聖嚴法師倡導的念佛方法及對「念佛禪」的詮釋=Master Sheng Yen’s Method of Being Mindful of Virtues of the Buddha and Interpretation of “Chanting Chan” |
著者 |
陳劍鍠 (著)=Chen, Chien-huang (au.)
掲載誌 |
聖嚴研究:第十一輯=Studies of Master Sheng Yen Vol.11
出版年月日 | 2018.11 |
ページ | 7 - 64 |
出版者 | 法鼓文化 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 臺北, 臺灣 [Taipei, Taiwan] |
シリーズ | 聖嚴思想論叢 |
シリーズナンバー | 11 |
資料の種類 | 專題研究論文=Research Paper |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者單位:香港中文大學人間佛教研究中心主任=Director, Centre for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
キーワード | 聖嚴法師=Master Sheng Yen; 念佛禪=Chanting Chan; 以禪攝淨=Use Chan Practice to Contain Pure Land though; 建設人間淨土=Establishing a Pure Land on Earth |
抄録 | 聖嚴法師「建設人間淨土」的思想淵源,極為泓窈,這跟他詮釋禪、淨的修持手段有直接關係。本文擬藉由析釐他對禪、淨的見解,提供不同的考察面向,以見法師「建設人間淨土」的思想動向。 本文先從「宗教師」的立場開展,導入他對禪、淨修行方法的關注。接著闡述他所指稱的三種念佛人,以及引用印光大師「十念記數」的教法,來教導念佛法門。此外,本文探討聖嚴法師詮釋的「念佛法門」做為禪修的輔助,並且論證出他導向「念佛禪」的用意在於「建設人間淨土」。本文於闡述過程,亦論證了他汲取前賢的思想軌轍,如道信、弘忍、永明延壽、雲棲袾宏、蕅益智旭等,藉由他與古德所開展的進路異同,進一步體認其「念佛禪」的思想結構。這對於釐清他所倡導的「建設人間淨土」的思想內涵,具有指標性的意義。
Master Sheng Yen’s teaching on “Establishing a Pure Land on Earth in the Human Realm” is both subtle and profound in terms of Buddhist doctrine. He advocates the thought of “pure land on Earth” and put the Chan and Pure Land concepts into practice. Analyzing the relationships between them can help us to inspect the establishment of pure land on Earth, which can be an enlightening process. The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between Chan and Pure Land thought of Master Sheng Yen, and clarify his comments of variety of “being mindful of the virtues of the Buddha” to compare with ancient patriarchs’ opinions. Whereby investigate the meaning of “Chanting Chan”. This paper criticized the responsibilities of religious teachers, as an explanation approach to discuss the practice of Chan and Pure Land. And then, discuss the way of Master Sheng Yen explained “chanting of the name of Amitābha Buddha”. We explored he used chanting of the name of Amitābha Buddha to aid Chan practice, and used Chan practice to contain Pure Land thought that related to the precedence of Chan practice. As we are making the interpretations of Master Sheng Yen’s “use Chan practice to contain Pure Land thought”, we are to observe the developmental track of his thought among the numerous preceding scholars. In other words, to unfold the access road of his thoughts and distinguish their differences, not only can we linearly but constructively establish his intellectual structures. From the analysis of Master Sheng Yen’s thoughts on the “Chanting Chan”, we can further clarify the implicit meanings and implications of his teaching of pure land on Earth. |
目次 | 一、前言 8 二、末法、宗教師及修行方法 11 三、三種念佛人與十念記數法 20 (一)三等念佛人與三種念佛人 22 (二)提倡印光「十念記數」法 27 四、念佛次第與念佛禪的修持方式 30 (一)依蓮池教法建立次第 31 (二)持名念佛與念佛禪修 42 五、結論 50 徵引文獻 54 英文摘要 63 |
ヒット数 | 341 |
作成日 | 2021.08.19 |
更新日期 | 2021.08.19 |

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