近世の東大寺大仏千僧会等に於ける真宗と時宗・融通念仏宗の対比=Comparison of Shin-shu (sect), Ji-shu (sect) and Yuzu Nembutu-shu (sect) on "The Todaiji-temple Daibutsu Senzou-e" during Early Modern Period |
著者 |
古賀克彦 (著)=コガカツヒコ (au.)
掲載誌 |
武蔵野大学仏教文化研究所紀要=Journal of Institute of Buddhist Culture, Musashino University=ムサシノ ダイガク ブッキョウ ブンカ ケンキュウジョ キヨウ
巻号 | n.34 |
出版年月日 | 2018.02.28 |
ページ | 25 - 57 |
出版者 | 武蔵野大学仏教文化研究所 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 西東京市, 日本 [Nishitokyo-shi, Japan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 日文=Japanese |
ノート | 著者所属:国府台女子学院高等部教諭(専門)近世仏教史 |
キーワード | 東大寺大仏千僧会=Todaiji-temple Daibutsu Senzou-e; 真宗=Shin-shu (sect); 時宗=Ji-shu (sect); 融通念仏宗=Yuzu Nembutu-shu (sect) |
抄録 | In recent years we have witnessed some advances in the study of “The Great Buddha statue and thousand monk society of Higashiyama, Kyoto”《京都東山 大仏千僧会》by Hideyoshi Toyotomi《豊臣秀吉》. On the other hand, the study that took up the revival by Kokei《公慶》constituted the main focus of the early modern studies regarding “The Great Buddha Statue and thousand monk society of the Southern capital Todai-ji Temple”《南都東大寺大仏千僧会》. With regard to this, some historical materials and treatise manuscripts that could reveal the total picture of this Buddhist memorial service have been announced. However, there have been no examinations from the perspectives of Shin-shu (sect)《真 宗》(East-West Hongwan-ji Temple《東西本願寺》) and the Ji-shu (sect) 《時宗》. Therefore, I have carried out an examination based on the historical materials belonging to the two sects along with those of the Dainembutu-shu (sect)《大念 佛宗》(Yuzu Nembutu-shu (sect)《融通念佛宗》). What I have taken up in this essay are the records of the first seven days from April 2 to 8, 1688 of the three memorial services for the great Buddha statues. I compared the varying records of the same event《同時異筆》. What became clear from my examination is that the records were prepared on the sixth day for the East-West Hongwan-ji Temple 《東西本願寺》, Jodo-shu (sect) of Chinzei group《浄土宗鎮西派》, Dainembutu-shu (sect)《大念佛宗》, and Ji-shu (sect) of Ryouzen group 《時宗霊山派》. But the Jodo-shu (sect) of Seizan group《浄土宗西山派》began to record the service on the day before, which differs from that of the Chinzei group《鎮西派》. As for the Hongwan-ji Temple《本願寺》sect, what stands out is that it is not the main Kyoto temples but the temples from the outlying Yamatokoriyama《大和郡山》 area that participated in the services. As for the Ji-shu (sect)《時宗》, only its Ryouzen branch《霊山派》participated. It is thought that there was opposition from the other groups. As for the Yuzu Nembutu-shu (sect)《融通念佛宗》, its name is transcribed as Dainembutu-shu (sect)《大念佛宗》. Many monks from this sect participated, revealing that the Nara area (where the memorial service took place) constituted “an impregnable castle and moat” for this sect with its show of enthusiasm as the new group to participate in the services. |
目次 | 序 はじめに 27 一 近世記録としての東大寺再建記 29 二 史料①『大佛殿釿始千僧供養私記』 32 三 史料②『大仏殿再建記』 38 四 史料③『南都大佛木作始儀式』 41 五 史料④『南都大佛釿始諸宗参詣次第』 43 跋 まとめにかえて 46 表1 各史料比較 48 表2「諸宗僧名之事」寺院比定 51 付記 57 |
ISSN | 18820107 (P) |
ヒット数 | 201 |
作成日 | 2021.09.16 |
更新日期 | 2021.09.16 |

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