

分析、智慧與健康生活: 在《教化病經》中的分析價值的審查=Analysis, Wisdom and Healthy Life: An Investigation into the Value of Analysis in the AnāthapiNDikovāda Sutta
著者 釋明光=Rev.Dr.Wadinagala Pannaloka
掲載誌 玄奘佛學研究=Hsuan Chuang Journal of Buddhism Studies
ページ1 - 48
出版サイト http://ird.hcu.edu.tw/front/bin/home.phtml
出版地新竹市, 臺灣 [Hsinchu shih, Taiwan]
資料の種類期刊論文=Journal Article
ノート作者單位: 斯里蘭卡 Kelaniya 大學巴利佛學院研究生院佛教思想系系主任兼高級講師
キーワード新型冠狀病毒疾病=Covid-19; 《教化病經》=AnāthapiNDikovāda Sutta; 人類經驗=Human experience; 智慧=Wisdom; 療癒=Healing
抄録新型冠狀病毒 Covid-19 的流行使得當前世界充滿了恐懼和焦慮。每天與 Covid-19 相關健康問題不斷在出現。針對這公共的健康問題除了醫學科學可以提供解決方案之外,宗教教義的實用性在此也可獲得驗證。療癒是人類靈性的最終極目標,而療癒包括身、心兩面。在佛教傳統中,獲得穩定的心識的方法是保持健康的關鍵。要達到這種心境的穩定需要方法,為了克服這些心理壓力,佛教的正念練習已被科學證明是有效的。沉思練習的目的是看到人類經驗的終極的本質。為了了解人類經驗的真實性,早期佛教從心理和生理兩個方面進行了分析。首先,早期的佛教經文解構了對作為自我生存實體的人類經驗的信念和看法,然後觀察了其變化的組成部分。本文試圖通過分析來檢驗人類經驗的真實性如何幫助人們獲得智慧。分析結束時,將嘗試將分析智慧應用於新型冠狀病毒疾病,以檢查此類分析對健康的益處。這項研究是通過審查在中部尼卡雅(Majjhima Nikaya)的《教化病經》中對人的分析進行的。經由審查與詮釋所根據經文本身的意涵所得出結論為透過分析人類經驗的方法可以達到有效的個體療癒,此與因應由冠狀病毒引起的一系列心理問題,自我照顧和對人的信念改變的科學模型相當一致。這將有助於增進人們對感染的恐懼、對死亡的恐懼、焦慮和孤獨此類心理問題的認識。

The current world is filled with fear and anxiety due to Corona virus (Covid-19). Everyday health problems are emerging related to Covid- 19. In
addition to medical scientific solutions to health problems of the public, utility of religious teachings are tested. Healing is the ultimate goal of human
spirituality. Healing is both mental and physical. The ways to achieve imperturbable mind are seen in the Buddhist tradition as the key to remain
healthy. To achieve this mental stability, it requires a method. In order to overcome the mental distress, Buddhist practice of mindfulness has been
scientifically proven effective. The objective of contemplative practices is to see the ultimate nature of human experience. In order to see the reality of
human experience, early Buddhism analyses both the psychological and physical aspects. In the first place, early Buddhism texts deconstruct the
belief and perception of human experience as self-subsistent entity and then observe the components of it as subject to change. The present paper
attempts to examine how the revelation of reality of human experience by analysis helps the person to achieve wisdom. At the end of the analysis, there
will be an attempt to apply the analytical wisdom to the context of Covid-19 with the purpose of examining the health benefits of such analysis. The study
is carried out by investigating the analysis of human being given in the AnathāpiNDikovāda Sutta in the Majjhima Nikaya. The themes selected in
the Sutta are examined and illustrated in terms of canonical teachings themselves. The conclusion will be reached that method of analyzing human
experience is effective in bringing about healing in the individual. The scientific models of coping with the range of psychological issues caused by
Covid-19, self-care and changing beliefs about the person, are in line with the analysis given in the selected Buddhist text and it will contribute to
enhance the knowledge in dealing with such psychological issues, fear of infection, fear of death, anxiety and loneliness.
目次1. Introduction
2. Nature of Human experience
3. Analysis
4. Wisdom
5. Wisdom as practice
6. Analytical Wisdom in the AnāthapiNDikovāda Sutta
6.1. Internal Senses
6.2. Sense-objects
6.3. Sense-consciousness
6.4. Sense–Contact (phassa)
6.5. Sense Feeling (vedanā)
6.6. Six Elements and Five Aggregates
6.7. Four Immaterial Realms
6.8. Existence here and beyond
6.9. The range of percepts

7.Analytical Wisdom , Covid-19, and Health



1. Buddhist Canons
2. Books and Book Chapters
3. Journal and News Articles
4. Electronic Sources
ISSN18133649 (P)

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