

從成人到成神:明代吳鵬的生平事蹟與修行轉昇研究=From Manhood to Becoming a Deity: A Study on Wu Peng's Life And His Taoist Practice to Godhood-Promotion in the Ming Dynasty
著者 陳昱甫 (著)=Chen, Yu-fu (au.)
出版サイト https://www.ntnu.edu.tw/
出版地臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan]
資料の種類博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
指導教官謝聰輝=Hsieh, Tsung-hui
キーワード吳鵬=Wu Peng; 瑜珈法教=Tantric yoga; 神譜=Theogony; 出身修行=Biography and Practice; 成神之道=Paths of becoming gods


The topic of doctoral thesis focused on From Manhood to Becoming a Deity: A Study on Wu Peng's Life and His Practice to Godhood-Promotion in the Ming Dynasty.Through the way of collection, comparison and textual research to find the historical documents such as Chronicles(“Wu taizao gong nianpu” 《吳太宰公年譜》), anthology (“Feihong ting ji” 《飛鴻亭集》) and """"Siku Quanshu""""(《四庫全書》) and local chronicles, supplemented with data from field surveys in the Minzhong area of Fujian, this article studied how Wu Peng, the civil official in the Ming Dynasty, learned from the developed way of manhood to becoming a perfect deity. What the key points of the subjective conditions were his Life story, official career, network of relationships, miraculous experience, and the other of the objective conditions were historical context in the Ming dynasty, social background, and influence of Taoism and Buddhism in Jiangnan area. Therefore the elite community in Jiangnan area and disciples of Tantric yoga agree with Wu Peng’s Taoist practice and contribution that they regarded him as a preach founder in the theogony of Tantric yoga.
This doctoral thesis was divided into preface, the other five parts and conclusions. In the chapter two and three, it was focused on Wu Peng’s biography (“Wupeng Liezhuan”〈吳鵬列傳〉) and his family history, youthhood change, and career experience, and then expanded to social relations networks such as kinship, geography, and career. It was solved to the problem that historical materials to Wu Peng had biased evaluation, and the doubt why historical documents did not include """"Wu Peng Biography"""" in the manuscript of Ming history (“Mingshi gao”《明史稿》) . The reason was discovered that the party disputes in the late Ming Dynasty were quite fierce and the problems of the editors in the manuscript of Ming history led to the unfair points of reading the historical documents of the Ming Dynasty. Through a variety of perspectives, the standard for the interpretation of historical documents was constructed in this article, and then it went deep into the other chapters. Chapters four and five focused on one’s status that Wu Peng had from manhood to becoming a deity in some subjective and objective conditions. The first is to relieve hunger, manage rivers, and resist rebellion, which his heroic deeds in accordance with the standards of the """"Book of Rites"""" that protect the people from harm and became an alive deity at the shrine. The second is to have extraordinary background and practice, as well as his enlightenment from many miraculous experiences that made him to reveal practical diligence and unremitting practice. He set up a sacred field Jiqing altar, which he was under the fairy old man’s teachings in Wanlungu (萬崙谷), and his contribution to spread the thought of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism classics. In addition, from the origins of Zen Master Yungu (雲谷禪師), he can be respected as the patriarch of Tantric yoga, Wu Gong Dazai (吳公
目次第壹章、緒論 1
第一節、研究義界與動機 1
(一)研究義界 1
(二)研究動機 2
(三)主要運用的文獻與抄本資料 2
第二節、前人研究析論 4
(一)吳鵬的研究 4
(二)瑜珈法教的研究 4
(三)從成人到成神研究 6
(四)明代的相關研究 7
第三節、問題意識 11
(一)彈劾案與〈吳鵬列傳〉刪訂的相關課題 11
(二)吳鵬功烈於民到位列生祠的相關考察 11
(三)出身修行與神異經驗的相關問題 12
(四)瑜珈法教在明代演變與傳播的背景與相關討論 12
(五)吳鵬在師承關係上的相關考釋 12
第四節、研究理論與方法的運用 12
(一)研究理論的運用 12
(二)研究方法的運用 15
第五節、章節架構與各章重點 16

