試探華嚴因陀羅網與世界咖啡館的翻轉教學模式=Exploring the Flip Teaching Mode of Huayan Indra's Net and "World Café" |
著者 |
許鶴齡 =Hsu, Ho-ling
掲載誌 |
哲學與文化=Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture
巻号 | v.46 n.6 |
出版年月日 | 2019.06.01 |
ページ | 103 - 123 |
出版者 | 哲學與文化月刊雜誌社 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者為佛光大學宗教學研究所教授 |
キーワード | 世界咖啡館=World Café; 翻轉=Flip; 因陀羅網=Indra's Net; PBL=PBL; 善財=Sudhana |
抄録 | 教師為因應社會更迭與科技進步暨學生學習型態改變,思維轉換相關教學內容與方法,以提升學生學習成效。通識教育課程的修習同學來自全校不同科系(多),如何解消大班教學無法兼顧個體學習者差異(一),並增加師生間(一對多)及學生間(多對多)的互動對話,嘗試將「世界咖啡館」大型集體會議進行咖啡桌分桌討論方式,帶入通識教育課程實作演練的翻轉教學模式,且從教學實踐中,吾人亦覺察「世界咖啡館」的運作流程與佛教華嚴「因陀羅網」的一珠影現一切珠影,一切珠復影現一切珠及所影現一切珠影,重重無盡的珠光交涉,彼此圓融無礙的思維,有異曲同工之妙。因此,引發吾人欲進一步探究兩者的交涉,本文除前言與結語之外,欲藉由八個面向:「一、《華嚴經.入法界品》的差異化教學;二、華嚴三祖法藏的譬喻教學法;三、世界咖啡館與華嚴翻轉ING;四、『生命網絡』──帝釋天宮的因陀羅網;五、『問題』『多元』──一多互涉與六相圓融;六、『異花授粉』──攝他同己與泯己同他;七、『流轉』『乍現』──重重無盡與圓融無礙;八、實作案例──通識『批判思考』課程」等予以討論,期助益於現今翻轉教育現場的理念啟發與實踐觀摩。
In response to social change and scientific and technological progress, the students change their learning styles, and adjust and reflect on the teaching content and methods of the teaching field to enhance students' learning outcomes. The general education curriculum is based on the "more" of the different departments of the school. How to solve the "one" that the big class teaching can not take into account the differences of individual learners, and increase the interaction between teachers and students "one-to-many" and "many-to-many" Dialogue, try to bring the "World Café" large-scale group meeting to the coffee table table-by-table discussion mode, and bring it into the flip teaching mode of the general education curriculum practice drill. And from the teaching practice, we also noticed the operation process of the "World Café" and the shadow of Buddhism Huayan "Indra's Net," all the pearls and shadows of all the beads and all the shadows. There are endless pearly negotiations, and the whole, harmonious mind. |
目次 | 壹、前言 103 貳、《華嚴經.入法界品》的差異化教學 104 參、華嚴三祖法藏的譬喻教學法 106 肆、世界咖啡館與華嚴翻轉 ING 107 伍、「生命網絡」——帝釋天宮的因陀羅網 109 陸、「問題」「多元」——一多互涉與六相圓融 111 柒、「異花授粉」——攝他同己與泯己同他 113 捌、「流轉」「乍現」——重重無盡與圓融無礙 115 玖、實作案例——通識「批判思考」課程 118 拾、結語 120 |
ISSN | 10158383 (P); 10158383 (E) |
DOI | 10.7065/MRPC |
ヒット数 | 583 |
作成日 | 2021.08.03 |
更新日期 | 2021.08.03 |

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