

聖嚴法師在臺灣法鼓教團 推動天台教觀的努力 ──以《天台心鑰》一書為中心=Venerable Sheng Yen’s Effort to Promote Tiantai Teaching and Meditation in the Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist Groups in Taiwan With Special Focus on His Book: A Key to the Central Ideas of Tiantai Buddhism
著者 黃國清 (著)=Huang, Kuo-ching (au.)
掲載誌 聖嚴研究:第三輯=Studies of Master Sheng Yen No.3
ページ349 - 386
出版サイト http://www.ddc.com.tw/
出版地臺北, 臺灣 [Taipei, Taiwan]
資料の種類專題研究論文=Research Paper
Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of Religious Studies, Nanhua University
キーワード聖嚴法師=Venerable Sheng Yen; 天台教觀=Tiantai teaching and meditation; 天台心鑰=A Key to the Central Ideas of Tiantai; 法鼓教團=Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist Groups
抄録聖嚴法師為當代漢傳佛教界高僧,廣泛鑽研佛教經論,並有深厚禪修體驗,一生在華人社群與西方世界孜孜不倦地弘揚佛法,宣講淺深各種層次的佛教教義與實踐方法,攝受社會各界各階層人士,期望將地球社區建設為人間淨土。法師稟承禪宗傳承,通達中印佛學,在其生命的最後幾年深感中國佛學的價值遭致忽略,因而積極推廣漢傳佛學,講論其精義與價值,更苦心撰寫數部中國佛典註釋書,選書範圍涵蓋多個宗派,以引領當代學佛者認識中國佛學的深廣內涵及吸收古代祖師的佛法領悟。《天台心鑰 ─ 教觀綱宗貫註》是法師推廣最力的一書,他於百忙中為《教觀綱宗》做出精心註解,在法鼓山教團親自授課培養教學人才,致力使這本書成為當代佛教徒了解中國佛學思想理念與修證次第的入門書。聖嚴法師撰述此書的重要意義與推動閱讀的實施步驟,以及推廣過程的困難及目前運作的狀況,分成以下幾點而論。

Venerable Sheng Yen was an eminent Buddhist master in history of modern Chinese Buddhism. He had a profound and thorough understanding of Buddhist texts, as well as deep meditation experiences. His efforts to transform the world into a “pure land” can be witnessed through his lifetime effort to spread Chinese Buddhist doctrine and methods of practice to both Chinese communities and the western worlds. He felt that Chinese Buddhism has not been properly valued. As a Buddhist monk following the Chinese Chan tradition and as a scholar who has studied Indian and Chinese Buddhist theories, he actively promoted the study and practice of Chinese Buddhism especially during the last phase of his life. He focused on the main ideas and tenets of Chinese Buddhism in order to help modern Buddhists appreciate the profundity of Chinese Buddhist theory and the wisdom of ancient Chinese masters. He wrote commentaries to several classic Chinese Buddhist texts written by famous masters from various Chinese Buddhist traditions. Among them, A Key to the Central Ideas of Tiantai Buddhism: A Commentary on Jiao-guan-gang- zong(天台心鑰─ 教觀綱宗貫註)is perhaps the book that Venerable devoted most of his efforts. The Jiao-guan-gang-zong
was written by Ouyi Zhixu of the Ming Dynasty. The Venerable taught his work personally to a select group of Dharma Drum Mountain reading club facilitators with the hope of making his commentary the guide to disseminating Chinese Buddhism. The significance of writing this book, the methods through which the book is designed to be promoted, and the difficulties confronted in the process of disseminating this book in reading clubs are summed up as follow:
1. Many Buddhists assert that Theravāda Buddhism and Tibetan Buddhism articulate a more defined Buddhist practice than that of Chinese Buddhism, which is criticized as being without any stages of practice. Venerable Sheng Yen challenged this assertion by introducing a work by Zhixu. The Venerable’s work expounds Tiantai Buddhism’s central ideas and stages of practice in the structure of its fourfold model of the Buddhist path (i.e., the Tripi aka Teachings; the Common Teachings; the Distinct Teachings; and the Perfect Teachings). As the teaching of Tiantai School emphasizes the integration of calming (śamatha) and contemplation (vipaśyanā), a close examination of this book by the Venerable would provide modern Buddhists with a wealth of resources for furthering their practice and avoid mistaking shallow meditational experiences as profound insights.
2. In the introductory chapter of this book, the Venerable introduces the background of Tiantai Buddhism and some information about Zhixu’s work, Jiao-guan-gang-zong. In the subsequent chapters, he interprets the text sentence by sentence, providing modern readers with commentarie
目次一、前言 352
二、天台教觀的實踐價值及其現代化課題 353
三、《天台心鑰》的著作旨趣與註釋方法 364
四、《天台心鑰》的推廣步驟與所面對的難題 375
(一) 聖嚴法師親自講授此書與帶領讀書研討 376
(二) 法鼓山講師群的聯合授課 378
(三) 各地分支機構的開課與讀書會 380
五、結論 382

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