元代禪淨合一思想探析=An Inquiry of Yuan Dynasty Zen-Pureland Syncretistic Thinking |
著者 |
吳孟謙 (著)
掲載誌 |
2021 第八屆漢傳佛教與聖嚴思想國際學術研討會
出版年月日 | 2021.06.29 |
出版者 | 財團法人聖嚴教育基金會 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 臺北, 臺灣 [Taipei, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 會議論文=Proceeding Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
キーワード | 元代=Yuan Dynasty; 禪宗=Zen Buddhism; 禪淨四料簡=Chan-Jing Siliaojian (Four Permutations); 禪淨合一=Zen-Pureland Syncretism; 參究念佛=Canjiu Nianfo (Zen Meditation by Way of Reciting the Buddha’s Name) |
抄録 | 元代以後,禪宗的發展轉向禪淨雙修,禪的純粹性下滑,過去研究者往往以此判定元以後為禪宗衰微的時代,其受研究者關注的程度,也遠不及中古時期。然而,若暫且不從「純粹與否」來進行價值判斷,而是從思想史的演變加以觀照的話,禪淨雙修傾向的發生,恰恰顯示著禪淨關係是中國近世佛教思想史(特別是元以後的佛教史)不可忽略的重要課題。本文從元代以來〈禪淨四料簡〉的流行、禪淨合一的具體內涵、「參究念佛」工夫的源流等幾個面向,對元代的禪淨關係進行梳理,希望對此課題有一較全面而扼要的觀照。
It is a known trend that Zen Buddhism in China started getting mixed with Pureland elements since the Yuan dynasty. Researchers have depicted such trend as a decline in Zen thinking in the sense that Zen has gotten less pure. Rather than making evaluations based on “purity”, however, it is germane to adopt a historical perspective and inquire how Zen- Pureland syncretistic thinking came about, focusing on the affinity between Zen and Pureland thought and its interactions through the Yuan dynasty.
This essay would touch on the following issues: the advent and popularization of the Choices Between Four Permutations of Zen and Pureland Practices (Chan-Jing Siliaojian), a document attributed to the Song dynasty Zen Master Yongming Yanshou 永明延壽 that preaches the importance of Pureland practice in combination with Zen, by the Yuan dynasty Zen Masters Zhongfeng Mingben 中峰明本 (1263-1323) and his disciple Tianru Weize 天如唯則 (1286-1354); and, through an analysis of their thought and practices, define the actual meaning of Zen-Pureland syncretism 禪淨合一 in historical context. I will highlight the subtle difference between practicing Zen and Pureland teachings unanimously 一致 and in tandem 兼修 and point to two diverse interpretations of the saying “Amitabha is our innate nature; Pureland resides in our minds” 自性彌陀,唯心淨土. The new practice of Zen meditation by way of reciting the Buddha’s name 參究念佛 is essentially an improvised form of Kanhuachan 看話禪, a distinctive tradition of the Linji 臨濟 sect, which integrates Pureland thinking with Zen praxis. The formation and development of this practice has been well documented by academic research.
Zen, being the mainstream of Chinese Buddhism, necessarily interacts with different thoughts throughout the course of history to produce myriad changes in form and practice. Therefore, we must not merely focus on the genealogy and debates within the Zen sect itself, but should also be aware of how different teachings interact and affect one another. Only then can we “realize the inexhaustible great use of Zen teachings” 見出禪法的無盡大用, as explicated by Master Sheng Yen in the preface of his Chanmen Lizhu Ji《禪門驪珠集》.
ヒット数 | 1029 |
作成日 | 2022.06.13 |
更新日期 | 2022.06.13 |

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