

准提法門的義理與實踐研究以《顯密圓通成佛心要集》為中心=A Study on Theory and Practice of Cundi Dharma
著者 張精明 (撰)=Chang, Jing-ming (compose)
出版サイト https://web.nhu.edu.tw/
出版地嘉義縣, 臺灣 [Chia-i hsien, Taiwan]
資料の種類博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
キーワード准提法=Cundi Dharma; 顯密圓通=revealing secret and tactfulness; 道㲀=Dao-Chen; 華嚴思想=Avatamsaka thought; 菩提心=bodhicitta
抄録准提法如佛教中所有的密教一樣源起於印度亦是大乘時期佛法的一支,其在中國唐朝時期所形成的准提法門,也是「唐密」的特色之一。雖然佛教內涵不外顯、密,但傳承上是顯、密門庭各異。「唐密」中的准提法門 於中國在唐代自印度傳入建立後,修持亦秉密教傳承也較侷限於密教僧眾,且自唐「會昌法難」後法脈一度沉寂,直至遼·道㲀法師編撰《顯密圓通成佛心要集》問世後才再興起風潮延綿至今。從明、清准提信徒的修持文獻記載中,可以了解在獲得現世利益及修證佛果上准提法具有明顯的效益。

Like all esoteric Buddhism in Buddhism, it originated in India and is also a branch of Buddhism in the Mahayana period. The Cundi Dharmaparyaya formed during the Tang Dynasty in China isalso one of thecharacteristics of the "Tang Tantric". Although the connotation of Buddhism is includes both explicit and secret, it is different in inheritance. Cundi Dharma in "Tang Tantric" was introduced and established in China in the Tang Dynasty from India, the practice of esoteric Buddhism was also confined to esoteric monks, and the Dharma line was almost fade for a while after the "Huichang Dharma Woe" in the Tang Dynasty. It was only after the publication of "The Collection of the Heart to Become a Buddha" compiled by Master Liao Dao-Chen .from the practice literature records of Cundi believers in the Ming and Qing Dynasties,It can be understood that Cundi Dharmaparyaya has obvious benefits in obtaining Of Stages of self-cultivation. of the Buddhaphala
  Since the practice of Esoteric Buddhism traditionally gave the Mahayana practitioners in the China a greater emphasis on practice and less on the theory of meaning, this thesis starts from the philology and ideological research methods, and enters into the study of the translation and biography of the ancient Cundi Sutra in China region and the teachings of the teacher Relevant quasi-quotation works and contemporary scholars' writings on aligning-quotation, to understand why Dharmaparyaya can be widely accepted in China The main reason why the book"The Collection of the Heart to Become a Buddha" has been circulating today and the belief that Dao-Chen inherited Jue-Yuan's thoughts and effective development. Dao -Chen also clearly invoked its method in the "The Collection of the Heart to Become a Buddha" , and in the end, Avatamsaka thoughts along the Xian -hou, Qing-Liang and entered the Zong-Mi's "true heart" view of the Dharmadhatm, and according to its five teachings, "The ineffable vehicle round teaching" The meaning of the esoteric Buddhism in addition showing the inheritance of Avatamsaka thoughts is also a theoretical innovation.
  In the esoteric mind, the Tao-Chen does not explicitly discuss the theory of meaning and teachings like the esoteric teachings, but it is obvious from the discourses in the book that the "The dharma realm of the one reality" thinking in the sacred circle is equivalent to the esoteric sect circle Thinking, and "observation of the unobstructed world" is equivalent to the " Cundi Dharmaparyaya " method. No matter if it is to practice the same way with both the two esoterics, or to teach Samantabhadra and then the three tantras for blessing, or to use the three tantras and then observe, you can realize the great wisdom of Manjushri. The important thing is: if you don't build the Three Secret Gates, d
目次摘要 I
Abstract III
目錄 V
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 VII

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
一、研究動機 1
二、研究目的 4
第二節 研究範圍與方法 5
一、研究範圍 5
二、研究方法 6
第三節 現代研究成果回顧 10
一、准提法的義理思想在現代的研究 10
二、准提法的實踐修持在現代的研究 12
三、准提信仰的相關研究 14
第四節 論文架構與章節大意 17

第二章 准提法的淵源及在中國的傳譯與流布 19
第一節 准提法源流 19
一、密教的起源 19
二、准提法東傳 24
第二節 唐密准提法的經本傳譯 28
第三節 遼道㲀對准提法的開展 37
一、 道㲀與《顯密圓通成佛心要集》 37
二、道㲀之後的准提法 41
小結 43

第三章 准提法的義理思想 45
第一節 《顯密圓通成佛心要集》的教判 45
一、 道㲀撰《顯密圓通成佛心要集》的背景 46
二、《顯密圓通成佛心要集》呈現的教判思想 52
第二節 准提法與華嚴思想的聯結 64
一、准提法與《華嚴經》共同的思想基礎 64
二、准提法承續華嚴的法界緣起觀 69
小結 74

第四章 准提法的實踐 77
第一節 准提法在唐密的修持 77
一、 善無畏所譯准提經典與修持方法 78
二、 金剛智所譯准提經典與修持方法 80
三、 不空所譯准提經典與修持方法 85
四、 唐密准提法修持的中心—智慧修學 90
第二節 《顯密圓通成佛心要集》中准提法的實踐 97
一、《顯密圓通成佛心要集》密教心要的要義 97
二、《顯密圓通成佛心要集》中准提法的實踐 104
小結 112

第五章 結論 115
一、道㲀在顯密圓通思想的繼承和發展 115
二、顯密在實踐融通上的一致性 117

參考文獻 119
附表 123
附圖 139
表3-1 《顯密圓通成佛心要集》「顯教心要」結構表 123
表3-2 《顯密圓通成佛心要集》「普賢行海」結構表 123
表3-3 華嚴五教判與道㲀五教判對照表 124
表3-4 賢首清凉、道㲀、宗密教判義涵 125
表3-5 毗盧法界「真心」觀行義涵表 126
表3-6 《顯密圓通成佛心要集》「普賢行海五觀門」義涵 127
表3-7 《顯密圓通成佛心要集》「毘盧法界」與《華嚴普賢行願脩證儀》比較 129
表3-8 《顯密圓通成佛心要集》「同教真心」與《華嚴普賢行願脩證儀》比較 130
表3-9 《顯密圓通成佛心要集》「別教真心」與《華嚴普賢行願脩證儀》比較 132
表3-10 華嚴四法界觀與道㲀普賢行五觀義涵比較 133
表4-1 金剛智、不空准提佛母畫像十八臂的印契(持物)對照表 134
表4-2 金剛智准提法念誦儀軌前行十八道法手印及真言 135
表4-3 金剛智准提法念誦儀軌「陀羅尼字想布身法」 136
表4-4 金剛智准提法念誦儀軌「三摩地觀布字義法」 136
表4-5 金剛智准提法念誦儀軌「准提求願觀想法」 137
表4-6 不空准提法念誦儀軌前行十八道法手印及真言表 137
表4-7 金剛智准提佛母畫像十八臂的印契(持物)義涵 138
圖1 金剛智准提佛母十八臂持物圖 139

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