弘一大師律學之研究=A Study On Master Hong-Yi’s Vinaya |
著者 |
林忱薇 (著)=Lin, Chen-wei (au.)
出版年月日 | 2016 |
ページ | 115 |
出版者 | 國立臺南大學國語文學系碩士班 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 臺南市, 臺灣 [Tainan shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
学位 | 修士 |
学校 | 國立臺南大學 |
学部・学科名 | 國語文學系碩士班 |
指導教官 | 邱敏捷=Chiou, Min-jie |
卒業年 | 104 |
キーワード | 弘一=Li Shutong; 四分律=Hong-Yi; 南山律=Dharmagupta Vinaya; 律學=Nanshan Lu; 李叔同=Vinaya |
抄録 | 弘一大師乃民初四大高僧之一,出家之始便潛心研究戒律,並竭力著述、講學,以奉持及弘揚南山律、重振佛教為畢生職志。南山律為中國律學之骨幹,乃唐代道宣律師所弘,然傳至明清之際,中土已不得見唐宋律學撰述之全貌,直至清光緒末年,乃自日本請還唐宋諸家律書之一部份,弘一大師為重振當時佛教律學,精心整理《四分律比丘戒相表記》、《南山律在家備覽略編》,及其他律學相關資料,被尊為南山律宗第十一代祖師,在中國佛教律學史上,有其承先啟後的關鍵地位。 本論文研究以《南山律在家備覽略編》為研究重心,該書乃弘一大師自浩瀚的南山宗律書,摭挈在家居士所應學之部分,編輯註解而成,並於各篇章製作科判,使其深入淺出,令有心受戒者能清楚「戒法、戒體、戒行、戒相」及「持犯輕重」之內涵,並辨別實法宗、假名宗、圓教宗所判之戒體,勸發學者以上品心(即大菩薩心)受持戒律;該書卷末特立〈出家宗致〉一門,表明此書所錄宗體可作為出家之基礎課程。弘一大師致力於律學的弘傳,正是發上品心、利益眾生、護持正法的作為。
Master Hong Yi was one of the four greatest Buddhist monks in the early years of the Republic. He devoted himself to precepts since becoming a Buddhist monk. Carrying forward Nanshan Lu(南山律) and reviving Buddhism were Master’s lifelong ambition. Nanshan Lu was the body of China monastic disciplines glorified by Tang Dynasty Master Daoxuan. However, people could hardly see the whole picture of the disciplines until a copy of the full Nanshan Lu was requested from Japan in the last years of Qing Dynasty. Venerable Hong Yi elaborately compiled A Graphical Explanation of the Bhikhhu’s Precepts in the Dharmagupta Vinaya(四分律比丘戒相表記), Zai Jia Lv Yao (Buddhist precepts at home) (南山律在家備覽略編) and the writings related to precepts which leaded him to be honored as the eleventh patriarch of Nanshan Vinaya School(南山律宗). He was also viewed as a pivotal role in continuing China Buddhist precepts. The research was focused on the work , Zai Jia Lv Yao (Buddhist precepts at home) ,which Venerable Hong Yi collected a variety of Nanshan Lu works and specified the disciplines for laymen to follow. The outline of each chapter made the difficult lessons easy to learn from which people who intended practicing Vinaya-disciplines can easily comprehend the precepts(戒法), precept substance(戒體),precept behavior(戒行) ,precept performance(戒相) and the extent of abidance and violation of commandments (持犯輕重)。The work also helped to differentiate the precept substance(戒體) judged by Shifa School(實法宗), Jiaming School (假名宗) and Yuanjiao School圓教宗; it also exhorted people to keep the commandments with their greatest thoughts. Reminder for Buddhist monks to-be(出家宗致)was listed in the last part of the writing which made known this work could serve as the fundamental lessons for the Buddhist monks to-be. Master Hong Yi’s engagement of expanding Vinaya disciplines was exactly the practice of showing kindness to human beings and guarding Buddhist teachings. |
目次 | 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 文獻探討 4 一、弘一大師著作 5 二、近人研究成果 6 第二章 弘一大師與佛教 13 第一節 民初佛教概況 13 第二節 出家前之李叔同 18 第三節 出家後之弘一大師 23 第四節 弘一大師學佛取向 25 第三章 弘一大師與律學 30 第一節 中國律學之發展 30 第二節 弘一大師對律學的重視 31 第三節 弘一大師與南山律 43 第四節 弘一大師的律學著作 50 第四章《南山律在家備覽略編》思想探究 56 第一節 《南山律在家備覽略編》概述 56 第二節 戒乃聖道本基 76 第三節 辨別戒體 86 第四節 毗尼即大乘學 98 第五章 結論 105 參考文獻 108
ヒット数 | 328 |
作成日 | 2022.06.06 |
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