第貳章、吳鵬的家世淵源與仕途經歷 19
第一節、吳鵬的生平與家庭環境概述 20
(一)書香世家的成長環境 20
(二)生平重要事蹟概述 21
(三)胞弟吳鶴對吳鵬的影響 23
第二節、吳鵬考取進士前的經歷(1500-1523) 25
(一)顯露聰穎早慧、經略四方的特質(1500-1515) 25
(二)從博士弟子員到考取進士(1516-1523) 27
第三節、仕途歷練為百官中第一人──陞任天官冢宰 29
(一)吳鵬位居吏部尚書之前的仕途經歷 29
(二)吳鵬被廷推為吏部尚書 32
(三)明.嘉靖三十五年(1556)三月,就任吏部尚書 36
第四節、結語 42

第參章、吳鵬的社會關係網絡及其評價 45
第一節、家族聯姻拓展江南的名望 46
(一)吳鵬的家族世系 46
(二)吳鵬的家族聯姻 49
第二節、吳鵬在地方的良好互動與評價 51
(一)嘉興族黨、鄰里間的互動關係 52
(二)嘉興牌坊、碑記具顯文化與宗教意義 54
(三)獲得前賢與仕紳們的肯定 57
(四)遊歷名山勝地蘊含宗教情致 60
第三節、〈吳鵬列傳〉與相關品評的商榷 65
(一)〈行狀〉、〈墓誌銘〉與〈傳〉的讚揚 65
(二)《明史》編修導致〈吳鵬列傳〉的散佚 68
(三)萬斯同《明史稿》內〈吳鵬列傳〉之價值 70
第四節、結語 72

第肆章、功烈於民的祠廟神──賑饑、治河與禦叛 75
第一節、吳鵬的仕宦勳業總評 76
第二節、奉敕賑饑和抵禦賊寇 77
(一)吳鵬奉敕賑濟徐、邳十七州縣的始末 77
(二)吳鵬奉敕賑濟期間──奉敕視察河道的相關奏疏 80
(三)《飛鴻亭集》奉敕賑濟的相關記載討論 82
(四)抵禦賊寇,保衛皇陵 86
(五)《飛鴻亭集》對於抵禦賊寇的相關析論 89
第三節、成人之道的完滿轉昇為祠廟神──大德祠 90
(一)「大德祠」興建的緣由 90
(二)大德祠的呈請程序、社會功能 91
(三)沛縣人民對於「大德祠」的態度 93
(四)吳鵬事竣還朝與致仕歷沛的記載討論 96
(五)《飛鴻亭集》對於沛縣人民的記載分析 98
第四節、結語 99

第伍章、吳鵬的非常出身與修行 101
第一節、吳鵬的出身敘述 102
(一)非常的出身──上元天官大帝 102
(二)明代上元天官大帝的思想 103
第二節、宗教、功行與神異的啟迪 105
(一)晚明扶乩召仙的盛行 105
(二)運乩召仙結社 108
(三)吳鵬師承萬崙谷仙翁 110
(四)神異經驗與事蹟的意涵 114
第三節、致仕歸鄉、精進修行 122
(一)晚年娛老、修行的場所野樂園 122
(二)退隱後的修行事蹟分析 123
(三)道教修煉的嚮往──龍沙讖 130
第四節、結語 132

第陸章、瑜珈法教神譜的發展、轉變與傳播 135
第一節、瑜珈法教與神譜的發展 136
(一)瑜珈法教的意涵 136
(二)瑜珈法教神譜的演變 139
第二節、傳法祖師的組合分析 141
(一)抄本內傳法祖師的組合 142
(二)嵩、吳祖師連請之意旨 144
第三節、瑜珈法教傳播的背景與因素 149
(一)晚明的變革與吳鵬的威望 149
(二)浙江到福建的信仰傳播渠道 151
(三)明清鼎革之際軍民遷移至閩中 153
第四節、結語 155

第柒章、結論 163

參考文獻 171
附錄 195

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