明末漢月禪師《三峰和尚心懺》略探和點校=A Preliminary Study of the Late Ming Chan Master Hanyue's Mind Repentance Ritual |
著者 |
黃繹勳 (著)=Huang, Yi-hsun (au.)
掲載誌 |
佛光學報=Fo Guang Journal of Buddhist Studies
巻号 | n.2 新7卷 |
出版年月日 | 2021.07 |
ページ | 1 - 45 |
出版者 | 佛光大學佛教研究中心 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 宜蘭縣, 臺灣 [I-lan hsien, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
キーワード | 漢月法藏=Hanyue Fazang; 《三峰和尚心懺》=Hanyue's Mind Repentance Ritual; 禪宗=Chan; 淨土=Pure Land Buddhism; 密教=Esoteric Buddhism |
抄録 | 《三峰和尚心懺》藏於蘇州西園寺,現存明代佛教稀見文獻唯一孤本,為漢月法藏(1573-1635)約於1618-1619年間駐錫常熟三峰禪寺時所造,此懺法包含漢月侍者僧叡(活躍於1610-1643年間)所作〈刻三峰和尚心懺小引〉、《心懺》正文和刊記。漢月駐錫於三峰禪寺的此時期,突然有許多僧人紛紛從各地前來習禪,但是,這些參禪者除了有種種禪病以外,又因累世宿垢之故,以致參禪時多有障緣,因此,漢月特為他們造此懺法,讓參禪者於禪修期間修此懺法得以懺除障緣,以祈獲頓悟之目的。此懺法足可代表禪宗發展至明代,兼具理觀與事懺的完備懺儀之一,並且充分顯示出漢月深植禪宗本家本位,又能兼容並蓄地包含明代淨土和密教思想的多元融合特色。
The Sanfeng heshang xin chan 三峰和尚心懺 (Master Sanfeng Hanyue's Mind Repentance Ritual) is a Buddhist rare text from the Ming dynasty. The only existing copy is held at Xiyuan Monastery in Suzhou. The Mind Repentance Ritual is a ritual manual compiled by the Chan master Hanyue Fazang 漢月法藏 (1573-1635) at the Sanfeng 三峰 Chan monastery in Changshu around 1618-1619. It consists of a preface written by Hanyue's disciple Sengrui 僧叡 (active 1610-1643), the ritual itself, and a colophon. Around 1618-1619, during Hanyue's tenure as abbot of the Sanfeng Chan Monastery, a large number of monastics from different places were attracted to the monastery to practice Chan under Hanyue. Hanyue observed that although these practitioners were enthusiastic, they not only suffered from various difficulties ("Chan diseases") during retreats, they also had obstructions caused by bad karma from previous lives. Hanyue compiled his Mind Repentance Ritual in order to eliminate these problems and help them to achieve enlightenment. In the context of Ming dynasty Chan Buddhism, Hanyue's Mind Repentance Ritual represents a fully developed repentance ritual, containing both repentance of principle and repentance of phenomena. The text is also consistent with the Ming dynasty trend of syncretism, as it maintains a Chan perspective while incorporating ideas and practices from Ming dynasty Pure Land and Esoteric traditions. |
目次 | 一、前言 4
二、版本 6
三、內容簡介 6 (一)〈刻三峰和尚心懺小引〉 6 (二)《三峰和尚心懺》架構 12 (三)刊記 15
四、重要思想 15 (一)禪宗與懺悔思想 16 (二)淨土思想 21 (三)漢傳密教思想——準提修行 24
五、小結 34
引用書目 42 |
ISSN | 24143006 (P) |
ヒット数 | 350 |
作成日 | 2021.11.11 |
更新日期 | 2023.05.23 |

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