教會、教育:聖嚴法師早期以基督宗教為鏡像的佛教改革理念=Church and Education: Christianity that was mirrored in Sheng Yan's Early Buddhist Reform Ideas |
著者 |
徐鳴謙 =XU, Ming Qian
掲載誌 |
人間佛教研究=International Journal for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism
巻号 | n.11 |
出版年月日 | 2021.01 |
ページ | 296 - 341 |
出版者 | 中文大學出版社 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 香港, 中國 [Hong Kong, China] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
キーワード | 聖嚴=Sheng Yan; 近當代中國佛教=Modern Chinese Buddhism; 台灣佛教=Buddhism in Taiwan; 佛教改革=Buddhist Reform; 佛耶辯論; 宗教對話=Religious Dialogue |
抄録 | 本文所嘗試探討的是聖嚴法師(1930-2009)於主要在1950年代後半針對台灣佛教現況所提出的改革建言,及當中與基督宗教組織事業、傳教形式相契合之部分。取材為其從軍來台後,尚未重新出家前以「醒世將軍」等為筆名所發表於佛教期刊中的文章,尤聚焦〈站起來吧,中國佛教!〉(1957)、〈敬為中國佛教的現狀請命〉(1958)、〈一個問題兩點意見〉(1958)三篇。所提供觀察包括:彼等論述一定程度上與民國時期新僧們所發表的類似,但同時考察聖嚴個人生涯事業,及同時代佛教發展的走向趨勢,會發覺這些即使是早期的言論卻和往後行動相互呼應。此乃基於中國佛教來到海外台灣、香港等地,其發展環境已能逐漸允許更多改變和創新。另一方面,本文回顧大陸近現代佛教改革及向基督宗教借鑑的歷史與研究成果。同時敘述了中國佛教於1949年國共分治後轉移到港台的情況,和50、60年代兩地所發生的佛耶辯論。以作為聖嚴發言的相關背景。
This study focuses on the Buddhist reform suggestions proposed by Sheng Yan (1930-2009) in Buddhist journals mainly during the second half of the 1950s. While advocating ideas such as a stronger and unified Buddhist association as well as a more modernized Buddhist educational system, he referred to or mirrored the Christian churches, education and missionary forms. Although these are somewhat similar to what the "new monks" (Xinseng) have already been said in the Republican era, we would find the remarks echoed Sheng Yan's own career and the trend of contemporary Chinese Buddhist development. This is based on the fact that after Chinese Buddhists have come to Taiwan, Hong Kong and other places overseas due to the Civil War, its environment has gradually allowed more changes and innovation. On the other hand, this article reviews the history and studies of modern Buddhist reform and the references to Christianity in China. It also describes the Buddhist-Christian debates that took place outside the mainland in the 1950s and 1960s as the relevant background. |
目次 | 摘要 296 一、前言 297 二、近現代中國佛教改革及向基督宗教借鏡 299 (一)組織 302 (二)教育 308 三、內戰後港台佛耶之再遭遇與辯論 311 四、聖嚴早期之佛教改革建言 322 五、結論 330 徵引及參考文獻 333
ISSN | 2223800X (P) |
ヒット数 | 196 |
作成日 | 2021.10.06 |
更新日期 | 2023.07.04 |

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