印順與談錫永對《辨法法性論》詮釋的比較研究=The Comparative Studies between Yin Shun's and Tan Sion's Interpretations on “Dharmadharmatavibhanga” |
著者 |
陳致諭 (著)=Chen, Chih-yu (au.)
出版年月日 | 2014 |
ページ | 157 |
出版者 | 華梵大學 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
学位 | 修士 |
学校 | 華梵大學 |
学部・学科名 | 東方人文思想研究所 |
指導教官 | 黃英傑=Huang, Ying-chieh |
卒業年 | 102 |
キーワード | 辨法法性論=Dharmadharmatavibhanga; 大中觀=Great Madhyamaka; 唯識=Vijñānavāda; 印順法師=Yin Sun Mastre; 談錫永=Tan Sion |
抄録 | 《辨法法性論》為「彌勒五論」之一,相傳作者為彌勒,此論在漢地與藏地有很多的差異點,藏傳佛教多數宗派將此論列為必學的論典之一,有一定的重視程度,而在漢地卻一直到1936年才由法尊法師根據藏文翻譯成漢文,自古以來,《辨法法性論》在漢地是缺席的,法尊法師漢譯後,對此論加以詮釋者有太虛大師、印順法師、談錫永…等;在這些漢文詮釋中,又凸顯出漢藏兩地對《辨法法性論》之理解與主張有所不同,漢地的太虛大師與印順法師都主張此論是唯識論典;而在藏地,主張此論為中觀、唯識、如來藏者,皆各有其支持的學者,其中學者談錫永根據寧瑪派米滂釋論,主張此論應屬於寧瑪派大中觀見地,而大中觀實為如來藏思想。兩者形成唯識與大中觀鮮明強烈的歧異,本論文即著眼於漢藏兩地對於此論的不同主張,而對印順法師之《辨法法性論講記》與談錫永之《辨法法性論──世親釋論》的差異進行比較研究。 在第一章中說明問題意識,以及針對現有的藏文、漢文譯本及相關文獻作一番整理,以了解學界的研究現況。在第二章中交代《辨法法性論》的源流,並對此論一直在漢地缺席的原因與此論作者的爭議作梳理與探討,並略述此論之內容大要。在第三章中,由於談錫永主張《辨法法性論》的見地與寧瑪派大中觀見地相同,然而他卻未在詮解時對大中觀作深入說明,故本章從談錫永的其他著作梳理其大中觀思想,以便對其主張有更進一步了解與掌握,外對寧瑪派之源流與傳承亦略作交代。另一方面,略述唯識思想的源流與其重要之代表思想,並探討印順法師的唯識思想立場與其思想轉折的過程,再對照印順法師的詮釋,以確立其對《辨法法性論》判分的根據與立場。第四章對印順法師與談錫永的詮釋作具體的分析比對,以了解兩人在截然不同的學思背景下,所提出的主張與詮釋有哪些差異。第五章結論。
Dharmadharmatavibhanga is one of Maitreya’s five perspectives and it is said that was written by Maitreya. It shows apparently differences in China and Tibet. The theory is so important that most Tibetan Buddhism religious sects take it as one of the obligatory theory. However, in China, it’s not been translated from Chinese to Tibetan by Fa Zun Maste until 1936. After Fa Zun Maste translated Dharmadharmatavibhanga, other interpreters such as Taixu Maste, Yin Shun Maste, and Tan Sion started to have their own interpretations on it. It shows apparently differences about the comprehension and propositon between China and Tibet in those Chinese interpretations on Dharmadharmatavibhanga. In China, Taixu Maste and Yin Shun Maste think the theory as Vijñānavāda. However, in Tibet, the scholars have different concepts such as Madhyamika, Vijñānavāda and Tathagata-garbha.Tan Sion, one of those scholars, who claims the theory as Tathagata-garbha view of the Rnying-ma-ba and Tathagata-garbha concept as Tathagata-garbha ideology according to the interpretaion of Rnying-ma-ba. It shows apparently differences in the two concepts of Vijñānavāda and Great Madhyamaka. The study focuses on the different claims in the theory between China and Tibet, and also do comparative study between Yin Shun's and Tan Sion's Interpretations on 「Dharmadharmatavibhanga」 In Chapter 1, to comprehend the academic circumstance, the study describes the conscious of problems, the origin of Dharmadharmatavibhanga, the discussions of the theory absent reasons in China, the review of the author’s contension, and arranges the existing Tibetan and Chinese translation and related literature. In Chapter 2, for the reason of the lackness of Tan Sion’s inpretation in Great Madhyamaka, the study arranges the Great Madhyamaka from Tan Sion’s other literature so that to do further interpretation and understanding. In the other hand, it also describes the resources and the inheritance of Rnying-ma-ba. In Chapter 3, the study describes the resources and the important primary thought of Vijñānavāda. It also investigates Yin Shun Maste’s Vijñānavāda thought standpoint and the process of the thought transition. Moreover, comparing with Yin Shun Maste’s intrepretation, the study establishes the foundation and standpoint from the Dharmadharmatavibhanga. In Chapter 4, to comprehend the differences of the viewpoints and inpretations from Yin Sun Mastre and Tan Sion, the study makes the analysis analyze and comparison on Yin Shun Maste’s and Tan Sion’s inpretations. In the last chapter, the study makes simple conclusions and suggestions.
目次 | 中文摘要 I Abstract II 目錄 III 表目錄 IV 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機、研究範圍 1 第二節 相關文獻回顧 3 第三節 研究目的、研究方法與進路 6 第二章 《辨法法性論》的歷史背景與內容 8 第一節 《辨法法性論》的歷史背景 8 第二節 《辨法法性論》的內容簡述 12 第三節 《辨法法性論》兩種科判的比較 24 第三章 印順法師與談錫永詮釋《辨法法性論》所關涉的思想 28 第一節 談錫永詮釋《辨法法性論》所關涉的大中觀思想 28 第二節 印順法師詮釋《辨法法性論》所關涉的唯識思想 66 第三節 《辨法法性論》關涉思想中幾個爭議點之評述 103 第四章 印順法師《辨法法性論講記》與談錫永《辨法法性論─世親釋論》之比較 106 第一節 名相解釋的差異比較 106 第二節 見地的差異比較 121 第三節 其他差異的比較 136 第五章 結論 145 第一節 研究成果 145 第二節 反省檢討與未來的展望 150 參考文獻 152
ヒット数 | 345 |
作成日 | 2022.06.06 |
更新日期 | 2023.01.18 |
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