求法寺院小考 198 四、眾僧與西明寺 202 五、小結 204
ISSN | 27050742 (P) |
DOI | 10.6939/HIJBS.201910_2(2).0005 |
ヒット数 | 780 |
作成日 | 2021.03.08 |
更新日期 | 2021.03.22 |

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