大唐盛世與鑑真東渡 -- 紀念大唐開基1400華誕=The Heyday of the Tang [618–907] and the Eastbound Journeys of Jianzhen 鑑真(688–763): 1400th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Great Tang Dynasty |
著者 |
王勇 (著)=Wang, Yong (au.)
掲載誌 |
華林國際佛學學刊=Hualin International Journal of Buddhist Studies
巻号 | v.3 n.2 《佛教與人工智能與東亞佛教歷史研究》專刊 |
出版年月日 | 2020.10 |
ページ | 190 - 214 |
出版者 | World Scholastic Publishers |
出版サイト |
出版地 | Singapore [新加坡] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者歷任杭州大學教授兼日本文化研究所所長。 |
キーワード | 文化疆域=“Cultural Sphere”; 鑒真=Jianzhen/Ganjin; 東渡=Eastbound Journey; 動機=motives; 文化交流=Cultural Communication |
抄録 | “文化疆域”乃指一種領先周邊且佔據主流的文化界域,它具有開放式並能跨境越界。然而當今中國的文化疆域流失嚴重,故應予關注。此文即以回顧剖析鑒真法師東渡的動機來頌揚他弘法的精神,並以此討論其在東亞文化大背景之中的重大意義。鑒真六次東渡,將佛教戒律與先進的文明帶到了日本,當代日本人在揣度鑒真東渡動機時,多立足於日本的歷史觀與社會認知,並由於其國家利益影響,故有若干誤讀或歪曲。鑒真東渡實與其佛教世界觀有關, 正是由於一種超越國家與民族藩籬,追求天下大同理想的佛教世界觀,才使得鑒真突破“限中外,隔華夷”的國家法律與傳統觀念, 願意到“蠻荒之地”普濟眾生。鑒真的東渡還與其國際化視野以及唐代的道教氛圍存有關聯。鑒真對日本文化的影響則既廣泛又深刻, 他開創了律宗傳統,還對建築、美術、工藝、書法、醫學等領域以及日本日常文化皆有影響,這體現了兩國過去友好交往對於東亞和平格局的重要意義。
‘Cultural Sphere’ refers to a sphere of influence exerted by a dominant civilization over its neighboring regions. Such sphere knows no confine and transcends boundaries. This article re-examines Jianzhen’s (Jp. Ganjin) 鑑真 (688–763) motive in travelling to Japan, in order to show his dedication to preaching the dharma and to discuss the importance of his journeys for the East Asian cultures. As it is well-known, Jianzhen has journeyed six times to Japan and brought along Buddhist vināyas and advanced culture. But when contemporary Japanese speculate on the motives behind Jianzhen’s journeys, they often do so conditioned by the Japanese historiography, social factors and national interests. As a result, their interpretation may become askew and erroneous. In reality, Jianzhen’s journeys were deeply inspired by the Buddhist worldview which transcends national and ethnic boundary in favour of an integrated harmonious world. It is influenced by this worldview that Jianzhen was able to become unfettered by the Chinese rules and mindset at the time that tended to separate what is Chinese from what is ‘barbarian’, in order to carry out his religious mission in the ‘barbarian’ land. Moreover, Jianzhen’s journeys may also be related to his own international outlook as well as the prosperity of Daoism during the Tang Dynasty. Regarding Jianzhan’s extensive and profound influences in Japan, he not only founded the vināya tradition in Japan, but has also influenced a wide range of fields such as architecture, art, craft, calligraphy and medicine. Jianzhen’s journey reflects the importance that the amicable exchange between China and Japan holds for the peace of the entire East Asia.
目次 | 緒言:國家領土與文化疆域 191 一、唐朝在世界文明上刻上一個“唐”字 192 二、盛唐氣象的關鍵字是“吞吐”二字 194 三、唐人為什麼不願意東渡日本 197 四、日本人講述的“鑒真故事” 200 五、鑒真東渡的動機與意義 205 結語:啟動海外的中國文化元素 209 參考文獻 211
ISSN | 27050742 (P) |
DOI | 10.6939/HIJBS.202010_3(2).0007 |
ヒット数 | 661 |
作成日 | 2021.03.09 |
更新日期 | 2021.03.19 |

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