《法句經》的「四言偈頌」與「五言偈頌」=The Tetrasyllabic Verses and Pentasyllabic Verses of the Faju Jing (T210) |
著者 |
蘇錦坤 (著)=Su, Ken (au.)
掲載誌 |
福嚴佛學研究=Fuyan Buddhist Studies
巻号 | n.9 |
出版年月日 | 2014.04 |
ページ | 23 - 48 |
出版者 | 福嚴佛學院 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 新竹市, 臺灣 [Hsinchu shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
キーワード | 魏查理=Charles Willimen; 法光法師=Bhikkhu Dhammajoti; 《法句經》初譯與後譯=First and second translations of the Faju jing; 重譯偈頌=Duplicated verses |
抄録 | 《法句經》(T210)先經「初譯」26 品,「後譯」再增加 13 品,編 訂之後成為今本的篇幅。魏查理(Charles Willemen)宣稱:「《法句經》 (T210)之中,譯自巴利《法句經》的偈頌是四言偈頌,譯自梵文《法句 經》的偈頌大都是五言偈頌。」如此,意味著四言偈頌僅出現在「初 譯」,而來自巴利《法句經》,或者至少是非常接近它的版本。 本文從「『四言句』在『核心 26 品』的分布狀況」、「重譯偈頌」、 「偈頌內容」與「引用的偈頌」來論斷,並且作出結論:「偈頌是『四言 句』或『五言句』不能做為判斷此一偈頌出自『初譯』或『後譯』的判斷 標準」。
The Faju jing is composed of two translations. According to the Preface, the first translation is of 26 chapters, while the second one added another 13 chapters to it. As Charles Willemen has claimed: ‘When we look at the form of the verses in F.Ch.(法句經), we see that those translating the Dhp. are tetrasyllabic; Verses from an Uv. are very often pentasyllabic.’ Thus it implied that tetrasyllabic verses would be translated simply in the first translation which is heavily related to the Pāli Dhammapada, or at least a recension very close to it. This article explores this topic from perspectives such as ‘the location of tetrasyllabic verses’, ‘the duplicated verses’, ‘content of a verse in the core 26 chapters’, and ‘verse transplanted from the other translation’. The conclusion of this article is: ‘it might not be appropriate to tell a verse is translated in the first or second translation simply by being tetrasyllabic or me words in T210 are either unclear or pentasyllabic.
目次 | 一、前言 24 二、「初譯」與「後譯」 26 三、「四言句」偈頌與「核心 26 品」 28 四、重譯偈頌 29 五、以偈頌內容判斷 38 六、引用的偈頌 40 七、結語 43 八、謝詞 44 |
ISSN | 20700512 (P) |
ヒット数 | 439 |
作成日 | 2022.07.27 |
更新日期 | 2022.07.27 |

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