臨濟寺有明禪師的生平與弘法活動:慧憨法師訪談=The Biography and the Propaganda of Master You Ming in Linji Temple: An Interview with Master Hui Han |
著者 |
崔紅芬 (著)=Cui, Hong-fen (au.)
掲載誌 |
禪與人類文明研究=International Journal for the Study of Chan Buddhism and Human Civilization
巻号 | n.5 |
出版年月日 | 2019.06.01 |
ページ | 73 - 102 |
出版者 | 香港中文大學禪與人類文明研究中心 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 香港, 中國 [Hong Kong, China] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
キーワード | 臨濟寺=Linji Temple; 義玄禪師; 有明禪師=Master You Ming; 慧憨法師=Guangji Maopeng |
抄録 | 臨濟宗是唐代義玄禪師在今河北正定一帶創立,自臨濟宗創立以來,先是在北方得到很廣傳播,然後再傳南方,其影響擴大到全國各地。南宋時,臨濟宗傳入日本、韓國等地區,並得到了廣泛發展。臨濟禪法得到弘揚,臨濟法脈淵源流傳,從義玄法師傳至有明禪師時已是第四十五代傳人。有明禪師(1916-2010)作為臨濟宗第四十五世傳人,他一生閱歷豐富,經歷民國動盪、抗日戰爭、解放戰爭、文革和改革開放等。禪師自幼出家,多地遊學參法,足跡遍及河北、山西、河南、湖北、山東、北京、浙江等地。有明法師身處逆境,雖易服而信仰堅定,並身體力行在生活實踐中踐行佛法。有明禪師生前曾歷任中國佛教協會理事、河北省政協委員、河北省佛教協會名譽會長、河北省石家莊市佛教協會會長、河北省正定縣臨濟寺方丈等職。他一生節儉樸實生活,嚴於戒律,精進弘法,利益眾生,為臨濟祖庭的復建、臨濟禪法中興和河北佛教的發展做出了不朽的貢獻。本文從有明禪師生平與遊歷參學、易服而不改信仰、復建寺院續傳臨濟法脈、重視僧人教育與弘傳禪法、加強與中外佛教文化交流等方面對有明禪師參學弘法和僧教育活動進行探討。
The Linji School is founded by Master Yi Xuan in Tang dynasty in Zhengding, Hebei. Since it was founded, it has spread quickly in Northern China and then Southern China, gradually its influence expand to the whole nation. In Southern Song dynasty, the Linji School spread to Japan and Korea and got extensive development. From Yi Xuan to You Ming, it had been through 45 generations, during which the principles of the Linji School had been carried forward. Master You Ming (1916-2010) is the 45^(th) successor of the Linji School, he had very rich life experiences. He went through the turbulent years in the Republican period, Anti-Japanese War, War of Liberation, the Cultural Revolution and the Reform and Opening-up. He became a monk when he was a child and went study Buddha Dharma in many places such as Hebei, Shanxi, Henan, Hubei, Shandong, Beijing and Zhejiang. He lived in adversity that he had to replace his clothes as a monk due to many reasons, but he never changed his belief. He also practiced Buddhist doctrine in his daily life. He was the director of the Buddhist Association of China, a CPPCC member of Hebei province, honorary chairman of the Buddhist Association of Hebei, chairman of the Buddhist Association of Shijiazhuang, Buddhist abbot of Linji Temple in Zhengding in his lifetime. He lived a simple life and abide by the religious disciplines all his life. He propagandized the Buddha Dharma to benefit the public. He made a great contribution to the rebuilt of the ancestral Chamber of Linji School, the renaissance of Zen in Linji School and the development of Buddhism in Hebei. This article intends to talk about the studying, propaganda and the education activities towards the monks of Master You Ming through his biography like learning experiences, rebuilt the temple, propagandized the Buddha Dharma, strengthened cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries and so on.
目次 | 序言 74 一、有明禪師生平與遊歷參學 75 (一)有明禪師生平 75 (二)有明禪師遊歷參學 78 二、易服而不改信仰 84 三、復建寺院續傳臨濟法脈 89 (一)復建臨濟寺 89 (二)延續臨濟法脈 93 四、重視僧人教育與弘傳禪法 95 (一)佛教協會任職 95 (二)重視僧人教育 96 (三)弘傳禪法 97 五、加強與中外佛教文化交流 98 (一)與國內僧界交流 98 (二)與國外佛教界交流 99
ISSN | 25196111 (P) |
ヒット数 | 228 |
作成日 | 2022.04.12 |
更新日期 | 2022.04.12 |

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