脈絡化與再脈絡化:聖嚴法師於華嚴與如來藏思想之現代詮釋與教學=Contextualization and Re-contextualization: On Master Sheng Yen’s Hermeneutics and Pedagogy on and Huayan and Tathāgatagarbha Thoughts |
著者 |
鄧偉仁 (著)=Teng, Wei-jen (au.)
掲載誌 |
2021 第八屆漢傳佛教與聖嚴思想國際學術研討會
出版年月日 | 2021.06.30 |
出版者 | 財團法人聖嚴教育基金會 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 臺北, 臺灣 [Taipei, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 會議論文=Proceeding Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
キーワード | 聖嚴=Sheng Yen; 華嚴=Huayan; 如來藏=Tathāgatagarbha; 佛教現代主義=Buddhist Modernism; 禪修教學=Meditation Teaching |
抄録 | 本文旨在對聖嚴法師的「華嚴」與「如來藏」思想的探究與論述將一、分析二個理論面向;二、置於三個重要的「脈絡」來呈現其意義。我們將分析法師「華嚴」與「如來藏」思想的「詮釋學」與「哲學」,目的是深入的探究法師思想的詮釋學與哲學特色,使法師思想進入宗教研究的重要課題中參與對話。另外,我們認為聖嚴法師思想的意義可從以下三個重要脈絡體現:一、漢傳佛教思想史、二、佛教修行體系、三、佛教現代主義。從漢傳佛教史來看,法師的華嚴以及如來藏思想未必可以完全置於所謂的「真常唯心」的判教系統,這部分將在杜正民所著《如來寶藏:聖嚴法師的如來藏思想研究》基礎上進一步探究。從修行體系來看,法師華嚴以及如來藏思想的詮釋是作為他進一步開展禪修方法的理論基礎,離開禪修體系與方法,無法正確的理解法師的「教」。最後,作為現代佛教教育推動者以及現代佛教教團的建設者法師的思想必須從現代社會的脈絡來理解。法師的華嚴與如來藏思想的詮釋多少程度是現代性的產物,多少程度是回應現代性帶來的問題?
This paper attempts to bring to light Master Sheng Yen’s interpretation and teachings of Huayan School of thought and the thought of Tathāgatagarbha by recontexualizing them in the modern dissemination of Buddhism. We will analyze Master Sheng Yen’s hermeneutics in his interpretation and bring forward the philosophic significance thereof by situation them in three the frameworks, namely the intellectual history, meditative practice of Chinese Buddhism and in the dialogue of “Buddhist Modernism”. With respect to the intellectual history of Chinese Buddhism, Master Sheng Yen’s interpretation of two school of thoughts cannot be easily placed in the so called “substantial idealism” (borrowing Master Yinshun’s term). In terms of meditative practice, his teachings of Huayan and Tathāgatagarbha constitute in its doctrinal foundation, which in turn inform Master Sheng Yen’s interpretation. Lastly, as a modern Buddhist teacher, educator, and founder of a globally influential Buddhist organization, Master Sheng Yen’s interpretation and teaching should be recontextualized in the “Buddhist Modernism” problematics in order to bring to light the significance of his dissemination of Chinese Buddhism in our modern society.
ヒット数 | 831 |
作成日 | 2022.06.14 |

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