四福與企業永續發展=The Four Ways to Cultivating Blessings and the Sustainable Development of Enterprises |
著者 |
謝俊魁 (著)=Hsieh, Chun-kuei (au.)
顏美惠 (著)=Yen, Mei-huei (au.)
掲載誌 |
聖嚴研究:第十二輯=Studies of Master Sheng Yen Vol.12
出版年月日 | 2019.08 |
ページ | 197 - 233 |
出版者 | 法鼓文化 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 臺北, 臺灣 [Taipei, Taiwan] |
シリーズ | 聖嚴思想論叢 |
シリーズナンバー | 12 |
資料の種類 | 專題研究論文=Research Paper |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者單位: 謝俊魁:東海大學國際經營與貿易學系副教授 Associate Professor, Department of International Business, Tunghai University 顏美惠:自由研究者 Free Researcher
キーワード | 佛教經濟學=Buddhism economics; 聖嚴法師=Venerable Sheng Yen; 四福=four ways to cultivating blessings; SDGs; CSR; ESG; SRI; 永續發展=sustainable development; 企業文化=corporate culture; 共好=mutual benefit |
抄録 | 聯合國永續發展目標(Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs)、企業社會責任(Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR)、環境社會及公司治理原則(Environmental, Social, and Governance; ESG)、社會(永續)責任投資(Socially Responsible Investments; Sustainable and Responsible Investments; SRI)近年來已成為全球共同關注並持續推動的議題。這些以追求企業、經濟、社會、環境共好共榮為目標的企業永續發展議題,與聖嚴法師於一九九九年所倡導之「心五四運動」中的「四福 — 知福、惜福、種福、培福」能夠產生高度共鳴。詳言之,SDGs、CSR、ESG、SRI 皆強調企業若要永續發展,必須與各種利害關係者 (stakeholders),包括社會及環境,建立共好共榮的關係;而四福正是一套成就共好共榮的觀念與方法。因此,將四福的觀念與方法融入企業文化,有助於趨動企業中的每位成員由內而外、協調一致地朝永續發展的方向邁進。本文將連結四福與企業永續發展議題,呈現佛法如何幫助企業成為增進福祉的永續組織。
In recent years, SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), CSR(Corporate Social Responsibility), ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), and SRI (Socially Responsible Investments; Sustainable and Responsible Investments) have been globally emphasized. These topics, which are aimed at pursuing mutual benefit of enterprises, economy, society, and the environment, are closely related to the Four Ways to Cultivating Blessings, which is the Proposition for Increasing Blessings in the Fivefold Spiritual Renaissance Campaign advocated by the Venerable Sheng Yen in 1999. SDGs, CSR, ESG, and SRI all stress that in order to have sustainable, long-term success, it is crucial for a business to develop and maintain mutually beneficial relationships with its social, environmental connections, as well as all other stakeholders. On the other hand, the Four Ways to Cultivating Blessings, which is composed of recognizing blessings, cherishing blessings, nurturing blessings, and sowing the seeds of blessings, is a fine package of concepts and methods of achieving sustainable mutual benefit. Consequently, incorporating the Four Ways to Cultivating Blessings into corporate culture would help move each member of an enterprise toward the sustainable development from the inside out and in a coordinated manner. In this paper, we aim to link the Four Ways to Cultivating Blessings with SDGs, CSR, ESG, and SRI, and show how Dharma helps enterprises become sustainable organizations that create welfare and improve well-being. |
目次 | 一、前言 199 二、永續發展 200 三、企業文化 205 四、佛教永續觀點簡介 208 五、四福— 增進福祉的主張 209 六、四福的配套體系— 心五四 216 七、良性競爭與永續發展 219 八、結語 221 附錄一:佛典中提及四福之經典 223 附錄二:《法鼓全集》中提及四福之著作 226 參考文獻 229 英文摘要 232 |
ヒット数 | 731 |
作成日 | 2021.08.26 |
更新日期 | 2021.08.26 |
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