從「虛空粉碎」論聖嚴禪法與泰國森林傳統的「開悟經驗」=A discussion on the Enlightening Experience of Sheng Yen's Chan and Thai Forest Meditation Tradition, in term of "The Space Shattering" |
著者 |
釋覺心 (著)=Shi, Jue-xin (au.)
掲載誌 |
正觀雜誌=Satyabhisamaya: A Buddhist Studies Quarterly
巻号 | n.100 |
出版年月日 | 2022.03.25 |
ページ | 5 - 61 |
出版者 | 正觀雜誌社 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 南投縣, 臺灣 [Nantou hsien, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 法鼓文理學院佛教學系博士候選人 |
キーワード | 虛空粉碎=The Space Shattering; 聖嚴禪法=Sheng Yen's Chen Teaching; 泰國森林傳統=Thai Forest Meditation; 開悟=Enlightenment; 明心見性=Understand the Mind and See the Nature |
抄録 | 「開悟」,或被稱為「明心見性」,可說是每一位修行者希望達到的最終目標。可惜的是,中國歷來的禪宗祖師似乎未曾給予「開悟」明確的定義或說明。相對而言,「明心見性」在天台文獻中則有相當清楚的解釋,後人不得不依之了解「開悟」的相關問題。儘管如此,筆者發現聖嚴法師(1931-2009)是一個特別的例子。其特別之處有二: (一)身為中華禪法鼓宗的創立者,他與過去的禪宗祖師不同,對於「開悟」提出了詳盡的解釋;(二)其解釋並非借用天台的概念,而是直從禪宗所重視的「悟境」切入。聖嚴法師將「悟境」細分為幾個層次,並認為只有其中的「虛空粉碎」才稱得上「見性開悟」。問題是「虛空粉碎」所指為何? 本文考其源流,並釐清聖嚴法師獨到的解釋。另外,筆者發現在當代泰國森林傳統中,亦有禪師採用類似「虛空粉碎」之語來描述自己的開悟經驗者。這就形成了另一個問題: 漢傳佛教的聖嚴禪法(注重頓悟),與上座部佛教的泰國森林禪修傳統(注重漸修),何以對「開悟」的描繪有相似的用語? 兩者所指涉的意涵是否相同? 本文嘗試釐清泰國森林傳統的禪師對於「虛空粉碎」的解釋,並將之與聖嚴法師的觀點作一概括性的比較,釐清兩者的異同。
"Enlightenment", should be the ultimate goal of every practitioner in Buddhism. However, it seems that the Chinese Chan patriarchs have never given a clear definition and explanation of "Enlightenment". On the other hand, Tien-tai School has very clear explanation for it. Nevertheless, I found that Master Sheng Yen (1931-2009) is a special example. There are two special point: (1) as the founder of Chinese Chan Dharma Drum sect, different from the other Chan masters in the past, Master Sheng Yen put forward a detailed explanation of "Enlightenment";(2)His explanation to. Master Sheng Yen subdivided the "state of enlightenment" into several levels, and among them, he used the highest state called "the space shattering"(虛空粉碎) to express the real "enlightenment". This leads me to the question: what does "the space shattering" refer to? In this article, I would examine further its origins and application, and try to clarify master Sheng Yen's explanation. In addition, in contemporary Thai forest tradition, there are also meditation teachers using terminology similar to "the space shattering" to describe their enlightening experience. This leads to another question: why are Sheng Yen's Chan teaching of Chinese Buddhism (emphasis on sudden enlightenment) and the Thai forest meditation tradition of similar term for "enlightenment"? Could it be said that "different routes lead to the same goal"? This paper attempts to clarify the interpretation of "the space shattering" by the meditation teachers under Thai forest tradition, and make a general comparison with Master Sheng Yen's view, in order to clarify their similarities and differences. |
目次 | 一、前言 7 二、虛空粉碎:聖嚴禪法中的「開悟經驗」11 (一)「禪宗」與「天台」在聖嚴禪法中的定位 11 (二)「理論」與「經驗」並重:聖嚴法師對「開悟」的判準 17 (三)「虛空粉碎」才是真正的悟境 23 (四)「虛空」與「虛空粉碎」之意涵 25 (五) 粉碎「虛空」的方法 30 (六)「虛空粉碎」與解脫的關係 32 三、爆炸:泰國森林禪修傳統中的「開悟經驗」 36 (一) 泰國森林禪修傳統的背景 36 (二)「爆炸經驗」的例子 39 (三)「爆炸經驗」發生的原理--阿姜梵的解釋 44 (四) 對待「爆炸經驗」的態度 49 四、結論 51 |
ISSN | 16099575 (P) |
ヒット数 | 790 |
作成日 | 2022.04.22 |
更新日期 | 2022.08.11 |

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