對牟宗三佛學詮釋基本立場的反思=Reflection on the Basic Standpoint of Mou Zong San's Buddhist Interpretation |
著者 |
杜保瑞 =Duh, Bau-ruei
掲載誌 |
哲學與文化=Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture
巻号 | v.46 n.3 |
出版年月日 | 2019.03.01 |
ページ | 3 - 17 |
出版者 | 哲學與文化月刊雜誌社 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者為上海交通大學哲學系特聘教授 |
キーワード | 牟宗三=Mou Zong San; 天臺宗=Tiantai Sect; 華嚴宗=Huayan Sect; 康德=Kant; 海德格=Heidegger |
抄録 | 討論現代亞洲佛學,當以佛學界的學術研究為主,但是在中國哲學的領域中,佛學亦屬中哲一支,在中國哲學界中談佛學談得最深刻的,莫過牟宗三先生,但他卻是以利用康德哲學和海德格哲學的觀念,建構新儒學體系,在此同時,也犧牲了佛學理論的真確意涵。牟先生利用天台、華嚴對立的焦點,把講工夫論的天台意旨,上升為詭譎的圓教型態,把講形上學境界論的華嚴意旨,貶抑為成佛卻捨棄下界眾生,把佛學的圓不圓滿訴諸於是否能保住九法界的世界,於是華嚴別而不圓。這些觀點,都違背了佛學基本意旨,可以說,牟先生以為是在談哲學問題而自創體系,但作為親證實踐的佛學及其世界觀,絕非在概念的定義以及思辨的馳騁中就能論究高下當否的。本文之作,將主要以牟先生的《現象與物自身》以及《智的直覺與中國哲學》兩書的佛學部分作意旨的說明以及意見的辯難。
The study of modern Asian Buddhism should be based on the study of Buddhist academia. However, in the field of Chinese philosophy, Buddhism is also a branch of Chinese philosophy, so it is necessary to discuss the study of Buddhism in the field of Chinese philosophy. The most profound study of Buddhism in Chinese philosophy circles is Mr. Mou Zong San. However, he constructed the philosophy system of neo-Confucianism by using the concepts of Kant philosophy and Heidegger philosophy, and at the same time, sacrificed the correct connotation of Buddhist theory. Mou Zong San compared the views of Tiantai sect and Huayan sect, and elevated the content of Tiantai sect, which focuses on practical philosophy, into a theory of completeness. As for the completeness of Buddhist theory, it appeals to the preservation of the world of sentient beings. Therefore, Huayan sect philosophy is only a partial philosophy rather than a perfect one. These viewpoints all violate the basic content of Buddhism. He thought he was talking about the problem of philosophical truth, but the result was to create a new system. However, as a practical philosophy of Buddhist theory and its worldview, it is by no means in the definition of the concept and speculative gallop can be discussed under the right and wrong. This article will mainly take the Buddhist part of two books, "phenomenon and thing in itself" and "the intuition of wisdom and Chinese philosophy" as the content explanation and the argument of opinion. |
目次 | 壹、前言 3 貳、牟宗三先生哲學活動的型態定位 7 參、牟宗三先生佛學詮釋的型態定位 8 肆、牟先生佛學研究之相關著作 9 伍、《智的直覺與中國哲學》中的佛學討論 10 陸、《現象與物自身》中的佛學討論 12 柒、小結 15 |
ISSN | 10158383 (P); 10158383 (E) |
DOI | 10.7065/MRPC |
ヒット数 | 441 |
作成日 | 2021.08.03 |
更新日期 | 2021.08.03 |
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