

法鼓八式動禪在校園中實用活用之個案探討 ── 以一所中學的國三班級為例=Applying DDM Eight-form Moving Meditation to Schools: A Case Study of the 3rd-grade Classrooms in a Middle School
著者 江玥慧 (著)=Chiang, Yueh-hui (au.) ; 陳武雄 (著)=Chen, Wu-hsiung (au.) ; 常慧娟 (著)=Ch'ang, Hui-juan (au.)
掲載誌 聖嚴研究:第十一輯=Studies of Master Sheng Yen Vol.11
ページ183 - 258
出版サイト http://www.ddc.com.tw/
出版地臺北, 臺灣 [Taipei, Taiwan]
資料の種類專題研究論文=Research Paper
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science at National Chengchi University
Chairman of the Association for Education on Life Enlightenment
Project Manager, Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist Foundation
キーワード法鼓八式動禪=DDM eight-form moving meditation; 禪修在校園的應用=introducing meditation to school classrooms; 人格教育=character education
抄録承續法鼓山創辦人聖嚴法師帶領四眾弟子所定下的使命 ──「以心靈環保為核心,弘揚漢傳禪佛教;透過三大教育,達到世界淨化」,本研究案著重於探討漢傳禪佛教的修行觀念與方法可以如何在學校教育中實用活用,期許為健全的人格教育奠定基礎。
本研究案採用自然探究(Naturalistic Inquiry)質性為主,量化為輔的研究方法,在自然的學習情境下,觀察、了解學生學習靜心課程的過程,以及課程中提及的觀念與方法對學生的課業學習和日常生活中人我互動所產生的影響。研究團隊與班級師生從二○一四年下半年開始持續互動,將近兩年期間進行多元化資料蒐集以確保研究的信實度 (trustworthiness)。

Following up the mission of spreading Chinese Chan Buddhism widely, established by Venerable Master Sheng Yen, the founder of Dharma Drum Mountain (DDM), this study aims at exploring how to practically apply the concepts and methods derived from DDM eight-form moving meditation to school education, and further contributing to developing sound character education.
This study occurs in a middle school in New Taipei City, Taiwan. A teacher of a third-grade class would like to help her students be focused and settled as they face the pressure from taking Comprehensive Assessment. Grounded on the essentials of DDM eight-form moving meditation as well as taking teachers’, parents’ and students’ needs into consideration, one of the research team members, a senior DDM meditation teacher, designs a meditation program including the Chan practicing concepts and a series of body movements facilitating students to experience clearness and relaxation. In accordance with students’ needs relevant to the school events, the class teachers invite the research team to hold the meditation sessions in class. In each session, the senior DDM meditation teacher leads the students to practice being clear and relaxing as they perform the movements, and elaborates on how to apply Chan practicing concepts and methods in daily lives.
The researchers adopt Naturalist Inquiry as research methodology for this study. In the real-life learning contexts, we observe students’ learning process as they engage in the meditation sessions. We also endeavor to understand the influence of participating in the sessions on students’ learning and interaction with self, others and the surroundings. The research team has been interacting with the teachers and students since 2014 and collected multiple data sources to establish trustworthiness of this study.
The researchers first report students’ perspectives on the meditation program with self-report questionnaires and students’ journals reflecting on the meditation sessions. Next, we use case reports with detailed context to exemplify students’ application of the concepts and methods learned from the meditation sessions in their daily lives. We believe that the practical application of DDM eight-form moving meditation to school settings may contribute to sound character education. The findings that demonstrate teachers’ and students’ autonomous application of what they learned from the meditation program to their daily lives are likely to support this point of view. Lastly, the researchers’ reflection on the process of introducing Chan meditation to school classrooms resonates with the strength of Chinese Chan Buddhism; that is, the ability to absorb, embrace, adapt, and adjust to the needs of people everywhere.
目次一、緒論 185
(一)校園中的實用活用 ── 人格教育 187
(二)動中修行的法鼓八式動禪 188
(三)正念在兒童或青少年族群的研究 191
(四)研究目的 193
二、研究方法 194
(一)研究環境與研究對象 194
(二)課程設計 196
(三)資料來源 199
1. 問卷回饋 199
2. 進班過程紀錄 200
3. 訪談紀錄 200
(四)資料蒐集 ── 尊重校園,以學生的需求為中心 201
(五)資料分析 204
三、結果 205
(一)學生對靜心的觀感 205
1. 對課程內容的觀感 207
2. 對帶領講師的觀感 210
3. 整體觀感 211
(二)學生在行為上的轉變 212
(三)日常生活中學生對靜心的自主運用 221
1. 運動比賽時的運用 221
2. 會考時的運用 223
3. 輔導學生時的運用 223
(四)負面案例分析 224
四、討論與結論 227
(一)對人格教育的助益 228
1. 自發 229
2. 互動 231
3. 共好 232
(二)反思:回歸漢傳禪佛教的特色 233
1. 研究團隊的反思 234
2. 老師的反思 235
3. 小結 236
(三)研究案的限制與未來發展方向 237
1. 研究案的限制 237
2. 未來發展方向與總結 238
附錄一:「動中清楚放鬆」說明會回饋表 245
附錄二:「動中清楚放鬆」總回饋表 246
附錄三:「動中清楚放鬆」回饋表(會考後) 248
附錄四:班導師訪談大綱 250
參考文獻 251
英文摘要 257

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