性徹与延壽禪學思想之异同=Toi’ong Songchol and Yongming Yanshou: A Comparative Study |
著者 |
魏道儒 (著)=Wei, Dao-ru (au.)
掲載誌 |
선학=禪學=Journal of Seon Studies
巻号 | v.45 n.0 |
出版年月日 | 2016.12.30 |
ページ | 83 - 94 |
出版者 | 韓國禪學會 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | Korea [韓國] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 著者所屬:中國社會科學院世界宗敎硏究所敎授 |
キーワード | 性徹=Songchol; 《禪門正路》=The Right Path to Seon; 延壽=Yanshou; 《宗鏡彔》=Zong jing lu |
抄録 | 本文依据《宗鏡彔》和《禪門正路》簡略分析退翁性徹和永明延壽禪學思想的异同。 性徹重視和堅持“見性明心”禪宗根本原則, 在解釋什么是“見性”, “見性”与“成佛”、 “明心”、 “无心”、 “頓悟”等關系方面, 継承了延壽的思想。 性徹倡導通過參究公案來“見性明心”, 倡導頓悟頓修, 這些是与延壽思想的主要不同之處。 從整体佛敎思想方面考察, 延壽主張用禪宗“心”學融攝所有敎門理論和實踐, 倡導全面接受佛敎遺産;性徹主張突出禪宗的理論和實踐特色, 倡導有選擇地接受佛敎遺産。
This essay made a brief comparative study between Toi’ong Songchol and Yongming Yanshou based on the texts of The Right Path to Seon (禪門正路) and Zong jing lu (宗鏡錄). Songchol laid great emphasis to the fundamental principle of the Chan tradition, “enlightenment on attaining insight into true nature”. He inherited the legacy of Yanshou in interpreting terms like “insight into true nature”, the interrelationship between “insight into true nature” and “attainment of Buddhahood”, and the interrelationship between “enlightenment of the mind”, “mindlessness”, and “sudden enlightenment”. Songchol’s major disparity from Yanshou lies with his theory of sudden enlightenment and sudden cultivation, and that he deemed the kongan practice essential for “enlightenment on attaining insight into true nature”. From the vantage of their overall Buddhist philosophies, Yanshou insisted an integrative inheritance of all Buddhist legacies, encompassing various theories and practices of Buddhist schools under the mind theory of Chan; while Songchol preferred a selective inheritance of Buddhist legacies and highlighted the theories and practices that are uniquely Chan.
目次 | 內容提要 83 一,《宗鏡彔》的特点与性徹的看法 84 二, 性徹与延壽禪學思想异同 88 三, 結語 91 參考文獻 92 |
ISSN | 15980588 (P) |
ヒット数 | 178 |
作成日 | 2022.05.24 |
更新日期 | 2022.05.24 |

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