

원효 『판비량론』의 발굴과 연구사 고찰=From Discovery to Recent Studies on Wonhyo's P'anpiryangnon
著者 김천학 (著)=Kim, Cheon-hak (au.)
掲載誌 불교학보=佛教學報
巻号v.89 n.0
ページ9 - 29
出版者동국대학교 불교문화연구원=Institute for Buddhist Culture
出版サイト https://abc.dongguk.edu/kbri/
出版地Korea [韓國]
資料の種類期刊論文=Journal Article
ノート저자정보: 동국대학교 HK교수
キーワード원효=Wonhyo; 『판비량론』=P'anpiryangnon; 단간; 각필; 고필수감; 후키하라쇼신=HukiharaShoshin; Tojigire; 고바야시요시노리=Kobayashi Yoshinori; Tekagami; Kōbō-Daishi
抄録본고는 1912년 원효의 본격적인 불교논리학 저서인 『판비량론』이 일본에서 발굴된 이후 부터 2018년까지 일본과 한국에서 연구된『판비량론』관련 논문을 조사하고, 조사결과를 정리한 것이다. 원효의 『판비량론』은 1912년 『서원(書苑)』에 『판비량론』의 회향게와 발문이 소개된 것을 출현의 시초로 한다. 그리고 현재 『판비량론』의 가장 긴단간은 오오타니(大谷)대학에 소장되어 있다. 이것은 『우발라실총서』제1권에 실려있으며, 후키하라 쇼신(富貴原章信)의 연구인 『판비량론 연구』가 실려있다. 후키하라 연구는『판비량론』의 문헌학적 및 사상적 연구이며, 원효의 『판비량론』에 대한 학술적 관심을 촉발시켰다는 점에서 의의가 크다. 한편, 2002년 고바야시 요시노리(小林芳規)의 보고를 통해 오타니대학 소장 원효의 『판비량론』에 각필의 존재가 알려지면서 국어학적 연구가 촉발되었다. 한국에서는 2003년 김성철의 연구를 빼놓을 수 없다. 이 연구는 그간의 연구를 일신하는 의미를 지닌다. 이후 『판비량론』의 단간이 고서점(2005년) 혹은 미술관(2017년), 개인장(2017년) 등의 단간 및 고필수감 형태로 출현하고, 이에 대해서 일본과 한국에서 관심이 증폭되면서 최근에 연구가 재점화되었다. 향후 더 많은 단간의 출현을 기대한다.

Dedication verses in the opening part for questions from Wonhyo's P'anpiryangnon were introduced first in a journal named the Shoon (書苑) in Meiji 45 (1912). Fragments of the P'anpiryangnon in the Otani University Collection was discovered by Kanda Hisanobu (神田 久信, 1854-1918)around Meiji 20 (1887). His grandson, Kanda Kiichiro (神田喜一郎, 1897-1984) inherited it. Afterwards, the fragments were studied by Hukihara Shoshin (富貴原 章信). His work is regarded as significant in a way that it was the initial study on the P'anpiryangnon and formed a fundamental foundation of the bibliographical, philological, and philosophical research on the P'anpiryangnon in Japan and Korea. Furthermore, in April 2002, Kobayashi Yoshinori (小林芳規) reported that the Otani manuscript of the P'anpiryangnong had faded marks of marginal notes written in the Shilla language.
The initial study on the P'anpiryangnon by Hukihara Shoshin at 1967 shows several important findings. The first remark is the seal of Naikeshiin 「(內家私印)」 which is closely connected to Empress Kōmyō (光明皇后, 701-760), was stamped to the back of the paper in the overlapped part of the second and the third sheets. Secondly, although the P'anpiryangnon presumably consists of twenty-five sheets containing forty-four sections, only three sheets containing one hundred and five lines are extant. The surviving parts are eight sections, from the seventh to the fourteenth, and dedication verses in the opening part for questions.
For the sake of understanding of Wonhyo's P'anpiryangnon, Hukihara Shoshin provided a preparation stage for the interpretation of the P'anpiryangnon by explaining the theoretical background in Shilla dynasty when Wonhyo flourished and issues of Buddhist logic in regard with Consciousness-only inference (唯識比量). Meanwhile, Shoshin introduced another fragment which consists of eleven lines in the Sakai Ukichi (酒井宇吉) collection in 1969. Therefore, we can say that most of the later studies on the P'anpiryangnon are complements or reinterpretations of Shohin’s works. Afterwards, Miyazaki Kenji (宮崎健司) re-examined previous bibliographic studies in his article. His new arguments are as follows. He assumes that the date that Naikeshiin (內家私印) seal was stamped between the lifetime of Empress Kōmyō’s life and her death. He raises the possibility that the P'anpiryangnon was transcribed and transmitted by a Korean monk, Shinshō (審祥). He assumed that it would have been transcribed before 733.
The study on the P'anpiryangnong was introduced to Korea by Kim Ji-gyun while he was studying in Japan: it was two years later than that the first study was introduced in Japan. Afterwards, the recent distinct research on the philosophy of the P'anpiryangnon was done by Kim Sung-chul in 2003. He analyses the text by re-examining thoroughly incomplete manuscripts and the Otani manuscript of the P'anpiryangnon. Since then, he has continued to publish several research articles on the P'anpiryangnon. Other than his works, there are few articles which partly discuss each section.
Since the P'anpiryangnon has been transmitted to Japan from the Edo period in the form of handwriting collection which is called Tekagami (手鑑) and through the Tojigire (東寺切) calligraphed by Kōbō-Daishi, it was recently introduced and studied while some fragments and manuscripts were discovered by so
目次I. 서언: 『판비량론』 출현의 경위 11
II. 일본에서의 연구현황 11
III. 한국에서의 연구현황 17
IV. 2016년 이후 새로운 발굴과 신발굴에 근거한 연구 22
V. 향후의 전망 25
ISSN12261386 (P)

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