試依《華嚴經》建構生命境遇的哲學諮商與靈性關懷模式=The Experimental Construction of Philosophical Counseling and Spiritual Caring Model Based on the Gandavyūhasūtra |
著者 |
許鶴齡 =Hsu, Ho-ling
掲載誌 |
哲學與文化=Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture
巻号 | v.47 n.4 |
出版年月日 | 2020.04.01 |
ページ | 53 - 71 |
出版者 | 哲學與文化月刊雜誌社 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者為佛光大學宗教學研究所教授 |
キーワード | 華嚴經=Gandavyūhasūtra; 靈性=Spirituality; 哲學諮商=Philosophical Counseling; 療癒=Therapy; 善終=Death with Dignity |
抄録 | 當醫療科技發達,面對生命的各種遭逢,更需要釐清個己信念與價值,才能在不時之需,因著事前思考抉擇與準備,活出生命的意義與品質。臺灣自108年1月16日正式實施病人自主權利法後,相關醫療機構也提供欲簽署醫療自主決定的民眾預立醫療照護諮詢。值得省思之處為現由醫護專業人員提供的醫療照護諮詢外,實能思考增加醫院裡的哲學實踐,藉由哲學諮商助人面對罹病的醫療處遇與照護進行思辨。本文欲從《華嚴經》相關疾病、煩惱乃至臨命終時的靈性困境處遇,探究佛教哲學諮商對病人自主與諮詢所能提供個己或專業自助助人的方法與資源。本文除前言與結語,共分為五個部分予以建構:一、《華嚴經》示現的生命境遇──人生整理;二、《華嚴經》呈現的善解療治──哲學諮商關懷關係;三、《華嚴經》顯現的瞻病疾療──身病的靈性諮詢;四、《華嚴經》朗現的菩提心藥──煩惱的靈性照護;五、《華嚴經》展現的善終安隱──臨終的靈性陪伴。
With advanced medical technology and with various encounters in life, it is even more necessary to clarify one's own beliefs and values so that one can live out a life of significance and quality due to the forethought to evaluate choices and make decisions. Since Taiwan's Patient Autonomy Law was formally implemented on January 16, 2019, relevant medical institutions have also provided consultations regarding pre-established medical care for people who want to sign a medical autonomy decision. When receiving medical care consultations from medical professionals, people also have to think about philosophical practices in hospitals and use philosophical counseling to help themselves cope with the reality of being ill and think about choices of medical treatment and caring. Beginning with the life dilemma, illness, troubles, and spiritual encounters at the end of life that are represented in the Gandavyūhasūtra, this article intends to explore the methods and resources that Buddhist philosophical counseling in the Gandavyūhasūtra can provide for the patient's autonomy and consultation. In addition to the preface and conclusion, this article is divided into five parts in order to propose an experimental construction: Part One reviews the cases of life encounter in the Gandavyūhasūtra, drawing attention to retrospective reflections on life; Part Two discusses the considerate healing presented in the Gandavyūhasūtra, focusing on the caring relationships of philosophical counseling; Part Three concerns spiritual consultations of physical illness by examining the therapeutic approaches shown in the Gandavyūhasūtra; Part Four explores the Bodhisattva medicine of the Gandavyūhasūtra, especially the spiritual caring of worries and anxieties; Part Five investigates the spiritual company and support of hospice care in the Gandavyūhasūtra. |
目次 | 壹、前言 53 貳、《華嚴經》示現的生命境遇——人生整理 55 參、《華嚴經》呈現的善解療治——哲學諮商關懷關係 57 肆、《華嚴經》顯現的瞻病疾療——身病的靈性諮詢 60 伍、《華嚴經》朗現的菩提心藥——煩惱的靈性照護 62 陸、《華嚴經》展現的善終安隱——臨終的靈性陪伴 63 柒、結語 66 |
ISSN | 10158383 (P); 10158383 (E) |
DOI | 10.7065/MRPC |
ヒット数 | 809 |
作成日 | 2021.08.03 |
更新日期 | 2021.08.03 |
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