

世親《俱舍論》之「無我」與「業感緣起」思想之探討=The Research “Non-self” and “the result of Action the Continuation” thought in the Vasubandhu’s Abhidharmakośabhāṣya
著者 潘進達 (著)=Phan, Tien-dat (au.)
ページ1 - 121
出版サイト https://website.fgu.edu.tw/
出版地宜蘭縣, 臺灣 [I-lan hsien, Taiwan]
資料の種類博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
キーワード根境識三和合=the root (indriya) and the environment (artha) and the knowledge (vijñāna) of three isharmony; 認識性的無我=Awareness of Anatman; 業果相續=Result of action continued; 思種子無表業=Cetana of seeds Avijnapti; 賴耶緣起=knowledge (ālaya-vijñānapratītya-samutpāda) of the origin; 補特伽羅=self (Pudgala)

When Buddhism appeared, the general theme of Anatman (no self) had been put forward in the existence of the nature of things. In fact, Anatman contains the idea of not recognizing any perpetual or creating the Lord. Consequently, it is really just a kind of cognitive Aggregates (Skandha) to think that the so-called real me (Atman). In the period of the Vasubandhu, he not only firmly maintains the Buddhist tradition of Aggregates of continue that real me (Atman) is absence and is the inheritance of doctrine of Abhidharma thought, Saṃyuktāgama, Madyāmaka-śāstra Theory. Because it reveals the argument about the root, the environment, the knowledge of the three and the combination, and the complete denial of each schools of the ideas of real me (Atman).
However, despite the Anatman (no self) theme advocated by the Buddhist community, but in the face of the big problem of the life and death flow of karma will beget result. As a matter of fact, how people can solve this big problem is a crucial issue. And in contrast to the expat ideas of the immortal soul how different it is another point. Subsequently, throughout the text of the Karma the fourth Chapter IV and Anatman the ninth Chapter IX content, the paper holds that it is not only clear to see the characteristics of the Anatman (no me) rendered by the Vasubandhu relatives, but also to figure out that the doctrine of Abhidharmakośabhāṣya denies the Thetheologicality of Vedic in the ancient Indian religious worlds, the Brahmā-Atman all will remain constantof the Brāhmaṇa and the Upaniṣad school, doctrine of JainaThe constant of Pudgala; The Eternal of the Soul karma theory, do not recognize the real me, self-contained (prakṛti)dualism of the Sāṃkhya and the are all born with me of the Vaiśeṣika school. As for the fierce criticism of the various schools in the Buddhist community, in particular, Sarvastivadin expressed real me (pudgala); Body Vijnapti of karma Theory, Action is the Body Vijnapti of the Sammatīya school, The Body, citta Dualism of the Pudgala of the Vātsīputrīya school and the doctrine of JainaThe Body, citta Dualism viewpoint.
This paper explores the theory of the Abhidharmakośabhāṣya of the Anatman and the result of action the continuation. Based on the existing Chinese translation texts, the paper conducts comparative analysis in order to solve and render the suitability of the two problems and to explain the Vasubandhu intention of making emphasis on the no me trend of thought of this Refutation of the pudgala (Ātmavādapratiṣeddha) the ninth chapter characteristics. Vasubandhu criticized certain schools for the misperceptions of the concept of Atman. It is also the dominant trend of thought of Karma Chapter IV result of action the continuation. Regarding the cetana of seeds Avijnapti as the subject of the continuity of karma is to solve the inseparable relationship between the idea of Anatman and result of action the continuation. Therefore, the relationship between the two extremes merely justifies the so-called rationality of Anatman.
The structure of this paper is divided into s
目次摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 IV
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究方法與範圍 3
一、研究方法 3
二、研究範圍 4
第三節 文獻回顧 4
一、《俱舍論》各版本的考察 4
二、前人的研究成果 9
第二章 印度思想史的「我論」與「業說」 16
第一節 印度婆羅門、耆那教的「我論」思想與「業說」 16
一、婆羅門的「我論」與「業說」教義 16
二、耆那教的「我論」與「業說」教義 24
第二節 初期佛教的「無我觀」與「業感緣起」 28
一、 阿含經中「無我」的觀點。 29
二、 阿含經中「業感緣起」的觀點。 30
第三節 部派佛教的「我論」的思想與「業論」 31
一、 上座部系對於「我論」與「業論」的觀點。 33
(一)說一切有部對於「我論」的觀點 34
(二)說一切有部對於「業論」的觀點 35
二、 大眾部系對於「我論」與「業論」的觀點 36
(一)案達羅四派的「我論」的觀點 37
(二)案達羅四派的「業論」的觀點 38
第三章《俱舍論》無我思想的內容分析 40
第一節《俱舍論》在世親思想中的地位 40
一、 《俱舍論》的造作原由及論書的組成 40
(一) 世親的生活年代與造作《俱舍論》的原由 40
(二) 論書的組成 43
二、《俱舍論》的教義特性及地位 45
第二節《俱舍論•破執我品》思想在《俱舍論》當中的地位 49
一、 〈破執我論〉的特色性則是「無我與業果相續」的內涵 50
(一) 認識的過程 50
(二) 業果相續的立場 52
二、世親評價犢子部、數論派和勝論派的「我」 54
(一)評破犢子學派 54
(二)評破數論學派 58
(三)評破勝論學派 60
第三節「無我」和「解脫」的教義 63
一、認識(現量)和思維推知(比量)的無我 63
二、實踐的解脫 65
第四章《俱舍論》「業感緣起」的思想 68
第一節《俱舍論》「業」的來源即「思種子」理論 68
一、 思種子 68
二、色與心轉變而來(說明色與心識的意義及欲色二界從心生範疇) 72
第二節 「三種業」的觀點 73
一、身、口和意三業 74
二、八種業順現法受業的觀點 77
第三節 無失的立場及生死流轉業感緣起的理論 80
一、 世親業力「無失」的立場 80
二、生死流轉業感緣起思想的發展過程 83
第五章《俱舍論》當中業論思想跟世親後期思想關係 89
第一節 世親一代思想演變的時期 90
第二節 世親依據「種子熏習」轉向大乘唯識思想 92
第六章 結語 96
參考文獻 105

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